Just one question for everyone


The Duke
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Bleu Star;2486387 said:
People that haven't experienced this dynamic wouldn't understand the point you're making. I feel you though.
I don't get the importance of the team meeting aspect.

We had a team meeting to tell us that the QB had a separated shoulder and we needed to get behind the backup. 6 guys who were leaders on the Offense got up in that meeting to express their feelings and fire us up.

We had a team meeting to discuss cleats. 3 guys got up and shared stories of having had traction issues in a previous game.

We had a team meeting to discuss midterms. I could go on.


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2486380 said:
Am I am not so sure Wade wants to address the problems.

He just thinks they will go away.

He likes sunshine. He likes laid back. He likes to coach, not deal with players who love talking to any mic they can get their hands on.

Wade isn't of the ilk of these Super Star athletes. Can we agree on that?
Let me ask you this. Have you ever had a fight with a girlfriend or a family member?

Was it over after 30 minutes?

It has nothing to do with Wade. Whether or not I agree with you about Tommy Boy is irrelevant to the concept.

53 men. "Issues brewing." Solved in 30 minutes?

What am I missing?

TO did not publicly call anyone out. He denies feeling any "jealousy." This controversy was created outside the team.

Do I believe some teammates might not like TO? Of course I do. Do I believe some teammates might not like Romo? Of course I do. Do I believe there are problems between TO and Romo? No, I don't. Please forgive me, but I don't.

Do I believe there are problems with TO and Witten since they got into a knock down, drag out, have to be separated, make the WWE jealous brawl? No, I don't. I believe people can get hot headed and say things. I believe they can need to be separated. I don't believe if things were this out of hand that it would take this long to manifest. And I really don't believe 30 minutes in a team meeting could solve issues that are as deep as being insinuated.

This ain't my first rodeo.


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Hostile;2486383 said:
No, I admit it's not. Not sure why it is for you.

Where was the ESPN crawl with a new caption "The Lead" followed by 4 straight stories insinuating Cowboys turmoil? You honestly do not see a difference?

I could care less, but I'll be honest I don't know how. Maybe it's because I played on a team and we had "team meetings" for things that usually were relatively small, although I will admit that 4 guys getting kicked off the team when 3 of them were starters was pretty big.

Why you see something sinister in "team meetings" I do not know. Having sat in them, I don't.

I don't have a problem with team meetings about beating the Giants.

About making the playoffs.

About how well the defense has been playing.

About football.

Was this meeting about football?

No. It was about outside distractions caused by the media.

Did ya sit in many of those types of meetings?


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Hostile;2486390 said:
Yes, that's nothing. I hate to upset your apple cart. I see nothing out of the ordinary in this other than the inclusion of the name TO. I can't believe I am defending him, but did he PUBLICLY call out Garrett, Witten, Romo, or anyone else?

Let me answer that for you. No, he did not.

Next question.

Do elite WRs always think they are open?

Let me answer that for you too. Yes, they do.

Next question.

Then what is the freaking issue? Oh yeah, Ed Werder of ESPN decided to create one.

Next question.

Why? See the comments in bold above for a clue as to why he might do this.

How do Terence Newman's comments about the coaching staff not being accountable have anything to do with T.O.?

Did you ever call a media outlet and call out the coaching staff? or feel the need to? or would you if you did?


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Hostile;2486413 said:
Let me ask you this. Have you ever had a fight with a girlfriend or a family member?

Was it over after 30 minutes?

It has nothing to do with Wade. Whether or not I agree with you about Tommy Boy is irrelevant to the concept.

53 men. "Issues brewing." Solved in 30 minutes?

What am I missing?

TO did not publicly call anyone out. He denies feeling any "jealousy." This controversy was created outside the team.

Do I believe some teammates might not like TO? Of course I do. Do I believe some teammates might not like Romo? Of course I do. Do I believe there are problems between TO and Romo? No, I don't. Please forgive me, but I don't.

Do I believe there are problems with TO and Witten since they got into a knock down, drag out, have to be separated, make the WWE jealous brawl? No, I don't. I believe people can get hot headed and say things. I believe they can need to be separated. I don't believe if things were this out of hand that it would take this long to manifest. And I really don't believe 30 minutes in a team meeting could solve issues that are as deep as being insinuated.

This ain't my first rodeo.

T.O. publicly admitting that he has to go to Garrett, instead of going to Romo himself, to tell him to tell Romo that he has to start reading the whole play because others guys are open besides Witten tells you that Romo and T.O. are fine?

Ok. Whatever's clever.


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2486421 said:
I don't have a problem with team meetings about beating the Giants.

About making the playoffs.

About how well the defense has been playing.

About football.

Was this meeting about football?

No. It was about outside distractions caused by the media.

Did ya sit in many of those types of meetings?
This meeting was about focusing. Hence why it only took 15 minutes.

If it was about fixing a breach like Werder is reporting and some of you are buying, 30 minutes wouldn't get it done.

Yes, I sat in on one of those types of meetings. I already said we had one where 4 guys got kicked off the team and 3 of the 4 were starters, one was an All American.


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2486425 said:
How do Terence Newman's comments about the coaching staff not being accountable have anything to do with T.O.?

Did you ever call a media outlet and call out the coaching staff? or feel the need to? or would you if you did?
So now TO never said "next question" every time Werder asked something? Gotcha.

I have no idea what the 2nd paragraph is asking. Not even one bloody clue.


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2486430 said:
T.O. publicly admitting that he has to go to Garrett, instead of going to Romo himself, to tell him to tell Romo that he has to start reading the whole play because others guys are open besides Witten tells you that Romo and T.O. are fine?

Ok. Whatever's clever.
No, the media admitted Garrett called the WRs in for the meeting not they demanded the meeting with Garrett. There's a big difference in what got reported by the media and what the players and team reported.


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Hostile;2487014 said:
This meeting was about focusing. Hence why it only took 15 minutes.

If it was about fixing a breach like Werder is reporting and some of you are buying, 30 minutes wouldn't get it done.

Yes, I sat in on one of those types of meetings. I already said we had one where 4 guys got kicked off the team and 3 of the 4 were starters, one was an All American.

Guys getting kicked off the team is the same meeting as one revolving around an article on an 'ESPN'?


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Hostile;2487019 said:
So now TO never said "next question" every time Werder asked something? Gotcha.

I have no idea what the 2nd paragraph is asking. Not even one bloody clue.

Next question? T.O.?

I am talking about Newman calling out the coaching staff. That's the issue with Newman. Stop avoiding giving an answer by spinning it back to T.O. every time.

The question in a nutshell is whether you would go to the media and 'air it out' if you were on the Dallas Cowboys?


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Hostile;2487021 said:
No, the media admitted Garrett called the WRs in for the meeting not they demanded the meeting with Garrett. There's a big difference in what got reported by the media and what the players and team reported.

Who cares what was reported by the media.

I clearly gave you the facts.

The facts are what came right out of T.O.'s mouth when he spoke to Calvin Watkins.

I don't who called the meeting or when it was.

The man is going around Romo to bark to the OC about Romo's pass distribution.

And his excuse is because of his past and that he doesn't want to be looked at like he's reverting back to his old ways again like his time in SF and PHI if he goes directly to Romo with his concerns.

Answer this. If T.O. were to go to Romo and have this conversation how would anyone know about it other than T.O. and Romo?

The man isn't Truman from 'The Truman Show'.

The reason he can't do this is because there is a rift between the two players. You not believing there is one doesn't mean there isn't one.

How in the world can you spin any of this as a good thing in any way shape or form?


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dcfanatic;2487586 said:
The man is going around Romo to bark to the OC about Romo's pass distribution.

He got called into a meeting with his OC by his OC...

Yeah, he clearly went "around" Romo. :lmao2:


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dcfanatic;2487586 said:
How in the world can you spin any of this as a good thing in any way shape or form?

We don't have to spin. Spinning is left to those who lap up gossip from anonymous sources.


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2487568 said:
Guys getting kicked off the team is the same meeting as one revolving around an article on an 'ESPN'?
What? You asked me a question and I answered it. What does my answer have to do with this?

dcfanatic;2487573 said:
Next question? T.O.?

I am talking about Newman calling out the coaching staff. That's the issue with Newman. Stop avoiding giving an answer by spinning it back to T.O. every time.

The question in a nutshell is whether you would go to the media and 'air it out' if you were on the Dallas Cowboys?
You aren't aware that TO began saying "next question" every time Werder asked him one when the press was assembled?

I swear you are goign around and around and nowhere on this.

dcfanatic;2487586 said:
Who cares what was reported by the media.

I clearly gave you the facts.
No, you gave me the facts as you choose to accept them. I don't accept those "facts." I believe the multiple team sources who say Garrett called those meetings.

The facts are what came right out of T.O.'s mouth when he spoke to Calvin Watkins.

I don't who called the meeting or when it was.
I suppose that was supposed to tell me something, but it doesn't. I still have no idea what he supposedly said to Watkins that is so damaging.

The man is going around Romo to bark to the OC about Romo's pass distribution.
Not according to the OC.

And his excuse is because of his past and that he doesn't want to be looked at like he's reverting back to his old ways again like his time in SF and PHI if he goes directly to Romo with his concerns.
Yeah, heard that. Don't see what is so sinister.

Answer this. If T.O. were to go to Romo and have this conversation how would anyone know about it other than T.O. and Romo?
How would I know? How would you know? This is pure supposition.

The man isn't Truman from 'The Truman Show'.
I have no idea what this means.

The reason he can't do this is because there is a rift between the two players. You not believing there is one doesn't mean there isn't one.
You believing there is one doesn't mean there is either. hate to break that to you.

How in the world can you spin any of this as a good thing in any way shape or form?
Ah, but I didn't. I never said any of this was good. I said it is being sensationalized beyond what the truths are. You've done nothing at all to refute that.


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5Countem5;2487605 said:
He got called into a meeting with his OC by his OC...
Yeah, he clearly went "around" Romo. :lmao2:
Do you read any of the articles?


I asked T.O. why wouldn't he speak with Tony Romo himself if he's upset about how the offense is going.

Owens said he has no problem talking to Romo, but felt previous issues with quarterbacks in San Francisco (Jeff Garcia) and Philadelphia (Donovan McNabb) could lead to problems with Romo.

"I seldom talk to Romo, unless it's on the football field," Owens said. "The things that happen in the past with the other quarterbacks that I've had made me go to Jason instead. I didn't want to have any problems with Tony, so I went to Jason. I don't want people to say if I go to Tony and tell him he's not doing what he's supposed to do, then people will say we have a problem. I don't want to create that situation."

So in '5countem5 land' that's not going around Romo right?

A few key phrases. 'Made me go', that doesn't say 'I was asked to go to Jason', does it?

As usual you have no clue. But just keeping making yourself look uninformed.

If you spent more time reading and less time defending while being uninformed you may not look like a dolt every time you post something.

I am awaiting the spin job on this one.


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2487651 said:
Do you read any of the articles?


I asked T.O. why wouldn't he speak with Tony Romo himself if he's upset about how the offense is going.

Owens said he has no problem talking to Romo, but felt previous issues with quarterbacks in San Francisco (Jeff Garcia) and Philadelphia (Donovan McNabb) could lead to problems with Romo.

"I seldom talk to Romo, unless it's on the football field," Owens said. "The things that happen in the past with the other quarterbacks that I've had made me go to Jason instead. I didn't want to have any problems with Tony, so I went to Jason. I don't want people to say if I go to Tony and tell him he's not doing what he's supposed to do, then people will say we have a problem. I don't want to create that situation."

So in '5countem5 land' that's not going around Romo right?

A few key phrases. 'Made me go', that doesn't say 'I was asked to go to Jason', does it?

As usual you have no clue. But just keeping making yourself look uninformed.

If you spent more time reading and less time defending while being uninformed you may not look like a dolt every time you post something.

I am awaiting the spin job on this one.
Theres' no need to spin it. I accept TO at his word. To what purpose would he lie about not discussing football with Romo away from the field? If you imagine that all players get together away from the team to discuss football you're sadly mistaken. They don't.

I don't see where this is at all sinister.

I suppose the part in bold above has no bearing.


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dcfanatic;2487651 said:
Do you read any of the articles?


I asked T.O. why wouldn't he speak with Tony Romo himself if he's upset about how the offense is going.

Owens said he has no problem talking to Romo, but felt previous issues with quarterbacks in San Francisco (Jeff Garcia) and Philadelphia (Donovan McNabb) could lead to problems with Romo.

"I seldom talk to Romo, unless it's on the football field," Owens said. "The things that happen in the past with the other quarterbacks that I've had made me go to Jason instead. I didn't want to have any problems with Tony, so I went to Jason. I don't want people to say if I go to Tony and tell him he's not doing what he's supposed to do, then people will say we have a problem. I don't want to create that situation."

So in '5countem5 land' that's not going around Romo right?

A few key phrases. 'Made me go', that doesn't say 'I was asked to go to Jason', does it?

As usual you have no clue. But just keeping making yourself look uninformed.

If you spent more time reading and less time defending while being uninformed you may not look like a dolt every time you post something.

I am awaiting the spin job on this one.

There is no spin job blogboy, it has been clearly stated that GARRETT called the receivers in for a meeting.

What part don't you get? I've read your stuff and know you aren't this stupid?


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Hostile;2487644 said:
What? You asked me a question and I answered it. What does my answer have to do with this?

You aren't aware that TO began saying "next question" every time Werder asked him one when the press was assembled?

I swear you are goign around and around and nowhere on this.

No, you gave me the facts as you choose to accept them. I don't accept those "facts." I believe the multiple team sources who say Garrett called those meetings.

I suppose that was supposed to tell me something, but it doesn't. I still have no idea what he supposedly said to Watkins that is so damaging.

Not according to the OC.

Yeah, heard that. Don't see what is so sinister.

How would I know? How would you know? This is pure supposition.

I have no idea what this means.

You believing there is one doesn't mean there is either. hate to break that to you.

Ah, but I didn't. I never said any of this was good. I said it is being sensationalized beyond what the truths are. You've done nothing at all to refute that.


Who is going to win the Heisman?

I got Bradford in a landslide.