Jerry on fan apathy and why fans should have confidence that the team can win a Super Bowl

From the tweet:

Jerry Jones said:
“Well let me just say this. I think our fan base is frustrated. And I think they want to beat a Green Bay and I think they want to beat the next one that comes up. Now we were the second seed in the whole NFC and we were as healthy as any club that has been in the playoffs in many years. Not just the Cowboys, any club. We were healthy. We should have gone further. And we had a quarterback that arguably was the Most Valuable Player in the league last year. We should have gone further.
Jones' fan frustration checklist:

  1. Not beating Green Bay
  2. Not advancing in the playoffs
  3. Team being #2 in the NFC for nothing
  4. No excuse for injuries
  5. Losing despite having an ‘MVP’ type quarterback
At no time does he stop-and-state fans are frustrated with HIM too.
Much of what he said is what finally broke me after all this time.

I fully understand that being good is not enough to win. You must catch many breaks along the way as well.

Last year they were basically handed the two seed unexpectedly, and Diggs aside, were about as healthy as you could ask for…and they still blew it.

I don’t mean ‘not winning a championship’ type of blew it….I mean setting yet another futility record. First 2/7 loser after blowing two one seeds prior.

I’m about sure there’s some sort of curse attached to this team. Not sure who may be responsible.
Talk about weird…an 81 year old out of touch billionaire telling his team’s fan base how they really feel. He might as well have said, “Let them eat cake.”

He looks increasingly old, out of touch and completely surrounded by suck ups and sycophants who tell him exactly what he wants to hear.
"we are eons ahead of other clubs when it comes to our ticket renewal, season tickets, timing of season tickets. When you look at television and you look at the teams that they watch on tv, we’re going away number one"

And, this attitude (true be told, is likely the same view I might have if I owned the Cowboys) is at the core of the Cowboy's problem... they make money hand-over-fist without sniffing the SB.
Well, tickets are cheaper this season in the ticket exchange apps so there's obviously less demand than last year. He'll realize this when he sees empty seats at some point during the season.
Actually those empty seats will be filled w opposing fans and that continues to get worse.
Well from his point of view, all of what he points out says to him he and his boy are doing a great job! (he also thinks this makes him a great GM)
It is just a mystery why they cant get past the div round, and some years the wc round.

To him it is a mystery lol.

And he does want to win, he just doesnt know how.
Why do you keep saying this when he's gone out of his way to prove it's not true?

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