Jesse Holley - Micah Parsons Probably The Most Selfish Player On The Team?

America's Cowboy

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Quit hating on law. Far from a fool. He actually has former and active cowboys on his streams. Also host plenty of events with them as well. Great brother in real life as well if you every met him.
Law is a tool. He argued with me saying Dan Quinn knee what he was doing getting rid of the bigger and younger DTs we had and kept the lighter hybrid types. How did that play out? Law is a rump-kisser. Time proved him wrong when it comes to Dan Quinn's decisions.

America's Cowboy

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:clap:As I have said......his desire and hard work is out there, not hard to find unless you have an agenda. I mean if you don't like him as a person, fine, but why attack his work ethic w/o any facts?
Because that's what the haters do around here. Make up crap just to hate.


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Jesse has sources in the locker room. He is not talking out of his ***. He has been saying all season that Micah is still not viewed as a leader in that locker room. Year 4 loading...
Is he your brother-in-law? You seem to be really locked in on what’s happening.

Is his source embedded with Tanks people in S Carolina? He must have a ton of frequent flier miles because he’s definitely been out to Cali to get the 411 from Deron Bland.

Or… stay with me here … he’s just one of a couple of dozen Cowboy “insiders” who slip a twenty to the towel boy and consider it a “source”.


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This is not “informative”. It’s a hack cowboys “reporter” who gets their clickbait tweets from the Zone.

Honestly, it’s not worth the time it takes to load into your browser

But, give him some $$$ by watching the “this is a metabolism killer” ad that generates money for his channel.

Why do we even entertain these fools?
Truth hurts


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He is 100% right on!! I would trade Parsons because he is not a team player. It's all about him. He is so immature on top of everything else. TJ Watt and Myles Garrett are the real deal and would love them on the Cowboys.


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Do we actually know for a fact Parsons doesn't want to play LB or did Quinn not want to because he's one of the beat pass rushers in the NFL?
jeese hangs out with micah and knows that he doesn't film study or have guys over to do more? i don't disagree if all his assumptions are true but do we know his assumptions are really true?


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Law is a tool. He argued with me saying Dan Quinn knee what he was doing getting rid of the bigger and younger DTs we had and kept the lighter hybrid types. How did that play out? Law is a rump-kisser. Time proved him wrong when it comes to Dan Quinn's decisions.
That is simply disagreeing though. Nothing wrong with that. I dont agree with a lot of stuff he says as well. Just like the posters here.


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Who the hell is Jesses Holley? I guess he trying to become a Cowboy self-appointed authority but at the end of the day, he's just another fan.
I'm not saying I'm a Jesse Holley fan, I think the fact he won a roster spot on a reality show is one of the most embarrassing things the Cowboys have done off the field, but he's not "just another fan".

He has actual first person insight at what happens in an NFL locker room, specifically the Cowboys and Patriots.

Does that mean he is "all knowing" when it comes to this Cowboys team? Absolutely not.

Yet when you look at Parsons' production in the Post Season compared to a guy many on this forum has called a choke artist, DeMarcus Ware, then you can see why Parsons is under so much scrutiny right now.

Is if fair? Probably not 100%.
Is it true? Well, at least partiality.

Does that mean Parsons does not have a big part of the Cowboys regular season success? Absolutely not.

But he is also one of the many big name players in Dallas that seems to disappear when the games matter most. I know, it sucks. But until they win when it matters, it will be the perception, 100% factual or not.



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The fact this forum is even debating about the maturity of Parsons says everything in itself.


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I put some of the blame for this on the organization. This is a team that keeps starters in meaningless games at the end of the season to pad their individual stats. They encourage this kind of individualism. Other teams do what is best for the team, not the players. The coaches should instill in the players all that matters is winning. Beating up on a team that is resting all it's starters just to pad individual stats should be discouraged by the team. Stats don't matter when the other team isn't trying.

It's not just Micah either.


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Is he your brother-in-law? You seem to be really locked in on what’s happening.

Is his source embedded with Tanks people in S Carolina? He must have a ton of frequent flier miles because he’s definitely been out to Cali to get the 411 from Deron Bland.

Or… stay with me here … he’s just one of a couple of dozen Cowboy “insiders” who slip a twenty to the towel boy and consider it a “source”.
You vastly underrate the dirt towel boys are able to launder for a payoff.

Get it? Dirt? Launder?
Thank you. I'll be here all night, people. Lol.


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jeese hangs out with micah and knows that he doesn't film study or have guys over to do more? i don't disagree if all his assumptions are true but do we know his assumptions are really true?
If we have posters here able to see inside refs' heads to know they were traumatized as youths because the Cowboys beat their teams and thus they exact their revenge on the field today then it's plausible Holley's right, yes?


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I'm not saying I'm a Jesse Holley fan, I think the fact he won a roster spot on a reality show is one of the most embarrassing things the Cowboys have done off the field, but he's not "just another fan".

He has actual first person insight at what happens in an NFL locker room, specifically the Cowboys and Patriots.

Does that mean he is "all knowing" when it comes to this Cowboys team? Absolutely not.

Yet when you look at Parsons' production in the Post Season compared to a guy many on this forum has called a choke artist, DeMarcus Ware, then you can see why Parsons is under so much scrutiny right now.

Is if fair? Probably not 100%.
Is it true? Well, at least partiality.

Does that mean Parsons does not have a big part of the Cowboys regular season success? Absolutely not.

But he is also one of the many big name players in Dallas that seems to disappear when the games matter most. I know, it sucks. But until they win when it matters, it will be the perception, 100% factual or not.

Good post!


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"I, I, I"

"Me, Me, Me"

Until it's time to get better, then it's "We". :laugh:

Like I said, some of you guys are not paying attention. The guy is all about himself.
in response to a quote about him? y'all are so weird with this stuff