Jesse Holley - Micah Parsons Probably The Most Selfish Player On The Team?

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Very informative!!

He is making a lot of assumptions about MP not studying film — how would he know? MP is great at just rushing the QB but he is awful defending the run so teams run right at him. Is this bc he doesn’t want to engage against the run bc there is no glory to that (vs sacking the QB)?


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If you want to know about the fight in the lioness watch :52 mark on the goalline. He may be a great pass rusher but he's soft as they come.


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Love the posters that say what he's saying is "fact" when he kicks off his diatribe informing listeners that his statements in reference to Micah are from his own perspective. That's an "opinion". Opinions aren't right or wring, they are just an opinion. Sounds like Jesse surrounded himself with a bunch of "yes" men, and that's my opinion.

I wish Micah was wearing a different uniform for his own good.


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Social media can truly be a detriment on many levels. While I don't like all of Parsons online antics, etc...I also greatly dislike the hot take drama crap, anything for a click or like, etc. And there are those that have praised MP's desire to get better, etc...

“He is a dynamic person just in how driven he is,” Whitworth says. “He was so excited to be doing the work the whole time, just to try to find that little thing that he needed, and that’s unique—to be as good as he is but still so hungry to find the next edge.”

“I just think it’s crazy that it was on his mind to do this,” Whitworth says. “It’s really cool that that’s his perspective, that he’s trying so hard to find a way to get a percent better. You just think about the humbleness of it, and not because I’m so great or anything, but just to want to work with someone you don’t know like that. It’s awesome that he’s wired that way. The dude is different.”

There's also examples with teammates: “One thing I told Mazi is you gotta come in here with intent every day to get better. You gotta have that unbelievable amount of faith in yourself that we have in you. Because we need you."
Both can be right though. He could be driven to be the best pass rusher in the league but not driven to play LB necessarily.

He wants to hunt qbs and that's what he's good at. It makes sense that would be his emphasis when training and studying.

The days of him being a LB are all but gone. We should probably stop looking at him in that light, and draft some legit full time LB help.


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****NOT-AN-OFFICIAL-SOURCE*** is good people I used to write articles for his videos on a NFL content creator website for a short amount of time. Cool guy. Jesse Holley is spot on here.


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How do yall expect Micah to be a leader and watch film after practice with his teammates when he has a podcast to record?


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Jesse Holley needs to watch film. The Cowboys defense was pathetic without Parsons and he knows he is being played out of position (he actually wants to be a LB in a 3-4 or MLB/WOLB in a 4-3. He played MLB at Penn St. in a 4-3 D because they need him to play MLB. He played DE for the because the Cowboys needed him to play DE, remember the San Diego game injuries at DE 3 years go. If the Jerry Dumbo GM Jones would have signed Randy Gregory, Parsons would be causing the havoc at MLB. This was his 3rd year in the league and I am sure he would rather be a 4-3 LB or a 3/4 OLB vs. a 4-3 DE. Taking on +300 lb OL is not a long term play for a 250 pound LB. Ask Demarcus Ware when he was converted from 3-4 OLB to 4-3 DE? It wore him out and instead of putting him back in the best position to win, Jerry Dumbo GM Jones cut him and he went to Denver as a 3-4 OLB going to 2 Super Bowls and getting a Ring.

This was the dumbest podcast opinion I have ever heard from someone that played 1.5 years on a NFL active roster.


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why don't you just address the context of what Holley is saying about the player instead of childish name calling.....
That's what people do that don't understand the game. Same reason Micah does not want to film study. This video applies half our fan base that either never played football or to lazy to learn how the game is played as a team.

Individuals don't win Championships.

What was Micah's priority coming into the year?

Winning DPOY. Rest my case.