Joe Theismann: Any GM who trades for Tony Romo's 'damaged goods' should lose his job

Just seeing Theismann's name reminds me of the pure joy I experienced watching the opening game of the '85 season.
I'm just saying that Tony probably can make all the throws but he's going to be jittery to get hit. He's going to bail the first time he senses trouble, or buckle down to protect himself. That's not the way to play QB. And if he gets blindsided, it's over. If he takes more than 2 to 3 crushing hits during the game, it's over. I just think that for the sake of himself and his family, he should let this go. This isn't going to end well for him no matter how good people think he can play. If it weren't for the injuries, Aikman could have played till 40 or so.

Tom Brady hasn't taken nearly the abuse that Romo's taken so he can still play. When your body stops responding, it's over.
So when I bring up Tonys record in the post season and his record in 'win and get in' games in week 17... its a team game, LOL.

It's always a team game, as evidenced by the fact that with Romo this team was able to win, but without him they were not able to. It took a much better team with a much easier schedule to win in 2016.
It's always a team game, as evidenced by the fact that with Romo this team was able to win, but without him they were not able to. It took a much better team with a much easier schedule to win in 2016.
Yeah, a much better QB and a better running back. Everything else is the same, and the defense is worse.
If he won't take a huge paycut to sit on the sidelines as the back up next season, there's no way he's here. Jerry is not going to pay out this contract for a back up QB no matter how much he may personally like Tony.

If a trade can't be worked out, and he won't take the pay cut, yes, he will be cut. And I'm saying this as somebody who is a huge Romo fan.

Well I won't say I have a crystal ball, but I do know there is no reason to give him away for a bag of chips. Some say he deserves better, so do we.
His contract is a serious drawback for any team who trades for him. He, IMO, is done. He does not make any team he plays for a contender. He probably hurts the chances more then he helps them because he uses serious cap resources that could go else where and he can't stay on the field anymore.

Sucks but thats what he is at this point and this should not be a surprise to anybody. You were told over and over that this is what would likely happen when he signed the big contract.

It is? Have you seen the going rate for QBs right now? I don't think you've properly evaluated that.

Osweiller hits 18 million a year. Cousins at 19 million. Ryan Tanneheil at 19 million. Tyrod Taylor at 18 million. Stafford at 17.6 million. Andy Dalton at 16 million...
Give me a break. The reasons Theismann lists is why Romo won't fetch a first or second round pick in return.

But if you're John Elway, with a quality young QB waiting in the wings, you're telling me you wouldn't want to pursue the possibility of Romo catching lightning for your team? If he can't make it through the system, you turn to Lynch or possibly even Siemian if he remains under contract.
Can you be certain 36 hasn't had a hand in this? GB, weren't you one of the guys suggesting Murray would be worn out after so many carries and injuries?

Then how is Romo different? Now compound that with his age.

I don't know. I can be very wrong about this. But I think it is presumptuous to assume he can walk on after almost two years of injuries and age and be the same guy. Mentally I think he is as sharp as ever.

QBs can play well longer than running backs. And I didn't say Murray would be worn out after so many carries and never mentioned his injuries... I said he wouldn't have a great 2015 in Philly.
Small sample size. You've got to be able to do better than that.
I know your tongue is attached, but if you're 36 and is always injured, what more sample do you need? All it took was a nice good hit and he was down.
Put down the drink.
What is different genius? It's the same team with a different QB and a better running back. That defense is worse. Dmac had fewer yards but that's cause he didn't start till later, and his QBs sucked, so they all loaded up on the run.

Your precious QB is done. He'll play somewhere else, but it won't be long before he's done.
The words trade or waive are seemingly disappointing or upsetting some people. However, the only people who shall be affected by either word in reality (e.g. the real world) are those who enjoy a business relationship with the franchise. So, if the front office comes to terms with Romo exiting Dallas by effecting a smart, dumb, whatever-you-want-to-call-it transaction, why can't people outside the organization come to terms with themselves about the team's decision? After all, the latter aren't contractually bound to the franchise.

The franchise has moved beyond the Romo era but it seems like some people haven't and are seemingly prepared to be upset with Jones and Company allowing Romo's exit. Strange. Not as strange as the Romo Retirement Movement but strange nonetheless.
It is? Have you seen the going rate for QBs right now? I don't think you've properly evaluated that.

Osweiller hits 18 million a year. Cousins at 19 million. Ryan Tanneheil at 19 million. Tyrod Taylor at 18 million. Stafford at 17.6 million. Andy Dalton at 16 million...

It is. What's the going rate for backups or for QBs who are on the IR?
DAL is in no hurry to make a move since the only way to get any instant salary relief is if he re-does his deal to stay as a back-up

Cutting him or trading him before June 1st means a 19.6m cap hit in 2017
They will wait and as the season approaches teams will get desperate, like MINN.....cutting him makes zero sense......why not just forfeit their first round pick in honor of Tom Landry
What was the rate for Payton Manning when he had far worse physical problems and signed with Denver?

I believe it was 3 years, 48 Million, for a Super Bowl winning QB. When he signed with Denver, I don't know that I would say he was in worse shape but, I would say that the situations were similar. Having said this, teams are not going to look at Manning and Tony the same way. Tony has been injured consistently over the last 4 seasons. Manning was injured for a considerable amount of time but he wasn't injured season over season. There was no pattern of injury, per say. So, I've answered your question, now answer mine. What's the going rate for Backups or QBs on the IR?
What is different genius? It's the same team with a different QB and a better running back. That defense is worse. Dmac had fewer yards but that's cause he didn't start till later, and his QBs sucked, so they all loaded up on the run.

Your precious QB is done. He'll play somewhere else, but it won't be long before he's done.

SAS in the house.

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