Jerry Jones must complete DNA test in paternity case

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Because it's a female vs. a male on a mostly male sports site. She's not going to get a whole lot of sympathy with those optics.
Perhaps but prejudice or bias isn’t an excuse especially when dealing with a despicable cheating male and his colossal cover up.
Because it's a female vs. a male on a mostly male sports site. She's not going to get a whole lot of sympathy with those optics.
Painting us all with the Broad Brush of misogyny?

Well it's an honor to be in your virtuous, enlightened presence lecturing us on women's rights... you could be the next Phil Donahue here, lol.
Perhaps but prejudice or bias isn’t an excuse especially when dealing with a despicable cheating male and his colossal cover up.
As I said before, people are going to find stuff on both sides objectionable. People usually play up their side and downplay the other. Throw in money and there's all sorts of emotions tied to that too.
Painting us all with the Broad Brush of misogyny?

Well it's an honor to be in your virtuous, enlightened presence lecturing us on women's rights... you could be the next Phil Donahue here, lol.
If you're not the target, why are you acting like you've been hit?

It's not even all that. There's 13 thread pages to consult here if you want evidence or pay attention otherwise. But being a conspiracy bro, that seems to have very little to with any topic at hand.
Lawyer up Jerry! Time to spend all that money we gave you through all those playoff flops! If the ribonucleic acid don’t fit, you must acquit!
As I said before, people are going to find stuff on both sides objectionable. People usually play up their side and downplay the other. Throw in money and there's all sorts of emotions tied to that too.
I understand. Im here to take that on because I support her side.
Painting us all with the Broad Brush of misogyny?

Well it's an honor to be in your virtuous, enlightened presence lecturing us on women's rights... you could be the next Phil Donahue here, lol.
Don’t buy into it. I’m sure this is the lone topic where he’s trying to come off as enlightened and if it was his son dealing with this and not Jerry, the story would be different.
If she’s Jerry’s kid she’s every bit as qualified as any other Jones off-spring was when Jerry bought the team.
Jerry’s legitimate children have 35 years of experience in the NFL. All of them. Jerry illegitimate daughter (if she is) has zero NFL experience. Comparing her to the 105 years of combined experience of his legitimate children is ridiculous. Jerry already unofficially recognized her as his daughter by spending a whole lot of money during her childhood, and paying for her college.

Parents are not required to leave their children an inheritance beyond a token amount. She’s been well taken care of financially, and now she’s trying to extract more as an adult, instead of just living her life. Jerry has already paid the price for his indiscretion, and no man should rejoice at another man who is being blackmailed.
Don’t buy into it. I’m sure this is the lone topic where he’s trying to come off as enlightened and if it was his son dealing with this and not Jerry, the story would be different.
I'm right here. You can address me directly like a man instead of via the sideline mean girl chatter.

I asked you a question previously and didn't hear back but whatever. So you're on the "money grab" side, I take it?
Not in name and obviously she won’t ever be embraced by the Jones. But she has every right to pursue her share.

Calling it a shakedown is just a talking point attempting to discredit and defame her, doesn’t mean it’s not justified.

Not sure why anyone outside their family wouldn’t be more sympathetic to her situation than for Jethro. I do have some sympathy for his wife and her children.
if it shows Jerry isn't the dad, is she going to pay him compensation for the hassle and embarrassment?

He needs old J.R. to fix the test.
Jerry’s legitimate children have 35 years of experience in the NFL. All of them. Jerry illegitimate daughter (if she is) has zero NFL experience. Comparing her to the 105 years of combined experience of his legitimate children is ridiculous. Jerry already unofficially recognized her as his daughter by spending a whole lot of money during her childhood, and paying for her college.

Parents are not required to leave their children an inheritance beyond a token amount. She’s been well taken care of financially, and now she’s trying to extract more as an adult, instead of just living her life. Jerry has already paid the price for his indiscretion, and no man should rejoice at another man who is being blackmailed.
I agree with most of this . Totally in first paragraph.

But she was trying to live her life until a background check at the White House questioned her biological father.

And so far Jethro set the price for his indiscretion. Which he agreed to that probably saved his marriage and potentially half of his estate.

We don’t know if he was blackmailed or he approached the mother with the agreement but regardless it wasn’t the daughters doing.
if it shows Jerry isn't the dad, is she going to pay him compensation for the hassle and embarrassment?

He needs old J.R. to fix the test.
If the paternity test comes up negative then she will deserve to be publicly humiliated .

Who knows , mom might have been screwing around with others at the time .

Maybe she bluffed Jethro, settled and kept her trap shut all of these years .
I'm right here. You can address me directly like a man instead of via the sideline mean girl chatter.

I asked you a question previously and didn't hear back but whatever. So you're on the "money grab" side, I take it?
Wasn’t talking about you and if you were on copy or in a reply, it was my mistake. Sorry for the confusion.

As to my position, I’ve stated it several times. She’s rich and has always been. Grew up rich with more than almost anyone on this board has been blessed to experience.

I never knew my father, but I knew of him. I barely knew my mother. My situation was waaay out of the norm.

The people here who pretend that life is like a 50s sitcom are so self serving and so dishonest that it pisses me off.

Maybe every person but me had a WW2 hero for a dad or granddad whose entire family, generations before and since, never shacked up, never had a baby out of wedlock or god forbid had a drug addiction (alcoholism is ok cause it’s America, right), or … clutching pearls, had family member commit a crime.

And heaven help us if they had a tattoo.

In real life, people aren’t perfect and don’t fit the fantasy straw man of what should be expected from the humans who play football or coach football or own football teams.

If Jerry paid millions and millions and set this woman and her child up for future success, it’s way more than what happens in 99% of families:

I just think there’s so much hypocrisy here because it’s Jerry.

If this was some random woman claiming “me too”, the reactions would be much different. Better believe that, because this site’s overall demographic is *highly* intolerant of “different”.

I just don’t buy it because I see it every day here at the zone.
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Don’t buy into it. I’m sure this is the lone topic where he’s trying to come off as enlightened and if it was his son dealing with this and not Jerry, the story would be different.
I don't have a dog in this fight because I haven't kept with it or know the facts, but I DO remember the Duke Lacrosse Team fraud and know that both genders are equally capable of lying, greed, and any motive
Wasn’t talking about you and if you were on copy or in a reply, it was my mistake. Sorry for the confusion.

As to my position, I’ve stated it several times. She’s rich and has always been. Grew up rich with more than almost anyone on this board has been blessed to experience.

I never knew my father, but I knew of him. I barely knew my mother. My situation was waaay out of the norm.

The people here who pretend that life is like a 50s sitcom are so self serving and so dishonest that it pisses me off.

Maybe every person but me had a WW2 hero for a dad or granddad whose entire family, generations before and since, never shacked up, never had a baby out of wedlock or god forbid had a drug addiction (alcoholism is ok cause it’s America, right), or … clutching pearls, had family member commit a crime.

And heaven help us if they had a tattoo.

In real life, people aren’t perfect and don’t fit the fantasy straw man of what should be expected from the humans who play football or coach football or own football teams.

If Jerry paid millions and millions and set this woman and her child up for future success, it’s way more than what happens in 99% of families:

I just think there’s so much hypocrisy here because it’s Jerry.

If this was some random woman claiming “me too”, the reactions would be much different. Better believe that, because this site’s overall demographic is *highly* intolerant of “different”.

I just don’t buy it because I see it every day here at the zone.
Okay, I'll take your word for it but in your reply to targetboy there was no one else you could've been talking about but me.

Welcome to CowboysZone, where refs hate us, but when their dubious actions benefit us, those same people turn into ref defenders to maintain their victim stance. Principles for convenience is the order of the day here but it's only following the way of the nation so there's that.

But on this topic, sure Jerry gave her more than most have ever had to grow up with, but Jerry himself has more than most have so the support fits the bankroll. So I don't give him credit for not being a deadbeat. It would have arguably cost him more in the end if he tried to take that route with the Cowboys fresh off a dynasty and the NFL more popular than ever at the time. It wouldn't surprise me that if the NFL knew about this at the time even they would have told Jerry to do right by the mom and kid if he was considering not doing so to keep it hushed to protect their brand. I haven't been following the entire story but if it is true what diehard has been saying that she was minding her business and then the Secret Service broke the story and Jerry came after her to defame her then I don't blame her for going back after him just to be petty. Maybe she's always hated him and Jerry's actions just set her off down this path. Or maybe she wants more than was given to her mom because she felt it should have been more (I'd surely trust Jerry's lawyers more than whomever this woman's was). Besides, the deal was made with her mom, not her, so is she legally a free agent to try to get something? We'll find out.
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