Lance as Backup


Captain Catfish
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Any 4th round pick for QB is going to be a roll of the dice.
Rolling the dice is not a waste.
I like that Jerry understands this.
It's not really like rolling the dice, when you roll the dice, you get to see the numbers come up, this franchise has no clue what Lances numbers are because they have yet to roll the dice with Lance.
When we are out of contention, which unfortunately will be soon, 60-million-dollar blunder needs to go to the bench so that we can get an actual entire real game in with Lance and decide who he is.


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Why are you rooting against a Cowboy. People do that to dak and lose your fing mind.
rooting against a cowboy? just because I am not on top of the roof screaming his name, doesn't mean I am rooting against a cowboy...why are you so sensitive? what are you fishing for?

I said, and it was clear...that putting him in the game is not going to improve us, it would make the team worse. and what would be the goal? to appease a few sensitive fans like you? he is on the last year of his contract here. what is there to accomplish? and he is what he is. not a good QB. not NFL material. that much has been proven, except our ego driven GM, doesn't want to admit defeat and is keeping a 3rd string QB on the roster for 5M, and with the same breath he complains that he couldn't afford an additional 3M to sign Henry!!!

what are you not seeing? why are you so confused about this?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
rooting against a cowboy? just because I am not on top of the roof screaming his name, doesn't mean I am rooting against a cowboy...why are you so sensitive? what are you fishing for?

I said, and it was clear...that putting him in the game is not going to improve us, it would make the team worse. and what would be the goal? to appease a few sensitive fans like you? he is on the last year of his contract here. what is there to accomplish? and he is what he is. not a good QB. not NFL material. that much has been proven, except our ego driven GM, doesn't want to admit defeat and is keeping a 3rd string QB on the roster for 5M, and with the same breath he complains that he couldn't afford an additional 3M to sign Henry!!!

what are you not seeing? why are you so confused about this? are the one that just exaggerated what I said. If you are going to argue something I never said, I'm not gonna bother with you.


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19,254 are the one that just exaggerated what I said. If you are going to argue something I never said, I'm not gonna bother with you.
exagerated? I simply said what purpose will it serve to put in a 3rd string player, in the last year of his contract given everyone knows he is not a good football player.

you desparately tried to spin that into why are you rooting against a cowboys player?

I know I have embarassed you on many occasions, but you also tend to step in it often given you are now emotional about things...

just let it go, for your own sake. its the best thing for you

but I know you are not capable. you are way to emotional and upset right now.


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Wouldn’t it make sense at some point in this season of road warriors to have Lance back up Dak and actually get him some reps or heavan forbid give him a start . You let a 4 go out the window for the guy and next yr FA goodbye . Nothing in return ?

I already know what Cooper brings to the table and it’s limited but serviceable as a back up . The lack of mobility in either 7 or # 4 is horrible , ends drives . Just to spice up the season have him as back up in Santa Clara . MM be Bold !
Rich, Drunk, Dumb Jerry Jones. He's Rich… he Drinks… He says and does Dumb things!


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Why not? The worst is could do is give us a better draft pick that we will not be able to resign in 4 years because of Dak, CeeDee and Parsons contracts! It’s a lose, lose situation.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Throw in the towel . Get zero out of the trade . Funny how a guy sits over a yr plays a few exhibition games and the personnel division on the board marks him out as “ done “ .

Stick him in the red zone , this offense needs something
It is not as if we are only the team that gave up on him. No team had more invested in him than SF and they are way smarter than us. If Jerry hadn't come along , they would have gladly cut him for nothing.

The offense does need something , just not Trey Lance unless they put him at rb...... a position he is better suited to play.


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maybe the last 2 games of the season when we are clearly one of the worst teams in the NFL ...and Dak suffers a broken thumb.

Otherwise i just don't see the need to continue to develop Lance. (who is far more athlete than NFL QB)

And we have a lame duck HC who will be fired at season's end, ...
so we know he's not gonna be guiding, tutoring and developing Lance who will be UFA next season.


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And on top of all that, Lance has a $5.3 mil cap hit this year to literally not even be eligible to play unless both Dak and Cooper Rush are somehow incapacitated. $5.3 million that could have been used to help this team in tangible ways.

This alone would get most GMs fired.

And on top of all that, Lance has a $5.3 mil cap hit this year to literally not even be eligible to play unless both Dak and Cooper Rush are somehow incapacitated. $5.3 million that could have been used to help this team in tangible ways.

This alone would get most GMs fired.
4th round pick wasted, 5.3 cap hit for a third string QB that the whole league knew was a bust. The same guy who made this trade is the same guy that says they don’t have cap space or money to sign impact players.
Jerry has made this franchise a joke, congrats Jerry, us fans will never forget you.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Wouldn’t it make sense at some point in this season of road warriors to have Lance back up Dak and actually get him some reps or heavan forbid give him a star. You let a 4 go out the window for the guy and next yr FA goodbye . Nothing in return ?

I already know what Cooper brings to the table and it’s limited but serviceable as a back up . The lack of mobility in either 7 or # 4 is horrible , ends drives . Just to spice up the season have him as back up in Santa Clara . MM be Bold !
If they were out of the playoff race, sure. They aren't, so they can't treat it as a scrimmage or tryout.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
exagerated? I simply said what purpose will it serve to put in a 3rd string player, in the last year of his contract given everyone knows he is not a good football player.

you desparately tried to spin that into why are you rooting against a cowboys player?

I know I have embarassed you on many occasions, but you also tend to step in it often given you are now emotional about things...

just let it go, for your own sake. its the best thing for you

but I know you are not capable. you are way to emotional and upset right now.
Well thank YOU for the online psychiatric evaluation!

You have embarrassed me, eh? Well...if that is what you need to tell yourself to make it through your all means! Maybe you could perform a self examination on that.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm still confused. What was the purpose of this trade? Only Jerry would do something like this, now you're stuck with the guy. 31 other teams wouldn't touch him, not you though you are a dummy of the first degree
The fact it hasn't worked out doesn't mean there wasn't a purpose. The obvious purpose was to see if he could develop into at least a strong backup, if not a starter. We don't know that the other 31 wouldn't touch him. Obviously nobody was offering more than the Cowboys, but others may have offered a later pick in the same round, or a later round pick. We can't know that.

Did anyone really think he was a sure thing? I know some will say we haven't given him a chance, but he was with the team last year and got in a full training camp and preseason this year. Coaches have to make choices, and there is no obligation to play him just because fans want to see it. Fans seem to forget that there are few sure things in the NFL. Highly regarded players sometimes don't work out, and players who were afterthoughts sometimes do. It was a gam


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
He should either be the backup or released. I don’t think he is a starting NFL QB but get him some mop-up duty to prove it either way. What a stupid, wasted trade that our wonderful GM pulled off…..
That doesn't make sense mid season. There needs to be a 3rd QB on the roster. As for mop up duty, that doesn't prove anything. That's generally just inserting a QB so the starter doesn't get hurt when the outcome is already assured.


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Zeke has nothing to do with Lance

It’s an indicator of a malfunctioning team and FO. You trade a 4 for a guy you sit for 2 yrs you bring back a RB who’s obviously not going to contribute to wins . Get the connection connect the dots ?