Thanks! I don't mind a bit. You weren't here yet, but I was in the same position about Mike Zimmer and Terrence Newman. Pretty much every single poster on the site told me how wrong I was and how foolish I was being. I didn't get the 'congrats' then, so I managed to satisfy myself by being right instead.
I liked Zimmer for sure. You got that one right. Newman? He is a good corner, but he wasnt worth the 5th pick. In that regard he was a disappointment. But like most good players, they rot here in Dallas because of the coaching.
Like you with Garrett, I was a Wade defender. Not a supporter, but a defender. Not quite to the extent that you are with Garrett. My opinion was that people didnt give him enough credit for being a solid coach. Now I didnt want him as our coach, I wanted him fired, but he was a great DC and a mild coach. I caught a lot of flack for that as you did. But Garrett is much much worse. And the blind eye you turn shows a severe lack of caring for this football team.
AS far as being right, that time has long past. Garrett has been here for 10 years and has proven time and time again that he is wanton when it comes to coaching. He is sub standard. So what are you hoping for? That maybe one day we get lucky? Or that Jones finally puts together a roster so much better than everyone else that we win in spite of Garrett? If Garrett does something spectacular or he all of a sudden becomes a good coach, I will be the first to congratulate him and acknowledge. It almost appeared that he had gained some momentum when he continued to play Dak and kept Romo on the bench. It even appeared that they had changed the offense to suit Dak and were bringing him along well. All for it to fall apart at the end of they year in the playoffs with the horrid decisions he made. Then of course last year was a complete travesty as far as Garrett, Jones and the lack of adjustments or coaching.
You have already been proven dead wrong on Garrett. Anything now is just stubborn foolishness.