Jones says Garrett will return as Head Coach for 2014

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Per Jerry Jones. There is an article about it in the newszone.
I feel like jerry jones falls *** backwards into stuff like kramer on seinfeld.

rich family, oil money, jimmy johnson....and now this 17 year losing streak is what we get when he runs out of luck.
I'm looking at the list of discussions right now, and I still don't see the one you reference.
Thanks a lot Jerry I was hoping for a competent coach next year.
Just like the US went into Iraq and took out Saddam, we need to form a brigade and take out Jerry.

I will not allow us to draw weapon on Jerry....but yes, we should capture him, and have him sign over his empire to one of us!
The coaches are not the problem. Only one main constant over the last 17 years and that is Jerry Jones. Jerry will continue to embarrass this organization and make those longtime fans (myself for 30 years) just grow in disgust. I truly feel Jerry will never sniff another deep run into the playoffs in his lifetime; sad. Great businessman, but terrible NFL Exec!

And why was this comment by him even needed right now????
Very strange. I am able to reference the article you linked (posted there too). When I go to screen where you see all the various zone choices and I can see where the one your reference has been recently posted to in the fanzone. But when I enter the fanzone it doesn't show up in my list of discussions.
The coaches are not the problem. Only one main constant over the last 17 years and that is Jerry Jones. Jerry will continue to embarrass this organization and make those longtime fans (myself for 30 years) just grow in disgust. I truly feel Jerry will never sniff another deep run into the playoffs in his lifetime; sad. Great businessman, but terrible NFL Exec!

Incompetent GM's hire incompetent coaches.
i feel the need to see the gif of a wade fist pump

or the nerd 'yes' that BP often posts
Why worry about it now, Jerry always says things. If team doesn't make the playoffs, one vodka and tonic can change his mind in a second.

Could this just be Jerry's kiss of death.
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