Twitter: Jerry's disregard for the position of Head Coach


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I don’t follow other teams, but is Jerry the only one that talks like this. It’s becoming almost unbearable.
They avoid interviews and have people designated to handle that. You don't even see GM's granting interviews. Smart people are aware they might say the wrong thing in an interview.

Booger doesn't run the team to run the team, he runs it to be a celebrity. He has successfully become the first owner to be the face of his own sports team. Even ex players that were the face of their teams know better than that. He only went to the Senior Bowl to get some face time.


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They avoid interviews and have people designated to handle that. You don't even see GM's granting interviews. Smart people are aware they might say the wrong thing in an interview.

Booger doesn't run the team to run the team, he runs it to be a celebrity. He has successfully become the first owner to be the face of his own sports team. Even ex players that were the face of their teams know better than that. He only went to the Senior Bowl to get some face time.
The best GMs in professional sports don’t have time to go on multiple media platforms because they are too busy working on studying film, scouting reports, learning as much as they can about what’s changing and working within the league and improving their rosters. Being in front of a microphone or notepad is just not in their radar.

But if you’re an insecure billionaire buffoon who is insulated from the truth about his own failures, talking to the media and trying to change the focus and narrative is better than having to look in the mirror. Jerry literally gaslights himself. He believes in his own word smithing to comfort himself.


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I think it’s great, keep the fire on the coach. No free rides, everyone does not get a trophy. Ty Jerry for some common sense words.


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I think it’s great, keep the fire on the coach. No free rides, everyone does not get a trophy. Ty Jerry for some common sense words.

Everyone knows only the crap GM gets a free ride and no one gets a trophy!


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Could really care less if every single word of the OP is true. And it is. Doesn't create some shield of criticism to obvious coaching blunders and basic incompetence by this current fraud.

So, no matter the never changing puppet status of this fraud HC, he's just as eligible for criticism as any that held the title before or will hold it after him.

I mean, McCarthy could really impress me and grow a pair to the point of making some actual game day decisions. Like maybe taking over obvious play calling when needed but that would ruin everything and most importantly his retirement nest egg.

Or even go all the way and prove there's some actual form of manhood there by telling Jerry that he is stepping down voluntarily because of Jerry's meddling.

But no, he'll continue to be another Yes Man who allowed this owner to dictate to him the terms of his authority. The 2 actual good head coaches didn't toe the company line and only gave 4 years but at the vey least they preserved their self respect.

This fraud is as much a spineless sell out as the other chorus line Jerry has paraded out here post Parcells and has no one to blame but himself for accepting it in the first place. He should have never came if that was the case. He knew what he was getting into when he signed on.

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Why would Jerry have any regard for HC? They are just someone else to to take the spotlight off him. Besides he thinks he proved his any of 500 coaches theory when Neil O Donnell gift wrapped Switzer a SB win.


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hard to imagine that somebody so incoherent and cognitively challenged could run something so big………..just can’t seem to imagine that happening anywhere else at any level.

I can think of a much bigger organization that has been run by cognitively impaired clowns for 5 years now...

The only difference is they have been surrounded by much smarter people to control the damage.


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I've said this before and I'll say it again. Jerry doesn't value excellent coaching, or QB. The two most important parts of a team.


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I can think of a much bigger organization that has been run by cognitively impaired clowns for 5 years now...

The only difference is they have been surrounded by much smarter people to control the damage.

…..I racked my brain but can’t come up with it. Only 5 years?… got me


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Four thoughts on MM and why he can stomach the Jerry Jones comments.
1) He is making a lot of money. The money is really, really good.
2) There are not many NFL HC jobs (32). They are hard to come by.
3) Being HC of the Dallas Cowboys still carries a fair amount of prestige. It is still a plumb job.
4) MM can rationalize Jerry's comments. He can tell himself that no one really takes the older Jones seriously anymore. Just read the posts on this thread to verify that.

And also did I mention the money is winning the lottery every payday!!!


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As frustrating as it is to watch a once storied franchise go through 26 years of failure, the constant blame on a long succession of head coaches has never had any merit in Dallas. It's what the lazy do. It's what the misinformed do.

This is a direct quote from Jerry's Senior Bowl interview.

That quote should disgust you. It should make you angry. It doesn't matter what you think of Mike McCarthy. You don’t do that to your head coach.

All these many years later and the egomaniacal owner still doesn't have any respect whatsoever for the position of head coach. Every head coach after Jimmy has not only been put in a position to fail being saddled with no real front office but also in a thorough undressing of any head coach authority. You're not the voice of the team. You don't control your own locker room. You don't decide who's on the field and who isn't. You don't even control your own staff meetings during the week and the players have a direct path around you to your boss if they have any issue with what you're doing.

So you don't have anyone to get you the right players and don't have any ability to coach the team you're given as you see fit.

Now get out there and win us a Championship, "coach"!

This and only this is the real problem with the Dallas Cowboys. From the mid 90's to the present day. If you're wasting even a second of your time criticizing Mike McCarthy or a coordinator you are nothing more than a zombie in Jerry's fan mob. You're doing his bidding for him. He wants fans like you.

You can judge our head coach under these circumstances if you want. As if it's a level playing field with the rest of the league. I can not. I know better. The winning head coach of the Super Bowl every year had and will continue to have a much easier path to their Championship than a head coach in Dallas under Jerry Jones will ever have.

He turns 80 this year and that is the only positive that will come from 2022.


Oh brother! Coaches don't give a crap about that kinda talk....only thin skinned people do. Coaches know they are expendable and don't worry about this crap....amateur!


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I'm not a Mike fan, but I don't like this.

It sends a horrible message. Why would anybody want to coach here?

It's why the Belichecks, Harbaughs, Reid's, Tomlins and Carroll type head coaches don't come here.

And no, spare me with your own self convincing response that fatty is on their level. I could care less about his Rodgers based w/l record at his previous gig.

Those guys I mentioned have a little self respect and treat the job they hold with the genuine integrity it deserves.

A head coach ain't a washed up sell out looking to pad his retirement portfolio. That's the current Cowboy model though.



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If Mike McCarthy had an ounce of dignity he would have his letter of resignation on Jerry's desk today.

And THEN, and only then, he would win an ounce of respect from me for showing he's still a man and not another jellyfish puppet.