Twitter: Josh Brent tased and arrested


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
No story to change. Facts are facts. 19 years in the force and never once arrested someone for public intoxication alone. If the person is assaulting someone or committing vandalism or disorderly conduct then they get charged with that plus they will throw the public intoxication on as well. If the person is in their car then its DUI.
Josh Brent wouldnt have been charged either if he didnt resist or act like a fool when the police approached him.

You made the fool of yourself today.
Not your best day. Don't worry, tomorrow is a new day. Come stronger next time.

I asked my brother the same question. He has 28 years in HPD, a detective now, but he said they don’t go around and arrest for a simple PI. It is always accompanied with another charge for various offenses which includes what you listed.


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I asked my brother the same question. He has 28 years in HPD, a detective now, but he said they don’t go around and arrest for a simple PI. It is always accompanied with another charge for various offenses which includes what you listed.
Because most cops don't like doing the extra paperwork for what they consider insignificant charges. They would rather wait until they can stack charges to help get a conviction. Instead of doing there job and possibly preventing people from being hurt or worse they would rather clean up the mess afterwards.


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Public intoxication is a hit on the show ridiculousness. Especially from russia.


Junior College Transfer
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I asked my brother the same question. He has 28 years in HPD, a detective now, but he said they don’t go around and arrest for a simple PI. It is always accompanied with another charge for various offenses which includes what you listed.

PI was usually an arrestable offense. Now it is seen as a personal health issue, and the public idiot is more likely to get an ambulance ride to get sobered up and released from the hospital.
Someone wants to be stupid and get pants-wetting drunk at home, that is fine. In public? I say, go to the drunk tank.


Junior College Transfer
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So, how long will speed racer/cop evader idiot be in jail?
His probation been revoked? Will walk again?
Anybody? Anybody?


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Here we go with our self righteous self called perfect fans showing how low they too can be by calling him an idiot.
What he needs is help with his alcohol problem.
Brent never had to face the brutal reality of true consequences, which is apparently what he (and most with his kind of problem) needed to do.

Any normal person who did what he did would have hit rock bottom a long time ago. He had a DUI. Then he was responsible for the death of a teammate because he was drunk. Failed a league drug test. Then he failed to follow proper monitoring before trial. Then he got a ridiculously light sentence for vehicular manslaughter.

Instead, Jones instead stuck with him, giving him first a warehouse job while he was suspended by the league and then as time went along even a position in the scouting department, which I am sure he was not exactly the most qualified to do. He should have been left to honestly deal with his issues instead of coddled.

Jones enabled him all along. It is nice I guess that Jones has these charity cases, but rarely does his faith and kindness get rewarded.

Could not have said it better, I think that maybe Jones has sympathy for him because Jones himself like to indulge in alcohol.


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Have you ever beaten a speeding ticket by talking your way out of it?

I once got drunker than I thought I would get and decided to sleep in my car near the club instead of drinking and driving home...I was awakened by 2 police officers knocking on my window at 4 am. I found out I could have been arrested for DUI since my keys were in the was about 40 degrees and I needed the heat to stay warm. The cops did nothing. They understood and let me go back to sleep. So as much as people want to pretend laws are absolute they are not living in the real world.

I remember a high school party years ago where the beer was flowing. Tons of underage kids drinking. The police raided the house and arrested none of us that night. They could have. So again laws are not absolute and police can use discretion.
Its about context.


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cops make judgment calls on the fly...yes its within SOME discretion within the context of the sitch, its not an exact science. We are dealing with human beings here. No one was out to get Brent. Maybe next time he can get some counseling..mental illness is terrible for someone to endure all alone.


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Man, Josh Brent's got that quick twitch Marinelli covets in this video.

Fla Cowpoke

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I wonder how the Mom of the guy he killed feels? She forgave him after the accident...sure this reopens wounds.


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Josh Brent is a moron and has a proven history of being a moron.

I don't know why Jerry still shows any loyalty to this clown. He should have been locked up in 2012.


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I thought maybe since he got drunk and had a accident that killed his friend that he would quit drinking, and JJ actually gave him a job...

Or at least take the first step, learn to drink responsibly. Many people do it every day.