JPP has Right Index Finger Amputated

You can watch the procedure done on someone on youtube. Just do a search for

Index Finger Ray Amputation

I just watched the cliff notes version of the operation done by Dr. Aaron Freilich on Todd Richards' channel. Don't want to embed because it might cause some hurling from those with weak stomachs.

I would definitely be one of the first to hurl.
ESPN should fire schefter. the Dez video BS, and now this. i can't stand this guy.

Really surprised ESPN hasn't made a comment on the possible HIPPA violation...if it is as it appears a leaked medical record....then they are huddled up with their lawyers waiting to hear from the NFLPA and JPP Lawyers
You can watch the procedure done on someone on youtube. Just do a search for

Index Finger Ray Amputation

I just watched the cliff notes version of the operation done by Dr. Aaron Freilich on Todd Richards' channel. Don't want to embed because it might cause some hurling from those with weak stomachs.

Holy crap that was insane. I thought all you had to do was put a finger to the saw machine and off it goes. Nope..its a bit more complicated and nastayyy.
I guess he's going to have trouble signing his franchise tag, if the Giants don't pull it off the table!!
My guess is he was making some type of sparkler bomb, or doing something stupid with some big artillery shells. What else would do this type of damage?

Also, every NFL contract going forward will have a JPP clause prohibiting players from participating in fireworks. Kind of like they do with extreme sports.
My guess is he was making some type of sparkler bomb, or doing something stupid with some big artillery shells. What else would do this type of damage?

Also, every NFL contract going forward will have a JPP clause prohibiting players from participating in fireworks. Kind of like they do with extreme sports.

I read that CJ Wilson was holding a Roman Candle type firework when it exploded instead of ejecting. He lost his middle and index fingers.

No word on how the JPP accident happened, but he had a UHaul full of expensive fireworks.
I read that CJ Wilson was holding a Roman Candle type firework when it exploded instead of ejecting. He lost his middle and index fingers.

No word on how the JPP accident happened, but he had a UHaul full of expensive fireworks.

They were industrial grade too, like the ballistic shells they launch at shows. Not surprising, if he didn't have an expert tell him how to handle that type of explosive.
They were industrial grade too, like the ballistic shells they launch at shows. Not surprising, if he didn't have an expert tell him how to handle that type of explosive.

Fireworks guy: what would you like?

JJP: I got a $60 million contract... Just send a u-haul truck full if the biggest, loudest ad
and brightest stuff you have...
Fireworks guy: what would you like?

JJP: I got a $60 million contract... Just send a u-haul truck full if the biggest, loudest ad
and brightest stuff you have...

"fireworks guy" was probably a grey market dealer with connections to import the stuff directly from China.

Just as most of us suspected, it wasn't only the index finger that was an issue. Fractured thumb, ouch. I'd say that's a pretty important digit, even just in every day life. Doubly so for a profession where grabbing things is very important.

How long could it take for a fractured thumb to heal fully? (never mind, it says 6 weeks in the article.)
I read that CJ Wilson was holding a Roman Candle type firework when it exploded instead of ejecting. He lost his middle and index fingers.

No word on how the JPP accident happened, but he had a UHaul full of expensive fireworks.

If JPP was doing something stupid its hard to feel real sorry for him, but its very, very possible it was just a faulty firework. I've had all kinds of things happen with artillery shells malfunctioning. Saturday we had one 1 that blew up in the tube and another that blew up about 3 feet above the tube. Its the 2nd year in a row Ive had faulty artillery shells and I think I've had enough of messing with them. I'll probably let others take the risk and be a spectator from now on.
"fireworks guy" was probably a grey market dealer with connections to import the stuff directly from China.

They sale legal fireworks here that rival the big time professional grade fireworks. I doubt he had professional pyro type fireworks that you have to have a license to get.

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