No, because Belichick and the Pats are constantly upper-echelon teams. We aren't. Also, if we hadn't been making as many mistakes there wouldn't be as many negative articles about us. We didn't just lose. It was undisciplined football that cost us games.
The Jets are 3-2 with a rookie QB, I don't know much about the Ravens, the Pats are perennial contenders, so if they have an off season they will get somewhat of a pass, and the 49ers are overachieving why would they get blasted for that? When the Cowboys at Quinthy at QB it was a miracle they went 10-6, which was better than the Cowboys did last year with a much better teams.
The Cowboys are the only team in this post that is underachieving. If they had been playing disciplined football they would be undefeated by now. But they haven't been doing that, so they deserve all the scorn they get from the media.