Koren Robinson arrested

Vikings starting receiver Koren Robinson was arrested late Tuesday night on his way back to training camp in Mankato, Minn., on suspicion of drunken driving, according to a St. Peter, Minn., police official. Sgt. Loren Jansen of the St. Peter Police Department said Robinson was arrested at 10:46 p.m., for "driving while impaired" and is being held at Nicollet County Jail in St. Peter. Jansen said multiple charges are pending, and a report has not been filed yet. "I won't be able to tell you a lot, other than that he was arrested for driving while impaired," Jansen said, "and he is incarcerated at this time."

Once a loser, always a loser.
Tass said:
Being on the phone, having a smoke or drinking a can of soda is a lot less impairing/dangerous than being drunk. None of those is ideal, of course, but I'd definitely have to classify 'drunk' as the most egregious offender of that bunch.

There have been some studies that have shown talking on the phone while driving the car to be roughly the equivalent of drunken driving.

I have avoided accidents with a number of carelessly yakking drivers.

Of course you can fix that easilly by putting up the phone. If you drink a lot, not so easy, so prepare in advance. Of course, if they had that much foresight, we'd not be talking about 'em.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I may sound like a jerk here...but I have no sympathy what so ever for him.

DWI one time maybe...twice No go for me.

I agree.

I don't care how smashed you are, or how much of an alcoholic you are, if you make millions ever year, it's not hard to call a freaking cab.
maybe he was tired? it says under the suspicion of drunken driving, my drivers ed teacher said that driving while tired is almost as bad as driving while drunk, due to how the body is impaired and can't react as well as sober or full of energy, it was late at night...
DCBoysfan said:
A man with a substance abuse problem driving with impaired is sad. You can't compare that to someone not practicing, I really thing some people lose site of whats is really important.

Any man driving impaired is NOT sad, it is criminal! Every time one of these losers gets caught, I think of the ultimate loser DWI driver, Leonard Little. "Little" stands for how much this punk understands loss, & how much empathy he has for his victims.

He's the Rams' DE/OLB that murdered a mother with his car, then stood outside the carnage & yelled, "Look what that ***** did to my car!". Of course he went before a St. Louis 'judge', who promptly gave the creep probation for getting totally lit & running his car into a totally innocent lady who had a young son at home. The judge did warn Little that if he ever drove drunk again, he would serve time. He did do community service--*****ing the whole way. The guy didn't even call the son when he got a little older to say he was sorry.

Well, you guessed it. These kind never learn their lesson, and he would up getting caught again. No telling how many times he actually drove drunk before he finally got caught. Did he do any time the second time around? You kidding?! The fans of St. Louis are far more important than the drivers Little puts in grave danger every time he gets behind the wheel.

So, as I said, sad is a poor word to use for these butchers. He should have gotten 5-10 yrs. for vehicular homicide....at least the second time around. Oh, well, so much for priorities.
They're talking about this on OTL right now... Apparently Robinson took the police on a 15 mile chase.

Childress has been unsympathetic to Robinson.

The reporter expects Robinson to be cut/waived.
stealth said:
lol at people calling him stupid.

or even what he did stupid.

clearly the guy has a problem, it has gone beyond stupid to a disease now and I wish him the best and hope he sorts himself out.

Sorry, just reminded me of a Mitch Hedberg joke...

They say alcoholism is a disease, but it's the only disease you can get yelled at for having. "******, Otto, you are an alcoholic." "******, Otto, you have Lupus." One of those two doesn't sound right.
did anyone hear the long-winded report on Monday Night Football about K-Rob stating how remorseful he was about his past and his dedication to cleaning up and his notetaking and blah blah blah?
I bet he got tons of sympathy points from the audience, etc.

I'm so sick of these losers who have very fortunate lives and don't appreciate it.

You ought to be kicked right out of the league, no questions asked if you cross the line as much as he (and T.O.) have, IMO.
People don't change. But for whatever reason, the public is always dying to give these punks another chance.
peplaw06 said:
Sorry, just reminded me of a Mitch Hedberg joke...

They say alcoholism is a disease, but it's the only disease you can get yelled at for having. "******, Otto, you are an alcoholic." "******, Otto, you have Lupus." One of those two doesn't sound right.
"I don't have a girlfiend, I just know a girl who'd be really mad if she heard me say that."
-Mitch Hedberg

Getting away with things isn't just limited to professional athletes. Sometimes it occurs when they are still young.


First football, then jail time (with no decoys)
Judge lets teens finish season before serving sentence for fake deer prank

KENTON, Ohio - A judge decided two high school athletes can complete the football season this fall before they serve 60-day jail sentences for a car crash caused by a decoy deer placed in a country road. Two teens were injured.

“I shouldn’t be doing this, but I’m going to. I see positive things about participating in football,” Judge Gary McKinley said Tuesday.

Dailyn Campbell, a 16-year-old quarterback for Kenton High, and 17-year-old teammate Jesse Howard will serve their time in a juvenile detention center. They were also ordered to write a 500-word essay titled “Why I Should Think Before I Act.”
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Last November, teens stole the decoy from a man’s home, created a base to help it stand upright because it had only two legs, and then drove up and down the road, watching as drivers swerved to avoid it, prosecutor Brad Bailey said. He said Howard did not stop the prank.

Robert Roby Jr. crashed his car into a pole and broke his neck, collarbone, arm and leg. His passenger, Dustin Zachariah, suffered brain damage, Bailey said.

Campbell and Howard pleaded no contest to vehicular vandalism and other charges. Three other teenagers are awaiting trial in the fall.

“None of these guys will ever know what our sons have gone through,” Roby’s mother, Mary, wrote to the court. “If they get nothing for what they’ve done, they’ll do something worse later. They need more than a slap on the wrist.”

Both Campbell and Howard apologized at their sentencing.

“I think every day that I hurt someone, and that hurts me inside,” Howard said.
joseephuss said:
Getting away with things isn't just limited to professional athletes. Sometimes it occurs when they are still young.


First football, then jail time (with no decoys)
Judge lets teens finish season before serving sentence for fake deer prank

KENTON, Ohio - A judge decided two high school athletes can complete the football season this fall before they serve 60-day jail sentences for a car crash caused by a decoy deer placed in a country road. Two teens were injured.

“I shouldn’t be doing this, but I’m going to. I see positive things about participating in football,” Judge Gary McKinley said Tuesday.

Dailyn Campbell, a 16-year-old quarterback for Kenton High, and 17-year-old teammate Jesse Howard will serve their time in a juvenile detention center. They were also ordered to write a 500-word essay titled “Why I Should Think Before I Act.”
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Last November, teens stole the decoy from a man’s home, created a base to help it stand upright because it had only two legs, and then drove up and down the road, watching as drivers swerved to avoid it, prosecutor Brad Bailey said. He said Howard did not stop the prank.

Robert Roby Jr. crashed his car into a pole and broke his neck, collarbone, arm and leg. His passenger, Dustin Zachariah, suffered brain damage, Bailey said.

Campbell and Howard pleaded no contest to vehicular vandalism and other charges. Three other teenagers are awaiting trial in the fall.

“None of these guys will ever know what our sons have gone through,” Roby’s mother, Mary, wrote to the court. “If they get nothing for what they’ve done, they’ll do something worse later. They need more than a slap on the wrist.”

Both Campbell and Howard apologized at their sentencing.

“I think every day that I hurt someone, and that hurts me inside,” Howard said.

Good post Josee.

I wonder which one of us can say that we haven't seen or experienced prefered treatment of some sort or another to talented athletes? Then we jump all over them for doing what, in large part, our own society condones and occasionally even fosters.

Doesn't excuse the behavior by any means but at some point, we have to look inward at what part our society plays in these kinds of things. JMO.

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