Twitter: Jerry triples down on his radio comments


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Hes the first supporter I’ve heard from who’s supported his conduct and rhetoric. But I shouldn’t be surprised. We have many in this world who follow cult like figures regardless whatever they say or do.

But based on the backlash from media and fans I’d argue most don’t support.
The cult of Jerry and he must drink the kool aide. Good one we now have the Cowboys cult lol


Captain Catfish
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Jerry needs to get on the yacht and go for a very long sail.


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It's sad that there are some repulsive people who will defend Jerry no matter what he does.
I was always against using the block/ignore thing, but then I realized that certain people are only here to antagonize.

They feel important by irritating and getting a reaction out of others, and contribute nearly nothing worth reading. It’s been a more pleasant experience since those two are gone from CZ for my purposes.

Maybe Ive found another one or two lately. I suggest taking cover, since this place isn’t bound to be about actual football for some time. That’s Jerry’s little circus, and he probably isn’t upset over it….since we are still talking about HIM, which is exactly what he wants. Apathy is his biggest fear.


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Hes the first supporter I’ve heard from who’s supported his conduct and rhetoric. But I shouldn’t be surprised. We have many in this world who follow cult like figures regardless whatever they say or do.

But based on the backlash from media and fans I’d argue most don’t support.
He's always been the ultimate homer.

There is no defense here for what Jerry did but AC is sure as hell gonna try.


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in other words, I like to control the narrative, I like to paint a pretty picture, I like to point fingers at everybody else and I don't like criticism, but when things go well, every body move aside, I need to take credit for all of it.


I Have been saying it for years now. the problem isn't Dak or Romo or whomever. the problem is and always has been Jerry.

And let's be clear, he's not "talking" to the fans either. So for him to say he'll answer these questions from fans who pay for his product, that's just another Jerry lie.

The Fan should call his bluff and try to set up a town hall setting show where Jerry gets asked questions in studio by season ticket holders. Think Jerry would agree to that at this point? Nope.


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Yeah it's pretty wild that he's saying the silent stuff out loud now. We always knew it, he's just confirming everything. It's is something he thinks he has the high ground here, truly a product of surrounding yourself by yes men.
Media executives locally have apparently been appeasing him, which reinforces his yes man circle.

Hopefully we're seeing that change.

In the past, local media has viewed access to the organization as vital. But with Jones publicly drawing the line in the sand, Jerry may inadvertently be fomenting a new lifeline for them-- the desire amongst fans to see this ownership team skewered.
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America's Cowboy

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And then people have the right to criticize the crap out of him and question him for being such a baby in the face of fair but tough questions.

Only one person looks bad here. It’s not one of the hosts who asked the questions, it’s not anyone in the national media who correctly ripped Jerry…….. the person who looks bad here is Jerry.

But it is no surprise that you’d defend him.
He doesn't have to deal with them anymore. Their loss, not his. He can easily find someone else to talk to. He should. His business. His rules. You don't like it? Go follow another team.

America's Cowboy

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Wrong so wrong are you that clueless, do you even understand what happened, he threw a hissy fit when the show he agreed to be on asked a hard question and he didn’t like hearing the truth about poor GM skills and he threatened to fire them and they don’t even work for him.
So you’re ok ok with yes men and women at every level of the organization and when you don’t tow the company line this is what happens
Jerry Jones: “I’ll tell you what: (Dale) Hansen and Brad (Sham) had to take a leave when they went too far, one way or another.”
Talk about brain dead you really are clueless
Shut it and go follow another team. This is Jerry's business. If you don't like it or how he runs it, man up and go elsewhere.


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Just zero respect left for Jerry. I thought an apology would be out within hours and instead he continues to double down on his actions. Is this the worst thing Jerry has done? Sadly not, but it's yet another slap in the face to fans.


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The Fan should cancel his appearances until he apologizes. If you want to REALLY hurt Jerry Jones, take his air time away.
I have been saying this for years. Stop having him in the radio. Stop showing up to his "press conferences". You really want to piss him off, everyone go to MM's press conference after a game instead of his. That would hurt him more than if no one showed up.


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A coward? Or brave to do what is best for him and his business?
Threatening another mans ability to feed his family because he didn't stroke Jerrys ego? Coward.

This is not what's best for the business. What would be best for the business is if Jerry would show even the slightest amount of humility to the fans. That doesnt mean he has to step down or sell the team.


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Shut it and go follow another team. This is Jerry's business. If you don't like it or how he runs it, man up and go elsewhere.
Typical, ever wonder why the team fails time after time, it’s because the organization is full of yes men and scared rabbits and you’re ok with it, you are a big part of the problem because you blindly follow Jerry and lap up his BS, and denigrate the real fans and media who show Jerry for what he is, a vindictive shallow narcissist who thinks he’s better than everyone else, funny he’s just like you which explains your view


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He doesn't have to deal with them anymore. Their loss, not his. He can easily find someone else to talk to. He should. His business. His rules. You don't like it? Go follow another team.
He is part of a league. It’s not entirely HIS, regardless of what you or him may think.

America's Cowboy

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Typical, ever wonder why the team fails time after time, it’s because the organization is full of yes men and scared rabbits and you’re ok with it, you are a big part of the problem because you blindly follow Jerry and lap up his BS, and denigrate the real fans and media who show Jerry for what he is, a vindictive shallow narcissist who thinks he’s better than everyone else, funny he’s just like you which explains your view
Get going. Vamonos! Giddy up on over to the Texans!!!