Larry Brown says TO stopped on several routes today


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I noticed it too. He slowed up on Romo's interception. Had he run hard through that route, it would have been a TD instead of an interception.

He actually had started to slow up on the TD pass as well, but kicked it in when he saw the ball was thrown his way. A harder pass on that play by Romo probably would have be overthrown. Luckily, for us and TO, Romos pass was had a little air under it, allowing TO to turn it on again and catch it.

I get irritated at the drops, especially on the slant in the fourth quarter that would have been a huge gain. Why not throw that same exact throw to Roy Williams? Do you think he drops it?

I just hope our season doesn't end on a dropped TD by Owens.


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Wrangler87;2450701 said:
I noticed it too. He slowed up on Romo's interception. Had he run hard through that route, it would have been a TD instead of an interception.

He actually had started to slow up on the TD pass as well, but kicked it in when he saw the ball was thrown his way. A harder pass on that play by Romo probably would have be overthrown. Luckily, for us and TO, Romos pass was had a little air under it, allowing TO to turn it on again and catch it.

I get irritated at the drops, especially on the slant in the fourth quarter that would have been a huge gain. Why not throw that same exact throw to Roy Williams? Do you think he drops it?

I just hope our season doesn't end on a dropped TD by Owens.

It may end on a outstanding catch for 6 by TO. Works both ways.. Just sayin!!!!


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People just need to forget about the "Owens disrespected the Star thing" he was on an opposing team that hated the Cowboys now he is a Cowboy and deserves our support just like every other member of this TEAM. I mean he wants to end his career here not anywhere else. He will always be remembered as a Cowboy as well he should be. I mean look at what Emmitt did.....he went to Arizona after a great career as a Cowboy with 3 SB's but do people see that as a disrespect? Probably not. You just have to Embrace the Hatred like someone on this board says and be happy that TO is now a Cowboy and is now one of the Most Hated receivers on America's Team....and I know he is Embracing the Hatred.


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diekrazy;2450849 said:
People just need to forget about the "Owens disrespected the Star thing" he was on an opposing team that hated the Cowboys now he is a Cowboy and deserves our support just like every other member of this TEAM. I mean he wants to end his career here not anywhere else. He will always be remembered as a Cowboy as well he should be. I mean look at what Emmitt did.....he went to Arizona after a great career as a Cowboy with 3 SB's but do people see that as a disrespect? Probably not. You just have to Embrace the Hatred like someone on this board says and be happy that TO is now a Cowboy and is now one of the Most Hated receivers on America's Team....and I know he is Embracing the Hatred.

I hated TO for disrespecting the star. Now I love him for helping the Cowboys win games. Anyone who doesn't realize that the media manipulates our perceptions of things needs to really think about it. Yes, TO is a publicity hound, but who has control over what we see and hear and read? Hint: It's not TO. The media has decided that one Terrell Owens is public enemy number one and they cover him ad nauseum. They could ignore him and bring the world other sports news, but instead they hang onto his every word and try to take those words out of context to make him look like a bad guy all the time. It's a shame some folks don't know bull **** when they see it. You can say he brings it on himself, but once again, who writes the columns? Who broadcasts over the airways? It aint Terrell Owens. He wants publicity and he gets it, but whose fault is that?


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Boyzmamacita;2450865 said:
I hated TO for disrespecting the star. Now I love him for helping the Cowboys win games. Anyone who doesn't realize that the media manipulates our perceptions of things needs to really think about it. Yes, TO is a publicity hound, but who has control over what we see and hear and read? Hint: It's not TO. The media has decided that one Terrell Owens is public enemy number one and they cover him ad nauseum. They could ignore him and bring the world other sports news, but instead they hang onto his every word and try to take those words out of context to make him look like a bad guy all the time. It's a shame some folks don't know bull **** when they see it. You can say he brings it on himself, but once again, who writes the columns? Who broadcasts over the airways? It aint Terrell Owens. He wants publicity and he gets it, but whose fault is that?

Babe L made a good point about TO in the pre-game show...he said that it's not so much he's a disruptively bad teammate, but it's how he PRESENTS himself.

Just coming out and saying how he's not happy enough about his production only sets himself up for media firestorm. Look at Jason Witten, OTOH-there's no question he too gets unhappy if he doesn't catch enough balls. But you don't hear him coming out to the media and expressing his displeasure. He'll say things like, "I'm happy for the win".

Like I said-Owens hasn't been a bad teammate at all. He's actually been a decent team player while here(and no, he didn't exactly give up on routes like Larry Brown et al said). But he needs to at least keep a low profile if he doesn't want all this media firestorm on him.


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Boysboy;2450881 said:
Babe L made a good point about TO in the pre-game show...he said that it's not so much he's a disruptively bad teammate, but it's how he PRESENTS himself.

Just coming out and saying how he's not happy enough about his production only sets himself up for media firestorm. Look at Jason Witten, OTOH-there's no question he too gets unhappy if he doesn't catch enough balls. But you don't hear him coming out to the media and expressing his displeasure. He'll say things like, "I'm happy for the win".

Like I said-Owens hasn't been a bad teammate at all. He's actually been a decent team player while here(and no, he didn't exactly give up on routes like Larry Brown et al said). But he needs to at least keep a low profile if he doesn't want all this media firestorm on him.

What's that supposed to mean..............exactly? A CYA because you don't really know. A great word for a lawyer. They call it a loop-hole.

How do you know this? I've watched every game on T.V. and I don't know this. I have seen him trail off on routes occassionally but the camera was quick to change and I didn't know the play's circumstances.


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tyke1doe;2450532 said:
True, we can't be certain that T.O. is the most selfish/ most "me" person in the NFL. But it's not a stretch to say it.

What other wide receiver do you know who gets more television coverage than T.O.?

What does that have to do with HIM? He can't control how much TV coverage he gets--he made the "fatal" (oh heaven forbid) error of going to the star back in 2000. They've stalked him ever since. He makes the lead story for using too much toilet paper.

Which other wide receiver do you hear constantly talking about how much he wants the ball?
Um...all of them? At least, every receiver who actually IS somebody.

What other wide receivers have uttered to the cameras, "I know they don't want me to shine, but I'm going to shine anyway because I love me so me. Believe it!"
You can not be serious. I hope for your sake that you're just trolling.

Which other receivers can't seem to keep their mouth's shut?
OK...I see what I'm dealing with utter moron.

As humans, we don't possess the powers of infallibility and omniscience. We can't know everything there is to know about a person. But we can make observations and come to reasonable conclusions based on those observations.
Who are you trying to fool, exactly? So it's reasonable to assume that because Owens is the most PUBLICIZED receiver, he is also THE MOST SELFISH. Do you even know what "selfish" MEANS?

And a reasonable conclusion to make, based on the evidence (his past and present behavior and the face-time he gets on television and face-time he simply can't refuse because he can't keep quiet), is that the most me person in the league.
You should be banned for writing such an idiotic post.


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Dave_in-NC;2450616 said:
Show me any other NFL player in the past few years who has had his mug on any sports show or pregame show more than owens, complaining.

As I said to the last guy--he can not really help how much he appears on sports shows that are obsessed with him. Even if he keeps a low profile, simply not getting enough balls thrown his way will lead to pregame shows speculating on when he's going to "blow up."

But again--complaining? COMPLAINING? Do you know what COMPLAINING means?

Here's a hint: It does NOT mean answering QUESTIONS pertaining to whether you're satisfied with the number of passes thrown your way with "I'm a competitor, so I'm gonna have to say no. I want the ball."

Ignorant sheep like you get tricked into thinking Owens somehow goes right in front of the camera and just offers this stuff up unprompted...when what actually happens is he is asked numerous questions pertaining to HIM and HIS production, and he tries to answer them truthfully.

That's NOT complaining.

Then people like you blame the press for it. Is it in his contract to keep his face on TV?

No, but it's in ESPN's, apparently.

You don't think Cards fans were tearing their players apart the other day? Really? Philliy fans booed their team in the first few minutes.

Do you honestly believe fans on the Cardinals message board posted threads saying that Fitzgerald/Boldin have clearly lost a step, can't do this, that, this, that, and this, and are hurting the football team and should be cut at the end of the year?

Give me a break.

Heck, just look at the other Dallas players; who on the team gets ripped as often as Terrell Owens (who also happens to be one of the BEST players on the team)?


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JordanTaber;2451113 said:
As I said to the last guy--he can not really help how much he appears on sports shows that are obsessed with him. Even if he keeps a low profile, simply not getting enough balls thrown his way will lead to pregame shows speculating on when he's going to "blow up."

Really? He can't? Sure he can, think about it, it's easy.

But again--complaining? COMPLAINING? Do you know what COMPLAINING means?

Sure do, I suggest you look it up and listen to a few owens press confrences. Just maby you can figure it out.

Here's a hint: It does NOT mean answering QUESTIONS pertaining to whether you're satisfied with the number of passes thrown your way with "I'm a competitor, so I'm gonna have to say no. I want the ball."

He doesn't have to say any thing does he?

Ignorant sheep like you get tricked into thinking Owens somehow goes right in front of the camera and just offers this stuff up unprompted...when what actually happens is he is asked numerous questions pertaining to HIM and HIS production, and he tries to answer them truthfully.
Now you hurt my feelings.:lmao2:
That's NOT complaining.

No, but it's in ESPN's, apparently.


Do you honestly believe fans on the Cardinals message board posted threads saying that Fitzgerald/Boldin have clearly lost a step, can't do this, that, this, that, and this, and are hurting the football team and should be cut at the end of the year?

Nope, because they haven't. I bet they were ready to hang Warner though, and who ever dropped some passes.

Give me a break.

Can't help ya there.

Heck, just look at the other Dallas players; who on the team gets ripped as often as Terrell Owens (who also happens to be one of the BEST players on the team)?

No other player promotes HIMSELF like owens does, not one.
Maybe pacman but that's another story.

Here's a suggestion that owens might use though.
He does it with Werder. NEXT QUESTION.


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JordanTaber;2451105 said:
What does that have to do with HIM? He can't control how much TV coverage he gets--he made the "fatal" (oh heaven forbid) error of going to the star back in 2000. They've stalked him ever since. He makes the lead story for using too much toilet paper.

Um...all of them? At least, every receiver who actually IS somebody.

You can not be serious. I hope for your sake that you're just trolling.

OK...I see what I'm dealing with utter moron.

Who are you trying to fool, exactly? So it's reasonable to assume that because Owens is the most PUBLICIZED receiver, he is also THE MOST SELFISH. Do you even know what "selfish" MEANS?

You should be banned for writing such an idiotic post.

If that isn't ironic.:lmao2:


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Dave_in-NC;2451138 said:
No other player promotes HIMSELF like owens does, not one.
Maybe pacman but that's another story.

Here's a suggestion that owens might use though.
He does it with Werder. NEXT QUESTION.

So are you saying we're going to crash and burn, and finish 9-7 b/c TO is handicapping this team?

Should we just look forward to next season now?


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Boysboy;2451144 said:
So are you saying we're going to crash and burn, and finish 9-7 b/c TO is handicapping this team?

Should we just look forward to next season now?

Ummmmmm nope, I don't see where I wrote that. You need pictures to comprehend what was written?:D


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Nothing is quite as funny as posters labeling a player a distraction when the only people distracted are the posters...


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You can't compare TO DISRESPECTING the star to Emmitt playing with the Arizona Cardinals... I mean that is one crazy comparison! Jerry Jones & Emmitt Smith agreed to part ways. When Emmitt played against the Cowboys and got injured by a Roy Williams hit (when he used to to hit people) there was no disrespect there because Emmitt is the opponent, the enemy, and such is life. But Emmitt is still my favorite player of all time and when he retired, he did so as a Dallas Cowboy. We've had many opponents beat us on the field but I don't hate them... none of them ever disrespected the STAR. That's a big deal to me as a Dallas Cowboys fan, simple as that and that is my feeling, opinion and choice.

As far as the way TO acts, well you see it everywhere he goes to play... SF, Baltimore, Phily & now with Dallas. You all have your opinions on TO, some have positive ones, some negative ones... but his sometimes negative attitude towards the teams he plays on, along with the "disrespecting the STAR" issue is enough for me to NEVER like TO no matter what. He's wearing the star on his helmet and he plays well, I will cheer; but not for him but rather for the team he is representing - my DALLAS COWBOYS!!!


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BTW, the play that I was angered at TO was with about 15 seconds left in the 1st quarter and TO blatantly doesn't try to do anything with Witten possibly getting more yards IF TO maybe helps block a little... just sad, especially when you talk so much trash about how great of a player you are. Just like we praise his talents like HE wants us to, he (and all the TO lovers) need to take notice when he messes up - like not attempting to block, not running a good route or slowing down on a pattern. The only real negative that I noticed from TO in this game was that lack of a block; I don't fault him on Romo's pick & I don't agree with Larry Brown's assesment on that play.


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Dallas22;2451404 said:
BTW, the play that I was angered at TO was with about 15 seconds left in the 1st quarter and TO blatantly doesn't try to do anything with Witten possibly getting more yards IF TO maybe helps block a little... just sad, especially when you talk so much trash about how great of a player you are. Just like we praise his talents like HE wants us to, he (and all the TO lovers) need to take notice when he messes up - like not attempting to block, not running a good route or slowing down on a pattern. The only real negative that I noticed from TO in this game was that lack of a block; I don't fault him on Romo's pick & I don't agree with Larry Brown's assesment on that play.

So tell us, is TO a positive or negative on this team?


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5Countem5;2451454 said:
So tell us, is TO a positive or negative on this team?

Like I said earlier, when you say, "I like him/her as a person, BUT..."...that's the key word, BUT.

Either you like the person, or not. There's no spinning or 2 ways about it.


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Boysboy;2451463 said:
Like I said earlier, when you say, "I like him/her as a person, BUT..."...that's the key word, BUT.

Either you like the person, or not. There's no spinning or 2 ways about it.

He's either a positive or negative for this team, which is it for you?


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I think that he is both because he can and does disrupt a team with his off-field stuff and many comments... he is also a talent on the field and demands that defenses double him which opens up the other recievers and tight ends on his team.

If I HAD to pick one or the other I'd say that he is negative because the Cowboys can get another WR that can demand double-teams and can catch as good or better than TO. Most don't have the baggage and seemingly negative/bad attitude and post game comments that can hurt a team. I think that Roy Williams is a player that meets this criteria but imagine him with Boldin... our weapons would be just as good in my opinion without the crap by TO.

Just my opininon :)


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Dallas22;2451518 said:
I think that he is both because he can and does disrupt a team with his off-field stuff and many comments... he is also a talent on the field and demands that defenses double him which opens up the other recievers and tight ends on his team.

If I HAD to pick one or the other I'd say that he is negative because the Cowboys can get another WR that can demand double-teams and can catch as good or better than TO. Most don't have the baggage and seemingly negative/bad attitude and post game comments that can hurt a team. I think that Roy Williams is a player that meets this criteria but imagine him with Boldin... our weapons would be just as good in my opinion without the crap by TO.

Just my opininon :)

You do realize that just because he disrupts YOU, that is not evidence he has done anything to disrupt the Dallas Cowboys, right?

I'm sure the players don't fret over every TO interview.