Thanks for sharing
@Doomsday I love Warner's breakdowns. I believe he's fair and honest in his assessments. He's as good as it gets at QB film study. I would add that it would be great to see Tony do these types of videos as well.
My amateur eye thoughts-
Martin has quietly turned into one of the best of all time. We are so lucky to have him.
Pass blocking overall was very good.
It's concerning to have a QB in year 7 still being so hesitant.
Making the wrong reads is hurting us. It's easy to say from my couch, but I'm not paid that kinda money to do it, he is. Can he get better after all these years? Not a "hater" question, I am concerned that he can make those changes.
Moore is doing Dak no favors. All these long forming routes gives Dak too much time to think and get happy feet. He would be much better served with routes that do not take that long, giving Dak a lot less to process and just play the game.
To make the long forming plays even worse, it seems that Dak stares down his receiver and that's never a good thing.
Dak would be much better with 3 TE sets being our majority of plays. Call it dink and dunk, but I feel it puts Dak in a better position to succeed, which is ultimately what we all want. Don't care about his paycheck and only throwing 5 yard passes, I just wanna win.
I do not believe we need another WR, and I thought that before this breakdown. This offense shouldn't be built on a steady stream of 20 yard passes. We have the personnel to run a more conservative offense that could plod their way down the field.
Just my opinions. I want them to put Dak in a position to be successful. He's just a small part of what's wrong with this team. But if we can start cleaning up a few small parts, the sum will become much greater. I just want to see wins.