JPP has Right Index Finger Amputated

All kidding aside, this is probably the 2nd worst finger he could have lost. His first being the thumb. Having that big gap is gonna make it tough for him to hold on even after the healing and the pain runs its course.
All kidding aside, this is probably the 2nd worst finger he could have lost. His first being the thumb. Having that big gap is gonna make it tough for him to hold on even after the healing and the pain runs its course.

Yeah, honestly, we probably shouldn't be joking about it. I do feel bad for the guy.
Yeah, honestly, we probably shouldn't be joking about it. I do feel bad for the guy.

Me too. If I could wave my magic wand, I'd gladly give him his finger back. But man, it's tough not to throw a few jabs especially when you live in Giants Central like I do. I've kept my jokes in house here. I don't like kicking anyone when they're down even though I'd have been hammered by them if it happened to one of our guys.

I'm kinda feeling like the bull that gets a horn in on the matador. LOL
This could be a distal amputation or proximal ie, all the finger or just part so it may not affect him at all.
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This could be a distal amputation or proximal ie, all the finger or just part.

Possibly. But my gut tells me that it's more likely that he lost the whole finger. If he was grasping (whatever it was) he likely had his finger curled around it. All things considered, he's very lucky to have only lost the one digit.
So Adam Schefter posting it on twitter isn't good enough?
I mean from the standpoint of whether or not it is legal or ethical to post a medical file. I am not doubting the accuracy of the report, I just find it very interesting that ESPN seems to have decided not to actually show the darn thing on their website.
This could be a distal amputation or proximal ie, all the finger or just part so it may not affect him at all.

On the NFL network, they asked Rappoport if it was just part of the finger or the entire thing, and he said it was a full finger amputation.
This could be a distal amputation or proximal ie, all the finger or just part so it may not affect him at all.

Someone said the report classified it as a ray amputation, which is the entire finger all the way through the hand. Not sure how accurate that is though.
i'll be the one

You can watch the procedure done on someone on youtube. Just do a search for

Index Finger Ray Amputation

I just watched the cliff notes version of the operation done by Dr. Aaron Freilich on Todd Richards' channel. Don't want to embed because it might cause some hurling from those with weak stomachs.
I mean from the standpoint of whether or not it is legal or ethical to post a medical file. I am not doubting the accuracy of the report, I just find it very interesting that ESPN seems to have decided not to actually show the darn thing on their website.

Because chances are the ESPN legal team got their hands on it and said, "No"

But it's been picked up by every other news outlet...and Schefter is being hammered for his ethics.

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