Jerry Jones spoke to the team after the loss

Jerry is holding on to all in til we are out of playoff contention. He can't see the forest for the trees.
Jerry has severe mental and cognitive discernment issues. It's obvious.
Booger lies! What he said to the team was....

"Y'all making me look really bad. Nobody is going to believe I am a great GM and brilliant genius if y'all don't turn this around.

"No more Papa John's until y'all take me seriously."
the sooner he realizes that he and his clown son are not football men, the better this team will get
Note to self: never consider Jerry Jones as the motivational speaker during the company end of fiscal year review meeting.
The media all needs to get together and just quit talking to him, this attention whor wouldn’t know what to do lmao
Oh my guy there are a few people who match that narcissistic ego on the national stage. Jerruh definitely top 5 for sure.
I dont know if there's another human being on the planet who could own a sports team and be miserable (his words) during his own team's dynasty to the point that he blows it all up because he's not getting enough credit.

Only Jerry Jones.
The one freaking guy that doesn't realize that he needs to start stock piling picks and tanking. He's really gonna do something stupid before the trade deadline isn't he?
Rich Drunk Dumb Jerry Jones. He's Riche... he Drinks... he says and does Dumb things! ^^^^ What he said^^^^
I dont know if there's another human being on the planet who could own a sports team and be miserable (his words) during his own team's dynasty to the point that he blows it all up because he's not getting enough credit.

Only Jerry Jones.
Oh you’re absolutely right. I’m just saying he’s the type of guy who thinks he and he alone is the answer to everything, and I’m just saying there are a couple of people nationally who operate that way out loud that they and only them can fix everything.

Don’t worry it will get so much better with Spaulding, Jr and the city in North Carolina running them team when he’s gone.
Jerry and his oddly placed heartfelt ra ra speech after a bad loss is shameful and uninspiring. We are screwed.
Can you imagine being a player and sitting through this verbal diarrhea? I would be biting my cheek so hard in an effort to not laugh in the old man's face.

'I got my butt kicked back in 1955, during my first year of peewee football. We were 0-4 through the first four games. We were then forced to take a long look in the mirror. What happened after was nothing short of amazing, men. I'll let you guess who was holding the trophy in the end. Next week, we need to come out like a lumberjack looking to cut down the biggest tree in the forest. And when that tree hits the floor, the entire league will know that the Dallas Cowboys mean business. Men, you better believe that I'm still all in and I promise you that we'll be looking to bring in a few war daddy's if something were to present themselves. How 'bout dem Cowboys?!?'.


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