Jerry Jones has more leverage than the media and fans think he has


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Let me start by saying I really don't care who is being greedy between the Jones family and the players.

I said months ago I felt like Jerry may be doing a soft-reset of the salary cap to get out from under all of the dead money.

The hints of this have been everywhere because he chose to bring back McCarthy but not extend him despite him only having one year remaining on his current contract.

He could have easily extended Dak and Lamb before the salary cap increased or at least before other players in their respective positions signed new market-setting contracts.

The fact he didn't shows he is prepared to take a hit in 2024 to reset things.

As for leverage, I have read everywhere in the media and from many Cowboys fans how the players have all of the leverage, but this is simply not true.

What many people fail to consider is that Jerry is using the leverage he has (and he has a lot actually) to either get the deals he wants (and not just about money) or he gets his fallback plan with a reset year for the salary cap.

Everyone also assumes the contract delay is about money, and that is probably part of it, but there could be other sticking points as well.

For example, Dak/Lamb and their agents may want shorter contracts than the Cowboys do because they believe the salary cap will increase considerably in the next 2-3 years and they want to be able to capitalize on it.

They may also want longer contracts than the Cowboys want to give.

Beyond that, Dak currently has "no trade" and "no franchise tag" clauses in his contract and he may want both of those again in any new contract and Jerry may not want to do that a second time.

Lamb may want those clauses as well and Jerry does not want to offer them.

The truth is we fans and the media do not have all of the information.

Too many people assume it's all about money and greed (who to blame depends on which side you support), but the truth is the sticky points may not be money-related, at least not yearly average amounts.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out and, more importantly, if any details of the sticking points get leaked as frustration grows on one of the sides between the team and the players/agents.


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I have always thought the person cutting the checks had more leverage than the one endorsing it. I don't remember Jerry having a reaction like he did after the GB game, saying he was floored. I think he and Jimmy maybe talking behind the scenes, and Jimmy mentioned a couple harsh realities about certain players and country club culture.


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Jethro bought a boat worth 10x that. A BOAT... after the salary cap goes up 15% next year, it will be a smaller hit anyway. I'm sure they've thought about it.
In the manner that this football team has been operated for the last 25+ years, what would make you think that they have a plan of any kind?


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Let me start by saying I really don't care who is being greedy between the Jones family and the players.

I said months ago I felt like Jerry may be doing a soft-reset of the salary cap to get out from under all of the dead money.

The hints of this have been everywhere because he chose to bring back McCarthy but not extend him despite him only having one year remaining on his current contract.

He could have easily extended Dak and Lamb before the salary cap increased or at least before other players in their respective positions signed new market-setting contracts.

The fact he didn't shows he is prepared to take a hit in 2024 to reset things.

As for leverage, I have read everywhere in the media and from many Cowboys fans how the players have all of the leverage, but this is simply not true.

What many people fail to consider is that Jerry is using the leverage he has (and he has a lot actually) to either get the deals he wants (and not just about money) or he gets his fallback plan with a reset year for the salary cap.

Everyone also assumes the contract delay is about money, and that is probably part of it, but there could be other sticking points as well.

For example, Dak/Lamb and their agents may want shorter contracts than the Cowboys do because they believe the salary cap will increase considerably in the next 2-3 years and they want to be able to capitalize on it.

They may also want longer contracts than the Cowboys want to give.

Beyond that, Dak currently has "no trade" and "no franchise tag" clauses in his contract and he may want both of those again in any new contract and Jerry may not want to do that a second time.

Lamb may want those clauses as well and Jerry does not want to offer them.

The truth is we fans and the media do not have all of the information.

Too many people assume it's all about money and greed (who to blame depends on which side you support), but the truth is the sticky points may not be money-related, at least not yearly average amounts.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out and, more importantly, if any details of the sticking points get leaked as frustration grows on one of the sides between the team and the players/agents.
Dak has all the leverage, with a no trade clause and no option to tag him.

CD is a different story. CD will cave in at some point and play this year with or without a new contract.

Why list or even mention what Dak or CD want if Jerry has all the leverage. If Jerry has all the leverage why are they both not signed?

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Blowing up you team that has been 12-5 for the last 3 years to become 5-12 is not leverage.


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Dak has all the leverage, with a no trade clause and no option to tag him.

CD is a different story. CD will cave in at some point and play this year with or without a new contract.
Dallas technically has all of the leverage in that the Cowboys will be worth tens of billions in 10 years and Dak will not.


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Honestly wouldn't mind if we traded CD for a bunch of picks and let Dak go. Look at how the Texans, Bears, and other teams have rebuilt their teams around rookie contract QBs. They are prime and ready to win now because of that. What's worse a 12-5 season and losing in the wildcard, or going 4-13 and getting great draft picks?


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Dak has all the leverage, with a no trade clause and no option to tag him.

CD is a different story. CD will cave in at some point and play this year with or without a new contract.

Why list or even mention what Dak or CD want if Jerry has all the leverage. If Jerry has all the leverage why are they both not signed?

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Blowing up you team that has been 12-5 for the last 3 years to become 5-12 is not leverage.
A hollow 12-5 team that can't beat a REAL playoff level team to save their lives. QB that freezes like a deer in a spotlight in big moments. It's just reality.

I keep seeing everyone say Dak has all the leverage and bent Jerry over the 1st contract and he'll do it again. Maybe Jerry will cave but I am not 100% sure this time. He looked sick during the Green Bay game.


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Honestly wouldn't mind if we traded CD for a bunch of picks and let Dak go. Look at how the Texans, Bears, and other teams have rebuilt their teams around rookie contract QBs. They are prime and ready to win now because of that. What's worse a 12-5 season and losing in the wildcard, or going 4-13 and getting great draft picks?
So I wonder why teams even try to win games.


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If we are talking about holding out to get the best deal type of leverage then both players 100,000% have it over Jerry. They're signing severely, which will weaken this team, whether they like them or not. However, and I have mentioned this many times: as the owner of this franchise Jerry has full authority over which players play on the Football field and he has options: Dak as it stands can sit on the sidelines and Jerry can let it roll with Rush and Trey for the year.....if Trey shines he is QB1 next year and if he flops the team will flop badly and Deion gets a calll. As for Lamb? Well, Jerry can simply say you are under contract come play, or sit I don't care. At some point Lamb will come back, be it with a new contract, or on his old. There is zero chance he is leaving money on the table continuing to hold out. If 88 comes back sour, this team who already has angst will have even more and the season will end before it begins. Could be Jerry's plan

This Ladies and Gentlemen is how our wonderful owner seems to be taking these negotiations.....and how he still waves the leverage wand, like it or not