Jerry in questionable photos with women

Listen, anybody who lives in Dallas and has been out in the party scene, has seen Jerry Jones with several women around him, and I have seen him.

Unfortunate (and disturbing) but all too common with Mr. Jones. Mrs. Jones knows what she has in a husband, though, so I would not feel too bad for her.
I certainly don't agree with what he is doing, but I don't think the NFL can do anything nor should they. This would completely open up pandora's box if an owner is disciplined for extra marital affairs. You would have every gold digging sleeze selling pics that they've taken with the other owners that they've caught in compromising positions.

but in Roger the Good's world, that never should happen
Yea I know right, but I'm sure Mr. Goddell has a few side pieces himself so he'll probably want to leave this one alone.

how true

it is like how the benchers at the law society go after lawyers for all kinds of stuff, but never for that, wouldn't want the tables turned on them
Ok I looked at the source of the pics, it is some conspiracy proselytizing nutter. The guy has a ton of paranoia theory on his twitter. Pretty much seals it for me.
What's the record for pages in a thread? I'm... I'm kind of apprehensive in guessing how many pages this one's going to generate. It's got pazzazz!

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