Jimmy Johnson - Only one thing left to say

I have that Jimmy speech on a VHS tape.

That said. ...I think the end of it got taped over by an episode of Facts of Life.
Lol! Who paid for that roster? What did he do with the dolphins? He's an ungrateful quitter.
And what championships has Jerry won since the team Jimmy built went away? They were stronger together. Both stepped on each other's toes and both were at fault for Jimmy leaving. Don't pretend Jimmy never did anything for Jerry. He helped build the multi-billion franchise when it was at its lowest. Jerry played a huge part too, of course. But the Cowboys record since their last SB appearance says it all. Jerry needs someone who isn't a yes man and will tell him no. Jerry doesn't like that but it's what he needs and what the team needs. Jimmy was right to try to keep Jerry's circus out of the locker room. Jimmy should have respected Jerry more as owner.

I think only a complete moron blames one side completely. Both men were successes before the Cowboys. It's not like one made the other.
Jerry hired Jimmy and got him the players.......what did Jimmy do when he quit and went to Miami?
So you're going to get slaughtered for this statement by a lot of folks but I'm actually in the camp that Jerry does deserve his share of the credit for the early 90s dynasty.

He bought the team, had the stones to fire Landry (big balls move) and hire Jimmy in his place (bigger balls move). All of those actions by Jerry directly contributed to the run we had in Supes XXVII - XXX

But that's where you and I part ways.

Instead of asking what Jimmy did in Miami I think the more important question is what has Jerry done on the 30 years since while totally running this show on his own?

That's probably a bigger indicator of how much credit Jerry deserved for the early 90s Cowboys dynasty.
Ok. Fair enough . Then the counter argument to that thought is that Jimmy took over an awful team and basically restructured the roster from top to bottom

Does he not deserve a ton of credit for that as well?
You can't argue with folks that think Jerry built the team rather than Jimmy.

Jimmy built the team, Jerry paid for it and in turn, made a fortune. Huge difference.
And what championships has Jerry won since the team Jimmy built went away? They were stronger together. Both stepped on each other's toes and both were at fault for Jimmy leaving. Don't pretend Jimmy never did anything for Jerry. He helped build the multi-billion franchise when it was at its lowest. Jerry played a huge part too, of course. But the Cowboys record since their last SB appearance says it all. Jerry needs someone who isn't a yes man and will tell him no. Jerry doesn't like that but it's what he needs and what the team needs. Jimmy was right to try to keep Jerry's circus out of the locker room. Jimmy should have respected Jerry more as owner.

I think only a complete moron blames one side completely. Both men were successes before the Cowboys. It's not like one made the other.
And you're still here! Lol!
He must have really done you wrong.... Maybe you asked for a job and he told you to get lost?
Never met him....but I met Jerry and had a couple of beers with him. He's the real deal. Have you ever met him?
So you're going to get slaughtered for this statement by a lot of folks but I'm actually in the camp that Jerry does deserve his share of the credit for the early 90s dynasty.

He bought the team, had the stones to fire Landry (big balls move) and hire Jimmy in his place (bigger balls move). All of those actions by Jerry directly contributed to the run we had in Supes XXVII - XXX

But that's where you and I part ways.

Instead of asking what Jimmy did in Miami I think the more important question is what has Jerry done on the 30 years since while totally running this show on his own?

That's probably a bigger indicator of how much credit Jerry deserved for the early 90s Cowboys dynasty.
That's a fan....not anyone that played or coached
Worth Repeatin'

Best Jimmie Johnson's Dallas Cowboy career memories:

1 Jimmie trademark victory cry " How 'bout dem Cowboys ??!! ... "
2 Jimmie 49ers prediction in bold type headlines - " we will win the ball game "
3 Emmitt and teammates messing up Jimmie's hold spray hair due , post Super bowl celebration
4 Jimmie vs Buddy Ryan .. " oh I tried to tell him something but Buddy ran his fat rear into the locker room "
5 Jimmie to a slacking player- .... " Go over to the other field with that asthma "



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