Keep using the word value as if 33 million isn't value top five money is value that's ridiculous money it makes him the second highest paid non quarterback in the league and you can't get that you thinking value means he has to set some new record being new market money and be the highest paid non quarterback in the league that's not value that's greed I don't mind him asking but at some point you're hurting your team Trayvon diggs did not do this and he's happy we're happy things are not having to go through this on six straight weeks of taking sides once the offer came down for 33 million it turns to the player in my opinion that is ridiculous money that is not disrespect that is not a home team discount that is not a lowball offer not in any way shape or form it makes him the second highest paid wide receiver in the league and the second highest paid non quarterback in the league you know what about 1400 players in it #2 yes show me the disrespect show me how that's not value the rule is not to always be the highest paid and demand the most it is about negotiations, negotiations about compromise
he's not compromising that is a compromise 33 million is the ultimate compromise do you not understand this?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!