ok first i wil recap
pat jones said that when he was coaching at pittsburgh college he got beat by notre dame by a guy named joe montana,. that the coaches had to drag jimmy johnson out of the place and physically put him in a car, that jimmy was crying,
jimmy hated to lose
i players on this team hated to lose as half the much that jimmy johnson hated to lose, this team would be winning championship with the talent that was on this team since 2007
losing locker room, jimmy wanted the players to hurt , when lost a game because the more they hurt he said, the more they will be driven to win, now what you have to do is find out the ones that hate to lose, others that are content in just getting a check, get rid of them
talked about it takes to of these to be a winner, big brass balls, george sibert sent that and said after jimmy said if your going to talk, youve got to walk the walk;
jimmy said, i have to treat you in such a way that your already accomplish what i want you to accomplish; your going to win, coach are salesman,
nate said its one thing to stop a guy like jimmy when you still couldnt stop him
jimmy said it cant be reheteric, its got to be work, hard physical work
simms said he tolerates no mistakes, or penalities, challenges your manhood
i have said that several times thats what some of these players on cowboys need now, to be challenged and they arent being challenged
one of his rules, im gong to be consistent, im going to treat everyone of you differently, some of you are on bottom and you know who you are so no room for error, some of you are in between
or above
roy firestone said he doesnt come to play, he comes to win
so that to me is a head coach, one that doesnt come to play, wont accept sloppy mistakes or penalities, and makes players work hard and he comes to win, not just be there or accept 2nd best, or like wade phillips said one time, well we did win, we won a playoff game was the bye week
thats a copout and a wrong message to send to your team,