Lamb a no-show with press is unaccountable


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This team has some serious problems. CeeDee is not one of them. Who cares about the press conference?
After getting his bag he played the worst game of his career. He raged on the sidelines and then went into pout mode and couldn't even catch a cold for the rest of the game.


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You can’t call yourself a team leader, making top dollar at your position and just not show up for post game interview. Dak, D-Law, Micah, Trevon Diggs….they all faced the press.

This is usually unacceptable in places where accountability matters.

Honestly, this stuff doesn't bother me. First of all, player interviews are useless, especially for a team struggling. What's he going to say?

If anything it shows me he cares as he's too pissed to talk about the problems. I often think the ones who are quick to talk to the media are the ones who at the end of the day aren't really all that invested anyway.

So I have zero problems with Lamb being pissed and not wanting to talk to the media.


Since 1971
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Ceedee is not a dawg. He exhibits diva qualities with a knack for feasting on inferior teams or in garbage time, but seldom responding to a team that gamelans for him with physical play.


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But he found him and he fumbled. Cost us dearly.

I’m not trying to absolve Wak but this is a two-prong problem we got here. We got a #1 WR with feminine traits.
Basic slant on single coverage on the first read.. he technically didn’t “find him”. Further, sometimes the defender makes a great play by hitting the ball at the right time, just like here.



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You can’t call yourself a team leader, making top dollar at your position and just not show up for post game interview. Dak, D-Law, Micah, Trevon Diggs….they all faced the press.

This is usually unacceptable in places where accountability matters.

Not trying to be rude , genuine question.,why do you care if he talks to the press or not? Who cares what he or anyone else has to say? They never say anything worthwhile anyways


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I honestly think CeeDee was angry/disappointed with himself. Dak implied a lot of small things compromising the quality of the offense. He mentioned players doing a better job staying focused, paying attention and/or lining up right or being where you are supposed to be. I'm 100% sure he was talking about his receivers ( WR and TEs ). I get the impression he is starting to hold them more accountable by being more vocal. And he should


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I don't see the point of attending post game interviews with a bunch of nobodys asking low I.Q. questions.


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So the Wolves are going after Lamb again. I love it. I hope Jerry enjoys the next 5 years . . . If he makes it that long


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The reason I see it as a problem is if you want to be a team leader, which he has said he wants to be, you face the music. It’s part of being a pro football player. To me it’s not so much about the money as it is the issue of character and accountability which this organization has very little. Starting at the top.
Facing the music is part of being a grown arse man, period. Refusing to do so shows a lack of accountability and character.

That being said…I’m not surprised by his actions. The team lacks character in general.

Big D

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It's funny reading the replies in here that he's doing this because of Dak being a horrible QB, he's done this his whole career. This is who he is. You blame it on Dak if you want to.

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Ceedee is not a dawg. He exhibits diva qualities with a knack for feasting on inferior teams or in garbage time, but seldom responding to a team that gamelans for him with physical play.
Feasting on bad defenses and garbage time got him and Dak paid. Both had their best season against the worst pass defense schedule in the league. Neither should have been given what they wanted.


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The amount of people who do not believe in any form of accountability is astounding. In reality it is so easy. After the game like that you act like a man. You go up to the camera and state the truth that you were not good enough. Then you state that you will work as hard as you can and prepare as hard as you can to be better next time. It is on you and you must be better. Case closed.

The idea that it isn't important to be held accountable plagues this team to it's very core. I know that you can all see that. It is clear as day.

CD has been exhibiting very low levels of maturity lately and the rest of the team sees this and feeds off it. He can not be a leader on the team and behave like this it does not work that way.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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You can’t call yourself a team leader, making top dollar at your position and just not show up for post game interview. Dak, D-Law, Micah, Trevon Diggs….they all faced the press.

This is usually unacceptable in places where accountability matters.

Its the current culture here Bob.
The GM is not accountable for the sorry results of this team for the past 28 years and it trickles down to the coaches and players.
This team is winning nothing until this dynamic changes.


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That 88 is a cursed number. All that wear it turn into entitled divas. Only difference is Irvin actually did winner ****. Ceedee acts all high and mighty and he’s the worst to ever wear that number.

Entitled clown. Just like his QB. Just like his washed RB. Just like his LB counterpart. Just like everyone else on this Clowboys team.

What a joke. Can’t believe we paid this clown. Wait no, I take that back. I can believe it. Cause he has the same agent as his scammer QB.

Maybe Dak, Ceedee, and their agent can go thirdsies and collaborate on opening an overseas call center to continue scamming old senile men (and women! I’m sure they don’t discriminate) into giving them money despite their poor, poverty stricken performances week in and week out.

Don’t forget DP was also a winner wearing that jersey along with Michael.


Well-Known Member
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This team has some serious problems. CeeDee is not one of them. Who cares about the press conference?
Ah the young and accountability don’t go together. This generation is all about them. Yes i am an old timer boomer and proud to be one


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Sorry, but I fail to see the seriousness. He didn’t want to speak to the press and so he didn’t. That is not what is losing us games.


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You can’t call yourself a team leader, making top dollar at your position and just not show up for post game interview. Dak, D-Law, Micah, Trevon Diggs….they all faced the press.

This is usually unacceptable in places where accountability matters.

that is not acceptable. you are acting like a diva. you fumbled. you pouted. you throw a hissy fit. show up like a professional and take your bitter pill.

stop acting like a jerk