Yeah you right there is nothing wrong with getting in trouble all the time. He was arrested last year and earlier this year. But hey if he get arrested again later in the year all is good unless the charges are drop right? I believe in due process but someone who is always in cuffs seem to be doing something wrong.
I'm just to the point that I am going to laugh at people because some arguments are so bad it's unnecessary to argue on merit.
He's been in cuffs the same number of times as quite a few players on this team. I don't see you clamoring to get rid of Ro, Spencer or Josh Brent.
After being called out and made to look silly, I didn't expect you to acknowledge it or apologize. I figured you would just slink away quietly. But to double down on the insults after getting publicly owned shows me you can't be reasoned with.
Ughhh Brent got in trouble once pay his dues. Spencer had that one incident YEARS ago and havent been in trouble since. Ro has been clean since he join the team. But Randle has been arrested twice the past 6 months !!!! Yeah his lawyer most likely got him off on a technicality or something but you really have to start looking at this guy before stuff hits the fan. Now his childs mom have a restraining order against him? Im telling you this guy smell like bad news.
The Cowboy players hate this punk. They don't trust him.
Where did you get this from?
Brent got in trouble in college as well, and his crime was light years worse than Randle's, as you could argue that Spencer's was as well. Randle had been clean for 22 years until he did an extremely boneheaded act and got into baby mama drama. I don't think he's a bad guy.
Ha!!! you reference issues with players before they wore the star. But name one current cowboy that had multiple run in with the law that resulted to having to go to court?
Im guess no one is reading this????
Randle's wedging a divide in cowboyszone. There is way too much tension. Cowboys fans should relax, take a trip fifty years into the future in DallasEast's time machine, and listen in on a conversation between Randle and his granddaughter...
Granddaughter: Pappie Joe, tell me a story from your time with the Dallas Cowboys!
Randle: Sure thing, Mary Jane. Let me see. Did I ever tell you about the time I got in trouble snatching some drawers?
Granddaughter: Yeah Pappie! You always tell that one!
Randle: Okay, MJ. Settle down. Say, did I ever tell you why your folks named you Mary Jane?
Granddaughter: No, why did they...
Randle: Oh, wait! I know. How about the time your Grandma called the cops on me?
Granddaughter: No Pappie! Grandma always tells that one!
Randle: She plays the 911 calls for you, doesn't she?
Granddaughter: Yep!
Randle: Dang it.
( @justbob's gonna kick my butt right outta this thread )
No but Clyde is going to.