JJT Say Garrett Controls the Draft

Alexander;5054563 said:
And the best GMs were, at one time, scouts. They have the intellectual ability to overrule, or agree, based on their own competence. We do not have that.

You know this to be true of all the best GM's?
xpistofer;5054551 said:
absolutely. this. look at the coaching the years we had draft failures...

Wade was a nice guy, and he's a good defensive coach, but we killed our roster not adding any players during those years between Parcells and Garrett. Jerry gets blamed for it (and he's the owner/GM, he does deserve some blame), but I think the bigger damage was done by having a HC who didn't have a strong philosophy or program in place for finding the talent he needed to run his own system.
DenCWBY;5054570 said:
I just picture the DC war room.
By the time Goodell is finished with his opening draft speech, JJ is nodding off to sleep with a dull snore, drooling on coat sleeve. Stephan Jones lightly nudges his father and there is no responce so he smiles and immediately turns to JG and whispers, "OK looks like daddy's asleep so I'm going to the strip bar down the street for a scotch and water. Just call me if daddy wakes up. If I'm not back by 17th pick, just look on the moniter and pick whoever Kyper says we're going to take. Got it?".
JG swallows hard and says, "OK, but please don't leave me here alone like you did last time with the scouts". SJones whips around and grabs JG in a head lock scalbing his knob, giggling, "You little carrottop, stop whining and if the scouts give you another wedgie, tell them they will have to answer to me and if I'm sober enough, I'll fire em all!!"
JG begrudgingly agrees and politely looks up rubbing his head, "On your way back, can you get me a vanilla ice cream cone with some animal crackers?"
Stephen turns around and gives JG a nod, "OK, just don't screw it up like you did with Felix and if daddy wakes up just tell him we're still in Dallas".

Just a little predraft humor. Please do not take offense as I'm just kidding.

You might be kidding, but we have numerous "fans" here who actually think this is how things happen at VR.
Fletch;5054535 said:
Many GM's around the league let there coaches shop for the groceries. But you want nothing else to take a shot at Jerry.

Right or wrong?

Obviously wrong.

The GM is the guy responsible for acquiring talent. That "many GMs around the league" comment was made up. It's simply not true.
DenCWBY;5054570 said:
If I'm not back by 17th pick, just look on the moniter and pick whoever Kyper says we're going to take. Got it?".
JG swallows hard and says, "OK, but please don't leave me here alone like you did last time with the scouts".
Who is the Kyper guy?
WPBCowboysFan;5054574 said:
You might be kidding, but we have numerous "fans" here who actually think this is how things happen at VR.

If they are that serious/gullible, then I have some swamp land in Florida I need them to look at. :)
Not only do we not have the guidance of a true GM, we also have a fraud as the VP of Personnel. This is the real problem in Dallas, boys.

It's nice and all that maybe Garrett has some say, considering the other faces at the head table, but I'd rather have the head coach coach and a real talent evaluator in the building to dictate our personnel moves. Last I checked, Jason Garrett didn't have much of a track record of evaluating talent.
Alexander;5054563 said:
And the best GMs were, at one time, scouts. They have the intellectual ability to overrule, or agree, based on their own competence. We do not have that.
There have been studies that show (in business) that people who were the best in their field are rarely the best managers. It's often true in Sports also.
HoosierCowboy;5054584 said:
you people are ridiculous! JJ is damned if he does and damned if he do.esn't

Right. No matter what he does as GM of this team, he's damned. Because he shouldn't hold the title.

If he dictates the moves, he shouldn't. He can't evaluate talent. He's not qualified.

If he defers to his head coach that's not good either. A GM shouldn't be led by anyone. He shouldn't be an empty vessel looking to be pointed in the right direction by his staff.

It's the most important position in any sports franchise and we get nothing of value from it.
Alexander;5054563 said:
And the best GMs were, at one time, scouts. They have the intellectual ability to overrule, or agree, based on their own competence. We do not have that.

That's nice. I am not a fan of Jerry's, however, I have seen this team win 3 SBs with him as GM. If it was because of Jimmy, who clearly had a HUGE part in the team's success, then it stands to reason that Garrett could potentially help collect the talent to take us to the next level. Obviously Jerry is not a very good GM, but a good coach, with an eye for talent, who keeps Jerry in check (sticks to draftboard) can bring this team success. I'm not defending Jerry, I'm just saying that we do not have some disastrous old Al Davis situation where he will just start drafting wildly because a player is fast. Over the past few drafts we have done a much better job of collecting talent despite having Jerry as GM. Even 2010 (Wade still coach) brought us Dez and Lee. If you add those guys to Smith, Carter, Murray, Harris, Claiborne etc (listed earlier), you can see that Dallas has collected some very good players. This doesn't even include adding players like Laurent Robinson, Sterling Moore, and Ernie Sims who played well despite other team's feeling that they weren't any good. I know Jerry pisses us off beyond belief at times, but I believe that he has surrounded himself with good people. Maybe, he's even learned a little over the years and improved as a GM lately. As fans, we should all hope that this is true.
Idgit;5054572 said:
Wade was a nice guy, and he's a good defensive coach, but we killed our roster not adding any players during those years between Parcells and Garrett. Jerry gets blamed for it (and he's the owner/GM, he does deserve some blame), but I think the bigger damage was done by having a HC who didn't have a strong philosophy or program in place for finding the talent he needed to run his own system.

Great post.
I heard Garrett on the radio say the best way to draft is BPA.
Jerry said we gotta stick to our board and that it's not much of a secret because most teams boards are very similar..
The GM should not rule the draft room, the HC should after his scouts have helped him build the draft board with the best of what type of players the HC wants to fit his offensive and defensive schemes.
BHendri5;5054707 said:
The GM should not rule the draft room, the HC should after his scouts have helped him build the draft board with the best of what type of players the HC wants to fit his offensive and defensive schemes.

Absolutely, positively, NOT
Why can't the GM hire the right people to scout who in turn ask the coaches what they are looking for and telling the coaches what they have then they all sit down and do their board and then draft. Simple version but the GM isn't supposed to do the leg work. That's the scouts. He should MANAGE in general the acquisition of talent hence the name GM.
It is the GMs job to acquire the best talent to fit the schemes that his team runs.
I might be wrong but it seems like some of you think the gm should rule the roost in the war room and he makes all the decisions

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