Twitter: Jerry's disregard for the position of Head Coach


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i think this is what it is whether fans want to admit it or not.
and jerry always make them think the product will be better next time lol. come on back now!
I agree to a point with the fans that want to win so badly. They're desperate like a man with a woman that just keeps cheating and he keeps taking her back. Down deep inside he should know but he can't help himself.

I do not like it when others say I have lowered my standards by accepting what this is. I adjusted my expectations in order to stay a fan of this team. I also began to avoid exposure to those two incompetent magpies forever running off at the mouth.

I do not buy anything he sells because I am not desperate for a ring and I do not watch them to see them win but just to play.

Too many spend so much time looking back at what was they allow that to distort what is. There is no reason to believe these people are going to get better at their jobs because they don't have to do that. They just keep doing what they're doing and the money keeps rolling in and the value going up.

I do not think enough fans actually stand back and look at this and realize they are witnessing something unique that has never been before. This business model breaks all of the molds because there is no other industry where an inferior product rules the industry.

The reality that we do not wish to accept is that we are just like the Browns and Lions fans but that's exactly where we are. We think this will get better because we actually think we deserve better. Where does that kind of thinking come from? Entitlement based on ancient history in the sports world.


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Why Jerry never learned from the errs of George Steinbrenner, I will never understand


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Parcells was our greatest last chance. 2006 we had a shot. 2007 if he stayed would have been our best shot ever. He left, Jerry hired another loser and we lost.


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Parcells was our greatest last chance. 2006 we had a shot. 2007 if he stayed would have been our best shot ever. He left, Jerry hired another loser and we lost.

Excellent point. I am a huge '07 fan of that team/roster Parcells built as well. And I agree it was definitely the very best opportunity to win since Jimmy left.


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I agree to a point with the fans that want to win so badly. They're desperate like a man with a woman that just keeps cheating and he keeps taking her back. Down deep inside he should know but he can't help himself.

I do not like it when others say I have lowered my standards by accepting what this is. I adjusted my expectations in order to stay a fan of this team. I also began to avoid exposure to those two incompetent magpies forever running off at the mouth.

I do not buy anything he sells because I am not desperate for a ring and I do not watch them to see them win but just to play.

Too many spend so much time looking back at what was they allow that to distort what is. There is no reason to believe these people are going to get better at their jobs because they don't have to do that. They just keep doing what they're doing and the money keeps rolling in and the value going up.

I do not think enough fans actually stand back and look at this and realize they are witnessing something unique that has never been before. This business model breaks all of the molds because there is no other industry where an inferior product rules the industry.

The reality that we do not wish to accept is that we are just like the Browns and Lions fans but that's exactly where we are. We think this will get better because we actually think we deserve better. Where does that kind of thinking come from? Entitlement based on ancient history in the sports world.

Great comments on Jerry's ability to false market an inferior product to untold billions in profits for the last quarter century.
Defies all logic and contradicts basic principles of supply and demand economics 101 that I was taught as both a high school and college student.
Therein lies the mystery of the Dallas Cowboy popularity post 1996...

A mystery destined never to be solved.

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“Socks to jocks” on day one should have served as a precursor of sorts. If not that, then “Five hundred coaches.

Then it was high-profile talent, most notably Deion Sanders, taking their complaints to the boss’s office — something Prime didn’t mind making public when he wasn’t feeling certain coaching directives.

This practice of undermining head coaches has been in place for decades, post-Jimmy, in fact. Mike McCarthys tale is just the latest. Honestly, its not even newsworthy.

it was always Mike’s fate. It’s why he was hired. And the same is true of the next guy.


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Nothing like the owner letting the players know where the HC stands in the pecking order...Man talk about a kid with an ant hill, this kid aint holding a Magnifying glass though its a blowtorch.


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And it’s not like Mikey’s phone was ringing off the hook.

Cowboys have been a grave yard for head coaches. It’s like either the last stop or a place to get off the couch of retirement cause no one else is calling.

It’s really sad this franchise not only doesn’t attract HC’s like most franchises but don’t even seek them out.
Our GM and head of player personnel would never for one second be considered for the same positions by any other franchise.

The head coaches we hire aren't exactly at the top of many other teams' list either.

This unqualified at the top thing rears it's ugly head in the end. Always. I'm sure how we logically think it can be overcome.

They just simply don't know what they are doing, and haven't proven otherwise in forever, but they own the team and bully the local media.

Their business fails repeatedly yet it keeps growing in value.

The lack of success is clearly their fault but are treated like heros in public spaces.

I'm guessing they have a very long way to go before they are giving up.

I dont even necessarily need them to quit, just give the staff a fighting chance by not undermining them with your mouths....and they can't even handle THAT.

Not only is constant and repeated failure not a deterrent, but they seem to bask in hearing themselves spew hurtful nonsense afterward.


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This is the Dallas Cowboys problem...Jerry Jones talking to the media. He rambles too much and gives guys like Ed Werder snippets.

I listened to the whole interview...this is being taken out of context the way it's being presented but that's why you don't talk to the media like this.


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As frustrating as it is to watch a once storied franchise go through 26 years of failure, the constant blame on a long succession of head coaches has never had any merit in Dallas. It's what the lazy do. It's what the misinformed do.

This is a direct quote from Jerry's Senior Bowl interview.

That quote should disgust you. It should make you angry. It doesn't matter what you think of Mike McCarthy. You don’t do that to your head coach.

All these many years later and the egomaniacal owner still doesn't have any respect whatsoever for the position of head coach. Every head coach after Jimmy has not only been put in a position to fail being saddled with no real front office but also in a thorough undressing of any head coach authority. You're not the voice of the team. You don't control your own locker room. You don't decide who's on the field and who isn't. You don't even control your own staff meetings during the week and the players have a direct path around you to your boss if they have any issue with what you're doing.

So you don't have anyone to get you the right players and don't have any ability to coach the team you're given as you see fit.

Now get out there and win us a Championship, "coach"!

This and only this is the real problem with the Dallas Cowboys. From the mid 90's to the present day. If you're wasting even a second of your time criticizing Mike McCarthy or a coordinator you are nothing more than a zombie in

As frustrating as it is to watch a once storied franchise go through 26 years of failure, the constant blame on a long succession of head coaches has never had any merit in Dallas. It's what the lazy do. It's what the misinformed do.

This is a direct quote from Jerry's Senior Bowl interview.

That quote should disgust you. It should make you angry. It doesn't matter what you think of Mike McCarthy. You don’t do that to your head coach.

All these many years later and the egomaniacal owner still doesn't have any respect whatsoever for the position of head coach. Every head coach after Jimmy has not only been put in a position to fail being saddled with no real front office but also in a thorough undressing of any head coach authority. You're not the voice of the team. You don't control your own locker room. You don't decide who's on the field and who isn't. You don't even control your own staff meetings during the week and the players have a direct path around you to your boss if they have any issue with what you're doing.

So you don't have anyone to get you the right players and don't have any ability to coach the team you're given as you see fit.

Now get out there and win us a Championship, "coach"!

This and only this is the real problem with the Dallas Cowboys. From the mid 90's to the present day. If you're wasting even a second of your time criticizing Mike McCarthy or a coordinator you are nothing more than a zombie in Jerry's fan mob. You're doing his bidding for him. He wants fans like you.

You can judge our head coach under these circumstances if you want. As if it's a level playing field with the rest of the league. I can not. I know better. The winning head coach of the Super Bowl every year had and will continue to have a much easier path to their Championship than a head coach in Dallas under Jerry Jones will ever have.

He turns 80 this year and that is the only positive that will come from 2022.


To be fair. McCarthy’s squad blew a home playoff game. Still what Jerry said would not instill confidence in anyone.


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Great comments on Jerry's ability to false market an inferior product to untold billions in profits for the last quarter century.
Defies all logic and contradicts basic principles of supply and demand economics 101 that I was taught as both a high school and college student.
Therein lies the mystery of the Dallas Cowboy popularity post 1996...

A mystery destined never to be solved.

It is really quite simple, owning a nfl team is guaranteed success, it is a great business model.
PSL's guarantee each home game is a sellout for the owner. Home games are where they make all their money.
Thats why they want more games in a
season, that means more home games, more profit.
PSL's were started in colleges, and nfl adopted them as they were a brilliant idea.

TV contracts pay for the players, equipment and coaches.
Stadiums are paid for by the cities they are built in.
Jerry put some of his own money in jerry world to get it done faster.

Sponsorships, like att, pepsi, the casino papa johns etc could also be part of the gravy.
jerseys and other team items, are a drop in the bucket.

The reason cowboys make the most money, is jerry is super greedy person. He will work everyday trying to make more $ off of this or that.
He has a giant stack of gold, that he will never use, but still he wants more, no amount is enough, he will want more till he dies.

So no nfl team has to win to make money , winning doesnt change anything on the money end, except the sell more jerseys which is a small
part of how they make the money.

Jerry also keeps his team in the news , which is free advertising lol, he loves that as it is free!
He wants people to think about the cowboys all year, then around TC time he starts pumping up the fans for the seasonal super bowl run which
never happens lol.

Basically he cant lose.

you could put a total moron as a team owner and they are going to make 100's of millions each year even if they are 0-17
It is just a great business model, and a good toy to play with for some of these owners, especially jerry who love to play with and talk about
his toy.


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Prior to this season only six of the 32 teams had failed to make their conference championship game is the past 20 plus years. Dolphins, Browns, Bengals, Lions, Cowboys and Washington had more in common that that IMO. They had heavy handed owners that meddled far too much. Those Jones...were IMO a big part of the problem with each team. But, hey, look what happened!! The Bengals won their CC game this year and are off to the SB. Yes, even in spike of Mike Brown. Perhaps there is hope for the Cowboys with Jerry and Steve Jones in charge. Hope and not much else.


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It is really quite simple, owning a nfl team is guaranteed success, it is a great business model.
PSL's guarantee each home game is a sellout for the owner. Home games are where they make all their money.
Thats why they want more games in a
season, that means more home games, more profit.
PSL's were started in colleges, and nfl adopted them as they were a brilliant idea.

TV contracts pay for the players, equipment and coaches.
Stadiums are paid for by the cities they are built in.
Jerry put some of his own money in jerry world to get it done faster.

Sponsorships, like att, pepsi, the casino papa johns etc could also be part of the gravy.
jerseys and other team items, are a drop in the bucket.

The reason cowboys make the most money, is jerry is super greedy person. He will work everyday trying to make more $ off of this or that.
He has a giant stack of gold, that he will never use, but still he wants more, no amount is enough, he will want more till he dies.

So no nfl team has to win to make money , winning doesnt change anything on the money end, except the sell more jerseys which is a small
part of how they make the money.

Jerry also keeps his team in the news , which is free advertising lol, he loves that as it is free!
He wants people to think about the cowboys all year, then around TC time he starts pumping up the fans for the seasonal super bowl run which
never happens lol.

Basically he cant lose.

you could put a total moron as a team owner and they are going to make 100's of millions each year even if they are 0-17
It is just a great business model, and a good toy to play with for some of these owners, especially jerry who love to play with and talk about
his toy.

I understand being in the NFL owners billionaire's club practically guarantees excellent profits based on the league's profit sharing set up as well as the individual teams' stadium revenue cash cows.

But Jerry's annual false hope sales pitch in how he leads these 31 other business owners by such a wide margin is noteworthy all the while winning nothing on the field.

I'm sure the Lions still turn a profit.

It's just the Cowboys make an astronomical profit in comparison to them, all the while winning no more championships than them on the field.


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I agree to a point with the fans that want to win so badly. They're desperate like a man with a woman that just keeps cheating and he keeps taking her back. Down deep inside he should know but he can't help himself.

I do not like it when others say I have lowered my standards by accepting what this is. I adjusted my expectations in order to stay a fan of this team. I also began to avoid exposure to those two incompetent magpies forever running off at the mouth.

I do not buy anything he sells because I am not desperate for a ring and I do not watch them to see them win but just to play.

Too many spend so much time looking back at what was they allow that to distort what is. There is no reason to believe these people are going to get better at their jobs because they don't have to do that. They just keep doing what they're doing and the money keeps rolling in and the value going up.

I do not think enough fans actually stand back and look at this and realize they are witnessing something unique that has never been before. This business model breaks all of the molds because there is no other industry where an inferior product rules the industry.

The reality that we do not wish to accept is that we are just like the Browns and Lions fans but that's exactly where we are. We think this will get better because we actually think we deserve better. Where does that kind of thinking come from? Entitlement based on ancient history in the sports world.
As usual one of our best contributors on describing our faults with this dysfunctional ownership. I applaud and agree with your overall intent and message here .

He’s optimizing an Iconic label which we do see with major brands and iconic labels . It’s the American way . Bigger and more publicity does sell. Our most popular retail , eateries and products consumed for example are not necessarily the best products in the market place .

Whether it’s Bud Lt, McDonalds or Walmart for example ( there’s many more products I could provide as an example) Jethro is following an American model that promoting and keeping front and center an Iconic label can lead the industry in revenue without being the best product .

We see the same results even in entertainment . The best artist, films, songs, albums , tv shows , sitcoms , etc are not always the most popular . Jethro has taken an Iconic label and pimped the ride all the way to bank. And he’s done it with typical American ingenuity.
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