JJT Say Garrett Controls the Draft

Little Jr;5054726 said:
I might be wrong but it seems like some of you think the gm should rule the roost in the war room and he makes all the decisions

:star:still....17 years is quite a spell..seen the draft completely disregarded not just once but twice during the stretch.
SilverStarCowboy;5054762 said:
:star:still....17 years is quite a spell..seen the draft completely disregarded not just once but twice during the stretch.

Can't say I disagree. Not being rude but I don't follow what this has to do with my post. Again not being rude just trying to understand
I think Garrett is better suited as a Gm than a coach. However I still like him as our coach.
Little Jr;5054726 said:
I might be wrong but it seems like some of you think the gm should rule the roost in the war room and he makes all the decisions

Jerry owner, Jerry gm. Jerry owner has final say in any and all decisions regarding the Dallas Cowboys. Big shock.
jobberone;5054714 said:
Why can't the GM hire the right people to scout who in turn ask the coaches what they are looking for and telling the coaches what they have then they all sit down and do their board and then draft. Simple version but the GM isn't supposed to do the leg work. That's the scouts. He should MANAGE in general the acquisition of talent hence the name GM.

Why? I'll tell you why.

Because if you accept this model (even if thats the way its actually done at VR) then you cant just blast Jerry for everything. Other people are included in the criticism - and that just wouldnt seem right to the Jerry bashers.

If Jerry is the do all, end all, then you can blame him for runaway golf carts, seat mishaps, food screw ups at the stadium, player failures, coach failures, injuries, the weather - whatever you want.
Risen Star;5054446 said:
The GM should control your draft.

We don't have one.


With that said I think Garrett is probably more fit to be a GM than a Head Coach so it works out well for us in this case.

With Wade Phillips? Not so much.
It is a group effort and in Dallas it has always been that was. Tex, Brandt and Landry ran the draft at one time. Claiming only 1 way to do it or only 1 person making the moves just shows how little some of our fans know the Cowboys.
Jerry will make the final call but he defers to his scouts and his head coach.

His job is to break any ties and make the final pronouncement.

Jerry is not an evaluator on his own. He is a consensus maker. His draft history is all over the board because it is predicated upon whom he has advising him.

Jerry IS the GM. Of that there is no doubt. But being something doesn't make you good at it. You'd like to think ~20 years experience does.
Doomsday101;5054848 said:
It is a group effort and in Dallas it has always been that was. Tex, Brandt and Landry ran the draft at one time. Claiming only 1 way to do it or only 1 person making the moves just shows how little some of our fans know the Cowboys.

jterrell;5055027 said:
Jerry will make the final call but he defers to his scouts and his head coach.

His job is to break any ties and make the final pronouncement.

Jerry is not an evaluator on his own. He is a consensus maker. His draft history is all over the board because it is predicated upon whom he has advising him.

Jerry IS the GM. Of that there is no doubt. But being something doesn't make you good at it. You'd like to think ~20 years experience does.

I agree. However I think you look at any GM it is the people they put around them that make them successful, no one man in the NFL is doing the drafting alone there are so many involved in this process the key it putting the right people around you.

Granted GM will either take the credit or blame and rightfully so since they are the ones who put their people in place.
Doomsday101;5055032 said:
I agree. However I think you look at any GM it is the people they put around them that make them successful, no one man in the NFL is doing the drafting alone there are so many involved in this process the key it putting the right people around you.

Granted GM will either take the credit or blame and rightfully so since they are the ones who put their people in place.

No argument there.

Some GMs are ex player personnel guys and that is their bag. Jerry is going to be stronger on the business side because that it is his bag.

It just is what it is.

So Jerry needs top notch player personnel folks and coaches he can trust to evaluate players.

But he can field successful draft classes and we have seen hit do so.

He needs next to no help on the business side. He pretty much invented the current franchise financial model.
jterrell;5055037 said:
No argument there.

Some GMs are ex player personnel guys and that is their bag. Jerry is going to be stronger on the business side because that it is his bag.

It just is what it is.

So Jerry needs top notch player personnel folks and coaches he can trust to evaluate players.

But he can field successful draft classes and we have seen hit do so.

He needs next to no help on the business side. He pretty much invented the current franchise financial model.

True. Tex was not a personnel guy that is why Gil Brandt played a key role. The 3 men working together Tex, Gil and Landry were able to put some good talent on the field. No doubt we have had some bad drafts when Lacewell was here, things improved some with Ireland and the last 3 drafts have looked better with the work put in by Tom Ciskowski
WPBCowboysFan;5054517 said:
You really want Jerrah to handle it?

can you show me the evidence that garrett is great at talent evaluation?

if so, maybe he should be our GM
BHendri5;5054707 said:
The GM should not rule the draft room, the HC should after his scouts have helped him build the draft board with the best of what type of players the HC wants to fit his offensive and defensive schemes.

:laugh2: :laugh2:

can you tell 31 other NFL teams please
they have been doing it a different way and having a lot of success

but maybe they are all wrong
:laugh2: This would actually be better than reality.
DenCWBY;5054570 said:
I just picture the DC war room.
By the time Goodell is finished with his opening draft speech, JJ is nodding off to sleep with a dull snore, drooling on coat sleeve. Stephan Jones lightly nudges his father and there is no responce so he smiles and immediately turns to JG and whispers, "OK looks like daddy's asleep so I'm going to the strip bar down the street for a scotch and water. Just call me if daddy wakes up. If I'm not back by 17th pick, just look on the moniter and pick whoever Kyper says we're going to take. Got it?".
JG swallows hard and says, "OK, but please don't leave me here alone like you did last time with the scouts". SJones whips around and grabs JG in a head lock scalbing his knob, giggling, "You little carrottop, stop whining and if the scouts give you another wedgie, tell them they will have to answer to me and if I'm sober enough, I'll fire em all!!"
JG begrudgingly agrees and politely looks up rubbing his head, "On your way back, can you get me a vanilla ice cream cone with some animal crackers?"
Stephen turns around and gives JG a nod, "OK, just don't screw it up like you did with Felix and if daddy wakes up just tell him we're still in Dallas".

Just a little predraft humor. Please do not take offense as I'm just kidding.
visionary;5055100 said:
:laugh2: :laugh2:

can you tell 31 other NFL teams please
they have been doing it a different way and having a lot of success

but maybe they are all wrong

Not all 31 NFL teams do things the same way when it comes to the draft.
Doomsday101;5055107 said:
Not all 31 NFL teams do things the same way when it comes to the draft.

but no one does it the way we do because the way we do it is moronic
jterrell;5055037 said:
No argument there.

Some GMs are ex player personnel guys and that is their bag. Jerry is going to be stronger on the business side because that it is his bag.

It just is what it is.

So Jerry needs top notch player personnel folks and coaches he can trust to evaluate players.

But he can field successful draft classes and we have seen hit do so.

He needs next to no help on the business side. He pretty much invented the current franchise financial model.

His strenght on the business side (assuming you're referring to generating revenue) should be looked at as a major weakness as a GM because it has nothing to with assembling a roster.

In fact, the time he spends trying to get events for Cowboys stadium takes away from his time as a GM. While Jerry's setting up Women's Pro Bowling tournaments I wonder what Atlanta's GM is doing.

Surely not trying to get events at the Georgia Dome because that's what the team owner and/or president is suppose to be doing.
Alexander;5054563 said:
And the best GMs were, at one time, scouts. They have the intellectual ability to overrule, or agree, based on their own competence. We do not have that.

Exactly, that's why he leans which ever way the wind blows. When people say that JJ surveys the group opinion and gets a concensus that's an indictment of his lack of confidence and knowledge. People that don't know what they're doing often do this so blame can be spread.

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