There are actually Cowboy fans who can support their QB and present critical thinking.
Not all are Homers and Haters. Most Cowboy fans are more in the middle but unfortunately the extremes on both sides often dominate the airwaves.
I've stayed in the middle. I never called for Dak's head or solely blamed him for woes. Never said he sucks. I've been disappointed in some of the head scratching bumbled they seem more inept than other QB's bumbled plays. Mahommes had a goofy mismanaged of a snap.....but very rare. The only problem I have is Dak's highs are just about as good as anyone. His lows are as bad as anyone. The green in where we fall short.
A few people can't help themselves, calling me a hater. Simply not true as proof by them never showing a real example. If they did...I could either clarify it...or perhaps counter it by me giving dak the very least...not all the blame. I have blamed Kellen for WAY more things than Dak. I have even made fun and criticized my boy zeke. HE's pretty much got to be gone this year for some of the same reasons Kellen is... a bit of a scape goat...and go get you a fresh start on another team, that values the run game and can help with some declining, but still helpful skills.
I've done all this. But I'm a dak hater. If anything I hate the pompous hypocrite agenda on full display. I'm guessing the truth hurts and a good lashing out needs done. So be it.
BTW...I am ON RECORD (in Bob's "let's be civil" thread) admitting I am quite guilty and need those reminders too. But again...the REAL truth and facts...don't seem to matter to some.
Another "BTW"....Ridiculing a user name change when administration invited us to it....seems like a rule break....not calling ME out but admin. If nothing else it shows lack of good judgement.