Jerrys money and Jimmys brains. Jerry has more money but the brains are gone!
The game and type of players have changed. They all enter all ready invested in money. There now is a chap and management of both talent and cash is the dominant element in the sport. The Head Coach is the factor that stands out is the dominant feature. A complete educated as well as control of team focus is the most important aspect to today's NFL results. The GM is the most important element to length of team projection in stability.
This takes a quality coach and franchise control of cap. A head coach such as Bellichick now, and Jimmy back in the early 90's could mold a top team.
Today, it takes a top rated Scouting section working strongly with the Coaching group to be a winner.
Jerry is not now any part of a carry over problem. It is further not the result of Jimmy forcing his own departure.
One can cry all he wishes for missing a point in the past...but that still doesn't change the current facts or justify missing just that point in time and blame missing that on today's conditions. That is called living in the past and not appreciating it with all the stereotyped whipping boy approach.
Catch up to the game or when all is just insulting return...for non-current causes, That isn't part today's culture as well. Just who does one expect to suck up to stereotyping instead of real evaluations. Really think all crowds are controlled by a Harvard President?