Jerry on fan apathy and why fans should have confidence that the team can win a Super Bowl

You think he cares? Money is money and thr money spent by a dallas fan holds no greater value than money spent by any other teams fan
Cares? I don’t know, but he seems to be confusing his own performance with fan enthusiasm.

How about we take a poll as to how many PSL owners would do it again if they had a shot to get out?

Once you buy the PSL you pretty much have to renew or be in even worse shape.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... blah blah blah... I don't care. Yes my fandom is in question. I'm questioning my own fandom personally. I'm tired of tenacity, toughness and grit sitting on the bench during the playoffs. Is that even built into the roster?
Paying Dak isn’t going to win SBs…. Already tried it..

And Dak doesn’t have the leverage all his “media plants” say he does, considering he just might crap the bed. He has everything to prove..
I figure we got what?
2 years before he begins drooling on himself?

I just wish everybody in the media would begin drilling this guy with how.much of a epic failure he's been. Every time he or Stephen open their mouths they should get hammered with total embarrassment.
I actually wish the media would just stop talking to him. After a game when no one shows up to his post-game "press conferences" etc maybe he will start to get the point.
Cares? I don’t know, but he seems to be confusing his own performance with fan enthusiasm.

How about we take a poll as to how many PSL owners would do it again if they had a shot to get out?

Once you buy the PSL you pretty much have to renew or be in even worse shape.
I want to make a poll but @big dog cowboy won't let me :muttley:
“Well let me just say this. I think our fan base is frustrated. And I think they want to beat a Green Bay and I think they want to beat the next one that comes up. Now we were the second seed in the whole NFC and we were as healthy as any club that has been in the playoffs in many years. Not just the Cowboys, any club. We were healthy. We should have gone further. And we had a quarterback that arguably was the Most Valuable Player in the league last year. We should have gone further. Now my read from our fan base is frustration. Apathy? Not when you are so far ahead of the rest of the league. By this is league that takes every 32 clubs... we are eons ahead of other clubs when it comes to our ticket renewal, season tickets, timing of season tickets. When you look at television and you look at the teams that they watch on tv, we’re going away number one. That’s not apathy. They may be hot, they may be wanting more, but they’re not apathetic.”
The snake oil is strong with this one. JJ: "my read from our fan base is frustration. Apathy? Not when you're so far ahead of the rest of the league."
Yeah Jerry….the season holders are fast to renew so they can sell to opposing fans and recoup some of their money.

Somehow he confuses this with him doing a great job.
Well from his point of view, all of what he points out says to him he and his boy are doing a great job! (he also thinks this makes him a great GM)
It is just a mystery why they cant get past the div round, and some years the wc round.

To him it is a mystery lol.

And he does want to win, he just doesnt know how.

Jerry, "I think our fan base is frustrated."


lol...I wish Reality would actually let me bypass his rule filters and say just what I would love to say about this freaking narcissist! Yeah, and for all those fans that buy is tickets and merch, you got sucked and will continue to get sucked.

It's really hard to be a Cowboy fan anymore.

Especially when you've yet to be rewarded for it. But, I'm still a fan
Well, tickets are cheaper this season in the ticket exchange apps so there's obviously less demand than last year. He'll realize this when he sees empty seats at some point during the season.
“Well let me just say this. I think our fan base is frustrated. And I think they want to beat a Green Bay and I think they want to beat the next one that comes up. Now we were the second seed in the whole NFC and we were as healthy as any club that has been in the playoffs in many years. Not just the Cowboys, any club. We were healthy. We should have gone further. And we had a quarterback that arguably was the Most Valuable Player in the league last year. We should have gone further. Now my read from our fan base is frustration. Apathy? Not when you are so far ahead of the rest of the league. By this is league that takes every 32 clubs... we are eons ahead of other clubs when it comes to our ticket renewal, season tickets, timing of season tickets. When you look at television and you look at the teams that they watch on tv, we’re going away number one. That’s not apathy. They may be hot, they may be wanting more, but they’re not apathetic.”
Jerry happy sales are great and people like watching Dallas on TV their number 1 so all’s well in Jerry-land. SB who needs SB we’re number one.

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