Josh Brent met with Roger

So you're teling me you NEVER had a few drinks and driven, not even in your youth?

What about running a red light? Ever done that?

Have you ever tail gated someone?

I hope your reality meets the vigor of your self-righteousness, because what happend to Brent could have happend to anyone who has done any of those things while driving. He made an grevious error and paid for it with his freedom and his conscience. Jerry Brown's family supports his return to football, I think it's ok if you don't.

Difficult to duplicate the sheer ignorance of this post
Spags said last week that Josh Brent and Jerry Brown's mom are doing some PSAs for MADD.
I think there have been others, but that's the first mention of atonement that I will give Brent props for. Well Gimme? Looks like your ultimatium for MADD got thrown a curveball. :p
Jerra's too busy with road lizards attached to his neither regions to worry about Brent.

are neither regions like nein regions?

Brent must be feeling really good. Based on Ray Rice's case he might get only a 3-game suspension if that. If I ever am charged with a felony, I hope Roger Gooddell is mein judge.
are neither regions like nein regions?

Brent must be feeling really good. Based on Ray Rice's case he might get only a 3-game suspension if that. If I ever am charged with a felony, I hope Roger Gooddell is mein judge.

There are degrees of felony pertaining to the situation. Not all felonies are the same. Just the same as all juries are not the same, and not all Judges are not the same.

Oh, and Goodell would suspend you to hard labor...picking vegetables in Farmers Market, where you live!
Yeth, my Super bowl hopes are buoyed by the expected return of Brent.
But first the parade for Josh Brent and then citizen of the year festivities.

Seriously, if Mothers Against Drunk Driving does not show up at the first home game I will lose all respect for that organization. Or maybe Jerra can also pay off MADD to not show up.

They didn't want a confrontation with DAMM (Drunks Against Mad Mothers)
I'm wondering how long it will take the Commish to hand down Josh's fate. The waiting is the hardest part. I'm hoping for no suspension, time served, welcome back to the league son.
Mike Fisher posted this at theranch from Jesse Holly who also talked on thefan about Josh. Didn't see it posted.

By Jesse Holley (with Fish)

I got a chance to have dinner with Josh Brent a few days ago, in advance of his meeting with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell. And I communicated with him on Thursday following the reinstatement in New York.

I can tell Dallas Cowboys fans this, as I noted on our 105.3 The Fan pregame show before Cowboys-at-Chargers: Josh went in feeling optimistic. He came out feeling optimistic.

And before, during and after, he is absolutely remorseful.

Josh, of course, was at the wheel when a horrific accident took the life of his friend and teammate Jerry Brown. He has spent time paying the price legally and has served his time. A cloud is lifting; his spirits are high, his fitness is good, and the dark place he was in a year ago is not so dark.

Josh has expressed to me a desire to help a football team that he's always viewed as his family. He believes he can be a key contributor here and that nothing short of Super Bowl contention must be the goal.

"We can win," Josh tells me. "And I can help."

But he's also motivated by something else: The chance to turn tragedy and remorse into something powerful, into a way to honor Jerry's mother and little daughter.
There are his physical efforts to return to football as he works out at Michael Johnson's facility with the help of ex-Cowboys lineman Andre Gurode. Josh will knock off the rust and be fine there. There is the acceptance inside the Cowboys, from Jerry Jones on down.

But what about the other challenges?

I hope Commissioner Goodell senses what I know about Josh. In fact, I hope he hears he words the same way I hear them when Brent says this to me.
"If I ever get a chance to right that wrong," Josh Brent has said to me, "I will do so."

Jesse Holley on theFan talking about Josh
We're not talking about law but league policy per this commissioner.

Anybody who thinks Brent should get no or little suspension is simply a Cowboys fan trying to excuse one of their players.

Wrong. Some people think broader than others.
Difficult to duplicate the sheer ignorance of this post

i agree with the poster your responding to. Maybe not all of us have driven drunk
but i have and most if not all of my friends [in youth] had. Driving drunk at one time in Texas
was considered a right.Police were known in small towns to escort you home.
The attitude changed with the Madd movement
Hmmm then riddle me this. Why'd I pull them over?

Bc you have nothing better to do on your night? FUN...finally:rolleyes: Am I suppose to bow down to your prowess of passing a test a toddler could pass?
Wrong. Some people think broader than others.

I don't have to think any broader than a player should get the same suspension as what's been given in the recent past for the same offense.

You can color what you want. You're a fan excusing one of your players.
I don't have to think any broader than a player should get the same suspension as what's been given in the recent past for the same offense.

You can color what you want. You're a fan excusing one of your players.

Different circumstance.

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