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Jerry dealt with dallas mayor laura miller who insisted the new stadium be built in fair park. Jerry was adamantly opposed to that area. Laura miscalculated, thinking jerry would cave in, and would never leave the dallas area. She blew it. Dallas' loss was arlington's gain. Any time eminent domain and raised taxes are concerned there is a campaign to win the voters. Just the way things work.

The new stadium was nfl money, city of arlington bonds (they were ecstatic to get the team), bank of America and a nice chunk of Jerry's money. Then some at$t money. It would have been built even if campo still coached the team.

Jerry wanted a new stadium, Miller wanted to renovate the Cotton bowl. She wanted to go the cheapest way possible.

Arlington then stepped up and said, hey we have an area to propose. They passed the bond vote, and originally it was a $300 million tax bond, and Jerry would put in $300 million of his own money (which in reality was money from season tickets holders for PSL's, or from those that paid the full amount upfront.)
However as Jerry kept adding stuff, the price went up, which also in the agreement any overruns of cost were on Jerry.
So a proposed $600 million stadium became what, a $12 Billion stadium.
A friend of mine, his company he owns, got the contract to do all the interior painting of the suites, bathrooms. Not sure if he did all the inside painting. Such as the locker rooms and a few other areas. I don't remember. Don't think he did anything on the outside either, like the roof.

Texas Stadium was old and had issues as well, the lease with Irving was coming up. It needed work, and most likely Irving was not going to pay for it.
Jerry would get his stadium, it was just what city was going to step up. I think one of the proposals was to do some work at the Cotton Bowl, play there for a few years, rebuild a new stadium at the Texas Stadium site. Not sure of that, or if it was just mentioned on the radio at that time when people made suggestions.

That is the way I remember some of it.

There was a huge area 2 miles down the road from me, I was hoping it would be built there. Now there is a huge house project there. It would have been perfect. But now it is 7 miles from me straight down the road.


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It is just the same thing. Jerry praised the clapper like he was the golden grail of coaching.
And no.. I wont stop and will continue to voice my dislike towards DAK
And continue to show your ignorance in the process.


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It starts with getting dak signed. It's been problematic.

Lets remind people that Aikman signed his last contract the day before training camp opened and Emmitt signed a contract after week 2 of a season. This has been a rough off season with no live sports being played but getting all jumpy because Prescott wasn't signed sealed and delivered 1 day after either a contract offer to him or being offered the tag is just that getting jumpy.


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Yea, it’s too early to get all worked up over Daks signing. He’s most likely to play on the Tag regardless.

And who knows the season is still an unknown at this time anyway. Much can happen between now and season. This bug could blow up again in the fall.


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Whilst I respect reportings and journalism in general, most of the reports on Dak and Cowboys negotiations are click bait.

The Cowboys are not in the right! This isn't right or wrong just business. Dak is allowed to demand contract based on historic trends, individual production and CBA rights extended to all players.
Cowboys determined Dak's rights per CBA was exclusive Franchise Tag production. Business says Dak deserves whatever Market Value his agents deem plausible.

I don't care about years only guarantees. Cowboys can cut Dak any time.

Cap hell is a myth.

Cowboys are in the right, based on precedent. Dak's peers have signed contracts that dictate largely what Dak should get. He's wanting something outside that box.

The guaranteed money for Dak is roughly the same as Goff and Wentz (maybe a little low but likely would be increased if Dak gave in on years).

The years matter quite a bit, which is why most teams do what the Eagles and Rams did......... adding the extensions onto the back end of the remaining years of their rookie deals. The years allow more flexibility with the cap. I mean you state cap hell is a myth and part of that reason is that teams create contracts that allow them to shift cap hits to future years. That's why Dallas wants a 5 year deal, not a 4 year one. So in one hand you are arguing that cap hell is a myth but then apparently completely ignore or don't realize why cap hell can be a myth - the way teams structure contracts.

No, if Dak signs a long term deal the Cowboys cannot cut him at any time unless they want to take on a massive dead money hit. They could only realistically cut him near the end of his extension when the dead money hits is lower or goes away.

Business doesn't dictate Dak's market value as determined by his agent. What if his agents think he's worth $200MM? You think that's fair? Of course not. No, Dak's market value is determined by what the market would pay him and that's often dictated by the contracts of his peers. In this case, his peers are Wentz and Goff who both signed extensions that were essentially 6 year contracts. There's the market. Dak wants more than that.


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“truth is” isn’t an opinion. That’s presenting something as fact. Release nuts

Oh, you say so...if you just wanted an 'argument' then go ahead and start one...rephrase thief.


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Cowboys are in the right, based on precedent. Dak's peers have signed contracts that dictate largely what Dak should get. He's wanting something outside that box.

The guaranteed money for Dak is roughly the same as Goff and Wentz (maybe a little low but likely would be increased if Dak gave in on years).

The years matter quite a bit, which is why most teams do what the Eagles and Rams did......... adding the extensions onto the back end of the remaining years of their rookie deals. The years allow more flexibility with the cap. I mean you state cap hell is a myth and part of that reason is that teams create contracts that allow them to shift cap hits to future years. That's why Dallas wants a 5 year deal, not a 4 year one. So in one hand you are arguing that cap hell is a myth but then apparently completely ignore or don't realize why cap hell can be a myth - the way teams structure contracts.

No, if Dak signs a long term deal the Cowboys cannot cut him at any time unless they want to take on a massive dead money hit. They could only realistically cut him near the end of his extension when the dead money hits is lower or goes away.

Business doesn't dictate Dak's market value as determined by his agent. What if his agents think he's worth $200MM? You think that's fair? Of course not. No, Dak's market value is determined by what the market would pay him and that's often dictated by the contracts of his peers. In this case, his peers are Wentz and Goff who both signed extensions that were essentially 6 year contracts. There's the market. Dak wants more than that.
First and foremost the Wentz and Goff Contracts have nothing to do with Dak's negotiations..QBs are never paid based on the thier piers..that is a gone era. Due to the Cap constantly rising, negotiating today's QB contracts based on past contracts (2011-2020 CBA) is ridiculous and dumb.

Dak is not negotiating a Contract in the same environment as Goff or Wentz. The new CBA 2020-2029 is a new paradigm. Agents, GMs and Players are watching the Dak contract closely.

The Cowboys have always set the market. The Cowboys slow walking Dak's contract isn't to do with lack of faith in Dak or fear of Cap Hell or dead money. It is primarily to do with fear of being the first team to execute a market value QB contact in new CBA.

The players got a larger portion of the league revenues. NFLPA and athletes whom voted yes expect every player to demand higher salaries....their demand aligns with vote....

This is a fight between millionaires and billionaires... don't think like a Dak Hater


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First and foremost the Wentz and Goff Contracts have nothing to do with Dak's negotiations..QBs are never paid based on the thier piers..that is a gone era. Due to the Cap constantly rising, negotiating today's QB contracts based on past contracts (2011-2020 CBA) is ridiculous and dumb.

Dak is not negotiating a Contract in the same environment as Goff or Wentz. The new CBA 2020-2029 is a new paradigm. Agents, GMs and Players are watching the Dak contract closely.

The Cowboys have always set the market. The Cowboys slow walking Dak's contract isn't to do with lack of faith in Dak or fear of Cap Hell or dead money. It is primarily to do with fear of being the first team to execute a market value QB contact in new CBA.

The players got a larger portion of the league revenues. NFLPA and athletes whom voted yes expect every player to demand higher salaries....their demand aligns with vote....

This is a fight between millionaires and billionaires... don't think like a Dak Hater

The new CBA might change money because of the change in revenue sharing but it does not change structure. I can guarantee that when Mahomes and Watson sign, they will likely end up with deals longer than 4 years because it's beneficial to the teams to have longer deals for cap purposes.

Dallas' lack of movement is mostly about years, plain and simple. They have always tried to sign guys for longer term deals in order to help manage the cap. Martin did it, Smith signed a really long deal, Frederick did it, etc. Lawrence signed a 5 year deal. Elliott signed a 6 year deal. So yeah, it is absolutely about ability to manage the cap here, it's always been about that when the Cowboys have structured their deals.

You simply aren't looking at this in the right frame. You are trying to make this is simply about dollars when in fact it's also about structure. Dak wants a 4 year deal but the same guaranteed money because he wants to then be able to cash in on more guaranteed money sooner. The Cowboys him to sign a 5 year deal because it's better for the roster and their ability to manipulate the cap going foward.

To try to make this just about money is just misguided.


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I heard the same thing about Clappy, he is our guy and we feel great about him.

How did that work out?

It's what Jerry does. Panders to the cameras and microphones. He just likes to talk. How the hell can anyone believe what he says anymore? His words mean absolutely nothing.


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The new CBA might change money because of the change in revenue sharing but it does not change structure. I can guarantee that when Mahomes and Watson sign, they will likely end up with deals longer than 4 years because it's beneficial to the teams to have longer deals for cap purposes.

Dallas' lack of movement is mostly about years, plain and simple. They have always tried to sign guys for longer term deals in order to help manage the cap. Martin did it, Smith signed a really long deal, Frederick did it, etc. Lawrence signed a 5 year deal. Elliott signed a 6 year deal. So yeah, it is absolutely about ability to manage the cap here, it's always been about that when the Cowboys have structured their deals.

You simply aren't looking at this in the right frame. You are trying to make this is simply about dollars when in fact it's also about structure. Dak wants a 4 year deal but the same guaranteed money because he wants to then be able to cash in on more guaranteed money sooner. The Cowboys him to sign a 5 year deal because it's better for the roster and their ability to manipulate the cap going foward.

To try to make this just about money is just misguided.
You claim I am looking at this contract negotiation situation the "wrong" and the Cowboys are right.

I disagree. I think they are both right and neither is wrong. Cowboys have every right to pursue their best position whilst Dak does too.

Great discussion sir! Thank you


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I’d argue based on the info we have been provided our offers to Dak are as you say “ in line with his peers”. But that is based on our opinions and evaluations and apparently Jerry and Stephens as well.

We can’t be sure how Dak evaluates himself and who he thinks his peers are. Maybe he thinks he’s more like Russell Wilson or maybe even Mahomes. IDK. But there’s definitely a disconnect between the sides.

Unfortunately I’m concerned we will Cave in like we often have but am more encouraged the Dalton deal signifies we might stick to our guns with arguably a viable option in place.

Dak has said point blank at the beginning of all this that he doesn't want to be the highest paid QB.

There is also no disconnect at all. The issues is number of years and that's it. Only one little thing to settle. Both sides are just going to wait till the last minute. Par for the course.


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hey good idea Jerry! why haven't you done that since the 90s for the most part? You finally realized that in 2017? Lol


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Dak has said point blank at the beginning of all this that he doesn't want to be the highest paid QB.

There is also no disconnect at all. The issues is number of years and that's it. Only one little thing to settle. Both sides are just going to wait till the last minute. Par for the course.
I’ve seen no such quotes or reports that Dak isn’t pursuing what would make him the highest paid QB regardless of what he said. Actions speak louder than Words.


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If Dak doesn’t sign this deal he will be the distraction this season, assuming we have a season.