Kaiir Elam on why things didn't work out in Buffalo

Who has been in the hunt for a SB for some years?
Not us
They haven’t been in any hunt they can’t beat the Chiefs until they they will never win. They are the Chiefs ***** just like we are 49ers. Do your research then research your research. People strive to be the Chiefs not the Bills.
Mod has nothing to do with it. Why does every positive need to be spun as a negative?
I have my thoughts and opinions, am I not allowed that. As you are?
You misunderstand yourself. If you simply left it at expressing your positive thoughts you wouldn't have the rep you do as one of the thought police types.

You don't though. You always add in some sort of jab towards the "haters". You post more about other fans than you do about the team. Constantly commenting on what "some" or "others" or "they" are going to say before anyone even says it.

For instance. If you had not included "why does everything need to be a negative" in the post that brought this on, you wouldn't have been correctly called the thought police.

Heck, just the fact that you have Ranching, the exalted king of the thought police cosigning you with such vigor should tell you something.

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