As I wrote earlier in the thread, part of the problem is that we tell them they should not just do as adults want because that can get them into trouble. Don't go with that cop as he might be in a disguise and want to molest you, don't go with that stranger as he might molest you, don't go to the park alone, scream if someone comes near you and wants you to do something you don't want to do etc
Then of course, in their minds, it's like ok that flows with all, I don't have to do anything I don't want to do.
No means No.
There is a fine line but we don't want a series of drones who do what they are told, that stifles creativity.
We tell our son, stand up for yourself in class, on your hockey team etc. When I was young I was way too respectful of elders even when they were completely wrong. My dad could say I ate like a bird but if I said he ate like a pig I was the bad guy.
I think they are more benefits than detriments to standing up to your parents and adults in general. You need to draw the line at violence but the violent responses many of you are making are likely just internet bravado because I highly doubt many of you were strapped (a practice that went out oh by the 1950s) or severely belted by your parents.
The child in question was wrong but it was such a set up, it is beyond pitiful.