King thinks T.O. will be traded...

Who would give up a high draft pick and servicable player for a disgruntled WR?
big dog cowboy said:
So what? I don't care if it's Peter King or Larry King. Nothing personal Quickdraw it's just that whatever any of those mediots think he gonna happen doesn't really matter. Just like I keep thinking I'm gonna win the lottery some day.
I could care less as well...
but I thought it was a good discussion topic.

I could see him landing in ATL. All of those WR jerks wanna go play with Mexico- I mean Vick.
Qwickdraw said:
I could care less as well...
but I thought it was a good discussion topic.

I could see him landing in ATL. All of those WR jerks wanna go play with Mexico- I mean Vick.


Herpes? :eek: :laugh1:
I hope he sits out too. I believe that if he does in fact sit out, we would be the strongest team in the division.

McNabb would have an even worse receiving corp than he did before T.O. got here. It would be all up to their rookie.

No problem at ALL with T.O. sitting out. But I don't think he'll be traded.
I don't think Philly will renegotiate but I do think Owens will play for them in 2005. This is all much ado about nothing.
Galian Beast said:
I hope he sits out too. I believe that if he does in fact sit out, we would be the strongest team in the division.

But would you really want it that way? How would you feel if you had it your way, and you team still couldn't stop us from penetrating the endzone?

McNabb would have an even worse receiving corp than he did before T.O. got here. It would be all up to their rookie.

Maybe it's me, but the "worse receiving corps" of the Eagles got us as far as the Superbowl! That's not too shabby.

No problem at ALL with T.O. sitting out. But I don't think he'll be traded

No, he won't be traded, and yes, he will play for the Eagles!
Hostile said:
I don't think Philly will renegotiate but I do think Owens will play for them in 2005. This is all much ado about nothing.

I think you are right.

Much ado about nothing and a case of mass wishful thinking.
Alexander said:
I think you are right.

Much ado about nothing and a case of mass wishful thinking.
Yeah, I'll admit to being part of that wishful thinking.
Phoenix-Talon said:
Maybe it's me, but the "worse receiving corps" of the Eagles got us as far as the Superbowl! That's not too shabby.

Not to burst your bubble or anything PT, but I'd hardly give your Wide Receiving corps the credit for getting you "as far as the Super Bowl last year." Take T.O. out of the equation, and your WRs reeled in a whopping THREE TD passes. Three! That is pretty shabby.

Factor in a NFC that in 2004 was weaker than a can of Keystone Light Beer and voila...the Eagles are in the Super Bowl. Give credit where credit is due...poor competition in the NFC.
It's difficult for me to sit back and read some of your comments because I'm biased about T.O.

I don't think that any fan would be happy about holdouts for any reasons. Some points are valid ...holdouts can disrupt morale, they can bring unnecessary media attraction, and can result in players being traded under other than mutual

Folks, that's not what we've go here! Everything that has happened thus far regarding T.O. , McNabb, Eagles Management, and Andy Reid, is all salvageable!
T.O. and his agent merely have to come to terms with either the existing contract conditions, or a mid-year modification that would extend T.O. to play for the Eagles for a longer period of time.

That Means no ugly trades, no holdout during the regular season, non of the things that would break a franchise's back.

I mentioned that I was biased. I'm not enthused about some of T.O.'s antics, his behavior on the field can push the envelope. But the trade off is a highly energized, athlete that is a Top-ranking wide-receiver in the NFL. At least T.O. is not out there running around pointing guns at people, using drugs and other criminal behavior.

You don't have to like him -- in fact, there are some Eagles fans that are glad you don't! But I read some of the things T.O. is doing in the community with children and youth programs. He's Not the villain that some of you portray.

I have a picture of T.O. zooming above two Cowbozoys defenders catching a touchdown pass in the endzone at Dallas stadium -- but it could very well have been any stadium and any team. The point is, that's what he does best! He's about beating defenses and scoring touchdowns.

Has anyone ever heard the term Shrewd Businessman? I'm learning that you can't be timid on the business end of the NFL -- but then you can't be timid Out there on the grid iron either!

I expect the donnybrook -- get it over with ...but that's my dollar-fifty worth!
Phoenix-Talon said:
It's difficult for me to sit back and read some of your comments because I'm biased about T.O.

I don't think that any fan would be happy about holdouts for any reasons. Some points are valid ...holdouts can disrupt morale, they can bring unnecessary media attraction, and can result in players being traded under other than mutual

Folks, that's not what we've go here! Everything that has happened thus far regarding T.O. , McNabb, Eagles Management, and Andy Reid, is all salvageable!
T.O. and his agent merely have to come to terms with either the existing contract conditions, or a mid-year modification that would extend T.O. to play for the Eagles for a longer period of time.

That Means no ugly trades, no holdout during the regular season, non of the things that would break a franchise's back.

I mentioned that I was biased. I'm not enthused about some of T.O.'s antics, his behavior on the field can push the envelope. But the trade off is a highly energized, athlete that is a Top-ranking wide-receiver in the NFL. At least T.O. is not out there running around pointing guns at people, using drugs and other criminal behavior.

You don't have to like him -- in fact, there are some Eagles fans that are glad you don't! But I read some of the things T.O. is doing in the community with children and youth programs. He's Not the villain that some of you portray.

I have a picture of T.O. zooming above two Cowbozoys defenders catching a touchdown pass in the endzone at Dallas stadium -- but it could very well have been any stadium and any team. The point is, that's what he does best! He's about beating defenses and scoring touchdowns.

Has anyone ever heard the term Shrewd Businessman? I'm learning that you can't be timid on the business end of the NFL -- but then you can't be timid Out there on the grid iron either!

I expect the donnybrook -- get it over with ...but that's my dollar-fifty worth!

TO just wants TOO much.
Phoenix-Talon said:
It's difficult for me to sit back and read some of your comments because I'm biased about T.O.

I understand your sentiments.

When we got Deion I hated it. I felt that we didn't need him except for when we played against him and his Irvin-mugging was never called.

I didn't like his showboating or his attitude.

I didn't like him as a Falcon or a 49er and though it would be hypocritical of myself to suddenly like him as a Cowboy.

But, I accepted the fact that he was a Cowboy and even though I appreciated his impact on Sundays I never learned to like him. He was not in the same stratosphere in my mind of Aikman, Emmitt, irvin, Novecek,etc.
I was very happy when he left.

In that same respect, you even as an e-gal fan must admit that T.O. is a butthole. Was, Is, and always will be.

Oh, but he fed homeless children in the shelter down the street you say... ( Yeah, until his agent said he could leave)
A lot of celebrity charity is a sham. It is almost a requirement. Yes some benefit comes out of it but you can't tell me that it is not mutually beneficial to some of these celebrity/athletes. In fact it is very beneficial for the all-about-me-butthole-types like Teri Owens.

The guy is a horrible example for the NFL and for the human race.

PS: Don't worry as soon as he leaves the e-gals to play elsewhere you will dislike him like the rest of us.

you're sooo optomistic PT........ do you have the inside scoop that makes you think that he WILL be in camp and play this entire season?
cowboyfreak said:
In fact it is very beneficial for the all-about-me-butthole-types like Teri Owens. The guy is a horrible example for the NFL and for the human race. PS: Don't worry as soon as he leaves the e-gals to play elsewhere you will dislike him like the rest of us.

I haven't see that sig pic in quite a while -- you must be proud. I'd love to counter you with a equally demeaning picture of your Qb, but I'm limited on what I can do -- and it would only upset some Cowbozoy fans who believe in football dialogue without unprovoked flames. Actually I can still display some pics -- but I'll choose the right time for that!

Don't see any reason for me to become upset at T.O., I'm not going to benefit from his increased salary; but then, neither will you. Looks like you preety much said it all ...or not!
Phoenix-Talon said:
That's what being a FAN is all about 1f! Aren't you sooo optomistic about your team's potential in 2005?

1F!????? Cautiously optomistic and realistic at the same make it sound like everything is hugs and kisses between TO and the rest of the organization......sounds like a TO apologist to me :laugh2: :D
:iggles: :iggles: :iggles:
1fisher said:
Phoenix-Talon said:
1F!????? Cautiously optomistic and realistic at the same make it sound like everything is hugs and kisses between TO and the rest of the organization


Actually, I don't believe the situation is as intense as the new media perports it to be! Hugs and kisses may be somewhat extreme, but then again ...

Just found this one ...he's Robert Redd -- just signed up from NFL Europe.
You may hear about him soon.
