Twitter: Jerry on Garrett "I think we've got a heck of a coach."


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If win/loss doesn’t matter, why the hell is he going to wait to extend him?

This logic doesn’t add up and I don’t even think you are buying what you’re selling here.

I said he’s not making the decision based on a single year’s win/loss. Just like he didn’t make it off of just 12-4 back in 2014. The guy has worked for him for a decade and is the front man for his $4.8B organization. You can think what you want and believe what you want about what I’m selling. You’d have to be completely naive to think a HC decision is only going to take into account how many games we win this season.


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
So basically Garrett is that boyfriend you keep around until a better one happens to come along. He looks REAL happy about that situation on the sideline.

Not my boyfriend, personally, but pretty much, yeah.

He’s the foster kid you’re ok with but always looking to upgrade but who you say you love to his face so that he feels comfortable in your house while he’s there.


Well-Known Member
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Maybe Garrett is a great coach? None of us are on the inside of things. Jerry Jones has more information than all of us combined. Personally I do not care for the culture at Valley Ranch. But maybe Garrett is a great coach and we just only see the superficial things? Maybe we are all wrong?


Well-Known Member
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For starters, I don’t agree at all with your assessment. Give me a reason that doesn’t apply to

I said he’s not making the decision based on a single year’s win/loss. Just like he didn’t make it off of just 12-4 back in 2014. The guy has worked for him for a decade and is the front man for his $4.8B organization. You can think what you want and believe what you want about what I’m selling. You’d have to be completely naive to think a HC decision is only going to take into account how many games we win this season.
Naive? He’s literally said as much. Saying we need to do better lol. Wow


Well-Known Member
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no news here.....he talked up wade before letting him go or shall i say Garrett stuck the knife in his back lol


Cowboys Diehard
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High praise for a coach who couldn't make game time adjustments to save his rear end.
Jerry's nose should rightfully have grown 2 feet after that ridiculous comment. :thumbdown:
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Beyond tired of Jerry
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This means absolutely nothing. Whats he supposed to say? "I am not renewing him?" lol

Why does he have to say anything?

This team isn't winning another trophy until someone else is running the show, and I'm not referring to the head coach. We've been through half a dozen already without winning anything.


Well-Known Member
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For starters, I don’t agree at all with your assessment. Give me a reason that doesn’t apply to

I said he’s not making the decision based on a single year’s win/loss. Just like he didn’t make it off of just 12-4 back in 2014. The guy has worked for him for a decade and is the front man for his $4.8B organization. You can think what you want and believe what you want about what I’m selling. You’d have to be completely naive to think a HC decision is only going to take into account how many games we win this season.

I think you’re naive to believe a W/L doesn’t matter this year. It does. If the past already determined his future, he would have been fired or extended. He’s in the final year of his contract, he’s on the hot seat, what he does this year will determine his fate.

My guess is he either needs to meet what we did last year or get a game further in the playoffs to get an extension. Outside of that, he will be gone.


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Why would you wait until the end of the season? It’s not like it hits the cap.
yeah jerry is keeping the options open on JG and Dak
I think he wants dak but dak wants too much so they plan on letting him play on the tag , which give more time to make up
their mind on him.
JG, I dont know what jerry expects or demands from him, I think he would like to keep him, but this season
may very well determine if JG stays or goes.
With jerry I have no idea where the bar is set, we can guess , but jerry is a nut so no telling what his bar is set on.
That bar may even move up and down at his whim lol.
But no contract yet leaves the options open.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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yeah jerry is keeping the options open on JG and Dak
I think he wants dak but dak wants too much so they plan on letting him play on the tag , which give more time to make up
their mind on him.
JG, I dont know what jerry expects or demands from him, I think he would like to keep him, but this season
may very well determine if JG stays or goes.
With jerry I have no idea where the bar is set, we can guess , but jerry is a nut so no telling what his bar is set on.
That bar may even move up and down at his whim lol.
But no contract yet leaves the options open.
This is a game of patience and both sides will probably lose and gain in the End.


And... in the End, here we all shall Remain.
Except for @stasheroo
I kick him out first because I respect him too much.


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He also thinks we have a super Bowl dynasty team. The old man is wrapped up in his insanity!