Lamb’s feet were in on the touchdown

Actually he did
The video clearly shows his toe touched in bounds and his heal came down out of bounds
It’s pretty clear

Then how do you explain this? That heel would not come down out of bounds unless that toe drags.

Then how do you explain this? That heel would not come down out of bounds unless that toe drags.

Watch the video not a still shot and you will see for yourself. They showed it time and time again
It clearly shows his heal out of bounds
When the entire foot touches it has to all be in bounds. Doesn't matter if the toe touched first.

It's one of those quirky catch rules, like one knee equals two feet.

The rule needs to be changed. Dragging toes for a sideline catch is cool but then this isn't. Makes no sense. If dragging a toe counts as a catch then heel means jack squat. Toe is part of the foot.
You guys watch football every single Sunday for hours upon hours and don’t know the rules Lolol..mind boggling
Lmao been reading this thread waiting for one of these guys to know the rule. Crazy how few know.
When the entire foot touches it has to all be in bounds. Doesn't matter if the toe touched first.

It's one of those quirky catch rules, like one knee equals two feet.

This is why the team needs OBJ.
How many times I must have missed it when he did
Yeah definitely fewer that usual but I want to say twice? Probably just once which is the one I remember. We’ll see if he does it with more or less frequency moving forward.
Yeah definitely fewer that usual but I want to say twice? Probably just once which is the one I remember. We’ll see if he does it with more or less frequency moving forward.
I just noticed he was not doing it on every down and had to watch the game on an 18 inch monitor
I just noticed he was not doing it on every down and had to watch the game on an 18 inch monitor
Yup, definitely less than usual. Looked like he was focused and angry in a good way all game. I also think the team was just tired lol he got up from tackles a bit slower than usual. Most of the times he jumps up and does the wipe. Looked like the 3 days rest had him a little more focused on business only.
He didn't come down with his entire foot which is obvious with the photo. Toe touched and drug, it had to as you can see by where his foot is in order for his heel to come down out. The entire foot only came down out because he fell backwards, but well after the toe drag, which makes it a very stupid rule.

Damn right it's a stupid rule, and it could've cost us the game
The rule is stupid it was clearly two feet in and dragged and should be a catch.
I thought that was the purpose of the toe tap. I guess you have to tap and fall forward. Weird rule. I don't know how they come up with some of this nonsense.
The toes are part of the foot, therefore if any other part of the foot touches white, it's OB. Had the toes touched green, then a knee touched white, that would be fine.
There is nothing special about the toes. If the WR is moving forward towards the sideline and taps his toes and the heels never touch, then it is a catch. However, if the entire foot comes down, all of it has to be inbounds, because it is all one step.

You can’t say his toes touched in before the heel came down out of bounds, it is all one step and it all has to be in. Just like if a guy is going towards the sideline, catches the ball, and then steps halfway out of bounds, you can’t say that his heel was in before his toes touched out. It has to be the entire foot.

It was the right call. Still a great effort by Lamb though.
You guys watch football every single Sunday for hours upon hours and don’t know the rules Lolol..mind boggling

This is how we weed out the numbskulls... lol

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