Larry Brown says TO stopped on several routes today


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JordanTaber;2448275 said:
This picture ends any shred of credibility you thought you had:


Not true. For what ever reason owens let up on the route.


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JordanTaber;2448275 said:
This picture ends any shred of credibility you thought you had:

Are they holding hands? Pass interference?


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JordanTaber;2448275 said:
This picture ends any shred of credibility you thought you had:



actually it shows exactly what I said. he looked as if he was running at half speed and tried to catch up at the end and just waived an arm out at the ball. had he been running hard and left his feet he could have broken up the ball.

he cries for the ball, even when he is double covered, he he has to back it up with effort on every play.


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jobberone;2448246 said:
I wrote I thought he gave up a little on the INT. In his defense, assuming he actually did slow down too much, he likely never thought the ball would be coming his way. He was too well covered and I think he slowed a little instead of putting on that burst he has. He may have just scored a TD. But there are way too many IFs to make much of this play.

I've no doubt he doesn't give it his all at times. Maybe too much. But to bash a guy after 5 or so catches for 98 yards is too much for me. His teammates like him and I suspect if he was guilty of 5% of what people here accuse him of then he would be hated and despised.

But if your going to piss and moan like he does you should give 100% all the time no? How is Romo supposed to know if he's going hard or taking a play off?


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theebs;2448284 said:

actually it shows exactly what I said. he looked as if he was running at half speed and tried to catch up at the end and just waived an arm out at the ball. had he been running hard and left his feet he could have broken up the ball.

he cries for the ball, even when he is double covered, he he has to back it up with effort on every play.

It shows exactly what you said? A PICTURE shows how hard a player is running?

Tell me, what type of paint chips did you eat as a baby?

By the way, I saw the play and you're full of ****.


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Dave_in-NC;2448292 said:
But if your going to piss and moan like he does you should give 100% all the time no? How is Romo supposed to know if he's going hard or taking a play off?

thats easy.

He has the media and the homer fans all in his corner.

When he catches a ball its because they are finally throwing it to him and trying to get him the ball. When he has drops and doesnt make the play he was asked to make, its the system and the coaches fault.

he has the perfect scenario after what happened during the sf game.


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JordanTaber;2448299 said:
It shows exactly what you said? A PICTURE shows how hard a player is running?

Tell me, what type of paint chips did you eat as a baby?

By the way, I saw the play and you're full of ****.

oh you saw the play.

I take it all back.

your right. and I am stupid and full of blank.

Royal Laegotti

Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy!
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Dave_in-NC;2448281 said:
Not true. For what ever reason owens let up on the route.

I also felt he let up on the route after watching the replay. Good job T.O. He'd probably have more catches and TD's if he'd hustle all the time and learn to concentrate more on the easy throws! Oh well he is what he is, annoying and many times dissappointing but still very good as much as I hate to say he is.


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Royal Laegotti;2448309 said:
I also felt he let up on the route after watching the replay. Good job T.O. He'd probably have more catches and TD's if he'd hustle all the time and learn to concentrate more on the easy throws! Oh well he is what he is, annoying and many times dissappointing but still very good as much as I hate to say he is.

He's a great player. It's his attitude I hate. How people can say he's
got a good attitude or is a great teammate is beyond me.


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theebs;2448189 said:
It proves he gets that way. Always has.

some people would be shocked to see him in person on the field. he barely talks to his teammates and he looks to be disinterested at times.

the guy has more talent than most of the wr to have ever played the game but he always allows his lousy personality to be the story.

and by the way, I am not saying he did anything wrong today and there is nothing to get upset about. however, his effort on that int was really poor and if is going to get all the glory all the time and blame everyone else when he plays poorly, he should be called out for his lackluster effort here and there.

TO has done nothing wrong as a Cowboy but continues to get bashed on by fans on this board... I mean come on, yall still mad at him for what he did in frisco and Phily, granted he pouts but thats him but without him we would be in trouble, period....


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Boyzmamacita;2447937 said:
He also said that TO could've scored a TD on two of them if he had kept running. Not to start anything, but it seemed that he was a little peeved when Witten scored too, IMO. I hope I'm wrong. I'm a TO fan unlike some around here.

On the pass that was intercepted in the end zone, that was definitely TO's fault because he stopped on the route and gave up the ball over the top.

On the BS grounding call, TO stopped short and Romo anticipated him going on a streak instead because of the blitz. I'm sure there were probably others, but I'll have to watch the game again to remember them.


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theogt;2448318 said:

The INT is at about 2:30 into the video.

Just my opinion, but I don't see how you could possibly ever blame that on TO. Tony Romo is my favorite Cowboy player ever, and I'm an extreme idiotic homer, but I lay the blame 100% at his feet.

I dont think anyone is blaming owens for the INT. It his lack of effort on the play that is disheartening. The ball should never have been thrown. but if owens is the player he says he is, then romo is giving him the opportunity to go up and make a play there.

In the video you can not see him running the route. Like I said, I was staring at him that whole play because he was coming right at me, and i dont think he was expecting the ball and he tried to catch up to the throw at the end and just waived at the ball.


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theebs;2448332 said:
I dont think anyone is blaming owens for the INT. It his lack of effort on the play that is disheartening. The ball should never have been thrown. but if owens is the player he says he is, then romo is giving him the opportunity to go up and make a play there.

In the video you can not see him running the route. Like I said, I was staring at him that whole play because he was coming right at me, and i dont think he was expecting the ball and he tried to catch up to the throw at the end and just waived at the ball.
You can see him running the route in the video. It shows it right after in a replay (within the replay). Owens runs the route extremely hard until he turns to look for the ball, which is natural. Once he locates the ball he realizes it's out of reach and stretches forward to try and knock it down.

It looks to me as though he only lets up on the route when he turns his head to locate the ball. By then its too late, as it was a poorly thrown ball into perfect double coverage.


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Dave_in-NC;2448323 said:
He's a great player. It's his attitude I hate. How people can say he's
got a good attitude or is a great teammate is beyond me.

he's a great teammate because everyone on the team loves him, compared to being a jerk to everyone. he pouts and all but what football player has ever cried about his QB.

Defintion of a bad team player are players who throw team members under the bus and talk dirty about everyone, all TO talks about since he's been a Cowboy is himself, Cocky and arrogant, Yes. great teammate, yes...

Even after all that stuff in Phily all the philly player basically took TO side, going to his party's and everything, if he was a bad teammate they would not bother with him....


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theogt;2448335 said:
You can see him running the route in the video. It shows it right after in a replay (within the replay). Owens runs the route extremely hard until he turns to look for the ball, which is natural. Once he locates the ball he realizes it's out of reach and stretches forward to try and knock it down.

okay man.

I wont argue it anymore.

I was not going to get involved in any owens talk, with the team winning I really dont care what the guy says or does. So this is my last post on the guy for a long time.

Bob Sacamano

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theebs;2448332 said:
I dont think anyone is blaming owens for the INT. It his lack of effort on the play that is disheartening. The ball should never have been thrown. but if owens is the player he says he is, then romo is giving him the opportunity to go up and make a play there.

In the video you can not see him running the route. Like I said, I was staring at him that whole play because he was coming right at me, and i dont think he was expecting the ball and he tried to catch up to the throw at the end and just waived at the ball.

Aikman said during the broadcast that he didn't think TO thought that Romo would throw the ball to him, because he was covered pretty well on that play w/ help over the top, and I agree, Romo should have saw it and not thrown it to him

TO runs that route as hard as he can and 2 defenders are still on top of him, it looks like TO gave the greatest effort when he saw the ball coming towards him, that's better than nothing

I'm with you though, I don't care what TO does as long as he produces, and we're winning


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theebs;2448332 said:
I dont think anyone is blaming owens for the INT. It his lack of effort on the play that is disheartening. The ball should never have been thrown. but if owens is the player he says he is, then romo is giving him the opportunity to go up and make a play there.

In the video you can not see him running the route. Like I said, I was staring at him that whole play because he was coming right at me, and i dont think he was expecting the ball and he tried to catch up to the throw at the end and just waived at the ball.

:hammer: The point is that people like Moss and Williams make that grab, but TO doesn't even try. He's a good player, but he does pout on the field quite a bit and gives up on routes.