Jerry in questionable photos with women

If they're real, seems like these had to have been taken several years ago. Jerry's much more decrepit now.

I'm guessing they're fake though. The hands look a little young...the coat doesn't seem to fit quite right...the blank facial expression is seemingly unaware of what's happening around, okay they might be legit.
If he or anyone looks up the source and the document the guy has made against Jerry it is easy to see why.

I really could care less, if hey are real its gonna blow up and the girls will get on all the talk shows, Gloria Alred, etc.

If they aren't real, it will be found out soon enough.
Exactly. A friend of mine was at a restaurant in Inwood Village, waiting for a female that was not his wife. When he went to the bathroom, Jerry came up to his gf and handed him his business card with his personal number on it and said to give him a call if she needed anything. Jerry is known to party with young females who are obviously not his wife. There is nothing fake about the pics at all. If you know Jerry, you know it's just typical of whom he is. His son is like this, too and their wives don't care. Because money talks.

Now what is very weird is the actual story behind this and the guy who posted these.

These pics are actually from 2011.

Money talks and diamonds rule!
Exactly. A friend of mine was at a restaurant in Inwood Village, waiting for a female that was not his wife. When he went to the bathroom, Jerry came up to his gf and handed him his business card with his personal number on it and said to give him a call if she needed anything. Jerry is known to party with young females who are obviously not his wife. There is nothing fake about the pics at all. If you know Jerry, you know it's just typical of whom he is. His son is like this, too and their wives don't care. Because money talks.

Now what is very weird is the actual story behind this and the guy who posted these.

These pics are actually from 2011.

This is a quote from the document he made Are you serious that these are not fakes?


God gave me these photos and I was given a choice. I could sell them and ruin your life in the media,

make millions and tell my story or I could hold them in secret and suffer until I reached you. So, I gave my

own life to save yours. It’s a bold statement and the next statement is even bolder. It may scare you, but

you have to believe in who I am. I know this because I am the Son of God and he sent me to you. Jerry,

you and the Cowboys are the Star we will use to Light My Path. I spent 5 years suffering, losing all my

possessions, giving the rest away to charity and then living poor. I almost lost my mind until God revealed

my true identity. On 7/11/12, 7 days after the God Particle was found in France, I was awoken by God

and told to find you, Mr. Jones, to let the world know that God’s Son has risen. My name is Frank Hoover

and I am the Son of God. The pictures and other information I provide to you as proof of who I am and

why I am here on earth. I am the way, the truth and Jerry, you are my light. I have been sent by God to fix

the problems created during the years leading up to my birth. The removal of Gold as the primary

backing source of value of the US Dollar. There were three gifts in the bible: Gold, Frank (incense) and

Myrrh. The person responsible for your crime is named 24K and born on 8/8/78 (888).

Does the picture of the mirror below look familiar? It’s the mirror that you replaced because you didn’t

like it. My ex-girlfriend bought it on Craigslist while we were dating. When she went to pick it up, the guy
Any chance of pulling a Donald Sterling type heist with these girls. Tape him saying some dumb stuff so he's forced to sell the team.
Is it Thursday night yet, game time....

So what if JJ is out partying with younger women. I'm sure he has people all the time coming up to him, wanting or hoping for something. Somewhat flirtatious, it goes both ways. But it doesn't mean he's having an affair with them either. How many of you went out to parties and you or your wife / girlfriend, or both. LOL. flirted with others, even hugged or whatever with them. took provactive photos even as the party went on, just for fun.
I keep seeing the talk about fakes. Sorry but I haven't even seen the media claim fake because they know its Jerry. He isn't even in 3rd pic of unknown doings....well he might be but just parts. To me he just looks buzzed and enjoying company. While I find it embarrassing, its not uncommon and wont be a ripple in his life except wife saying "watch who has a camera."
Is it Thursday night yet, game time....

So what if JJ is out partying with younger women. I'm sure he has people all the time coming up to him, wanting or hoping for something. Somewhat flirtatious, it goes both ways. But it doesn't mean he's having an affair with them either. How many of you went out to parties and you or your wife / girlfriend, or both. LOL. flirted with others, even hugged or whatever with them. took provactive photos even as the party went on, just for fun.

Groping a young gal's uh chest? Yea he's partying alright. Just for fun.
Anyone who's that ***** in the head would not be able to create the level of perfection needed for those pics to be fake. I'm not really sure anyone could, but definitely not someone so delusional.
I certainly don't agree with what he is doing, but I don't think the NFL can do anything nor should they. This would completely open up pandora's box if an owner is disciplined for extra marital affairs. You would have every gold digging sleeze selling pics that they've taken with the other owners that they've caught in compromising positions.
This goes on more than most of us know, and trust me i know. More than not, people put on a happy face in public. Behind closed doors, a lot of couples are very hostile to each other, and or just ice cold and don't even talk or sleep in the same room. Not saying these photos are accurate or that Jerry is guilty of something, but just letting people know that if you see a guy out with some chic, know that the there are things going on behind closed doors none of us know about.
Anyone who's that ***** in the head would not be able to create the level of perfection needed for those pics to be fake. I'm not really sure anyone could, but definitely not someone so delusional.

Hey if you believe the guy more power to you. The crazyness is at the highest degree there I agree.
This goes on more than most of us know, and trust me i know. More than not, people put on a happy face in public. Behind closed doors, a lot of couples are very hostile to each other, and or just ice cold and don't even talk or sleep in the same room. Not saying these photos are accurate or that Jerry is guilty of something, but just letting people know that if you see a guy out with some chic, know that the there are things going on behind closed doors none of us know about.

Of course, the rich and famous live in a completely different world than the common working man. We only see and care what they can do for our favorite sports team, but the truth is, most of these guys are scumbags off the field.
Hey if you believe the guy the more power to you. The crazyness is at the highest degree there I agree.

If these were the first pics of Jerry drunk with young ladies I'd doubt their authenticity more, since there are lots of them out there it's not a stretch that they are real no matter how crazy the guy who leaked them is.

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