Good post, albeit I do not agree with the hoping justice is done part in regards to NFL discipline. Josh Brent has undergone arrests, trials, convictions, incarcerations, and probations. Whether it has been under served, over served, or fell somewhere in-between, justice has been dispensed. In my opinion, the justice process ends there.
Any NFL discipline he receives shall serve as a career reminder for himself and his peers. Any discipline he or other players receive may be deemed perfect or far from perfect by observers. The personal conduct policy is devoid of codified rules for infractions. Outsiders, including the players, do not know what the commissioner considers appropriate punishment. It is the lack of certainty for how punishment will be given out is what I agree with most.
Any past or current punishments, which prompt future players to pause and contemplate for a moment about taking a questionable action, is most welcome. For the most part, players have worked extremely hard to reach the NFL. It is pathetic how such accomplishment gets diminished or thrown aside in avoidable moments of personal ignorance, callousness, or sometimes plain indifference. Personally, I'm glad Goodell pisses some people off to high heaven about the punishments he hands out. I hope the players feel the exact same way. If it implants deep enough within their consciousness, perhaps the resentment for Goodell's irregular punishments will cause just one player to second-guess doing something they may regret later. That's a win-win in my book.