Jerry in questionable photos with women

Thanks. Didn't know the protocol since I've never posted anything like that news so I went with links. Lesson learned.
Lol Jerry Jones is a pimp. I dont think theyre fake. Probably when he was drunk. Who cares tho, I dont. thats his life, and im no angel. None of us are. Dont hate the playa hate the game.:)
mike fisher ‏@fishsports 23m
In answer to u #JerryJones photo ?s: in last 24 yrs I've seen scenes like this 100 times. So, I don't care. Nor does he.
I guess JJ will do anything to distract the media from the horrific defense he's put together. If only this were an offense that would force him to sell.
Listen, anybody who lives in Dallas and has been out in the party scene, has seen Jerry Jones with several women around him, and I have seen him.

Exactly. A friend of mine was at a restaurant in Inwood Village, waiting for a female that was not his wife. When he went to the bathroom, Jerry came up to his gf and handed him his business card with his personal number on it and said to give him a call if she needed anything. Jerry is known to party with young females who are obviously not his wife. There is nothing fake about the pics at all. If you know Jerry, you know it's just typical of whom he is. His son is like this, too and their wives don't care. Because money talks.

Now what is very weird is the actual story behind this and the guy who posted these.

These pics are actually from 2011.

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