Lads, help me make sense of 2 plays, both the last plays against the 49ers 2021-22 seasons

As compared to who? A handful of football dopes in a Cowboys forum?

May they all walk the plank sir William? And do it for jolly old England!!
Well, lad, one canna argue with that, now can one?
And this walk the plank sod started with the barbaric norse. England focused on perfecting maritime travel.
Well, lad, one canna argue with that, now can one?
And this walk the plank sod started with the barbaric norse. England focused on perfecting maritime travel.
On the contrary Tiny Tim, the Norseman were the original maritime travelers. Parking their trike on the Lundesfurn churches green lawn and piling on.
On the contrary Tiny Tim, the Norseman were the original maritime travelers. Parking their trike on the Lundesfurn churches green lawn and piling on.
Worldwide, the Phoenishians and the South Seas chaps were first and foremost in maritime travels. The Vikings just dabbled in quick North Seas escapades.
Worldwide, the Phoenishians and the South Seas chaps were first and foremost in maritime travels. The Vikings just dabbled in quick North Seas escapades.
It was the Mino's my lass. The cretens of the sea.

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