Twitter: Last player off the field

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Munch on this one for now....

The fact that he's so bad against good teams that it warrants CBS making a graphic to tell the story is concerning to me.


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Ehh I don't think you're being entirely truthful here. You make posts to rile up a certain audience on this site you can't say you don't lol. Or maybe its to rile up Rockport. I don't know what it is but you're not objective in your Dak posts at all.

Again, I post stats to try and support my position and if stats 'riles up' people then they are not being objective but rather emotional.


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It concerns me that the team has been trending down lately. Bad coaching will cause that.

So will inconsistent QB play. So will a bad defense. So will bad drafts. So will overpaying players that aren't worth it (we have 4 , Dak, Dlaw, Zeke and Cooper). Coaching can't be blamed when your QB panics and throws bad passes, coaching can't be blamed when the QB fumbles at a historic rate, coaching can't be blamed when the play is there to be made and the player doesn't make it.. etc. Not arguing that coaching matters, or that there have been some really awful in game calls, especially last year, but Dak has been at fault just as much. So has a lot of the D players, same for Zeke. None of them are without blame. Which is why it is called a team game. No one does anything alone. But if Dak gets the credit for 42-27- he gets the blame for his pathetic record against good times as of late. The sword cuts both ways.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
So will inconsistent QB play. So will a bad defense. So will bad drafts. So will overpaying players that aren't worth it (we have 4 , Dak, Dlaw, Zeke and Cooper). Coaching can't be blamed when your QB panics and throws bad passes, coaching can't be blamed when the QB fumbles at a historic rate, coaching can't be blamed when the play is there to be made and the player doesn't make it.. etc. Not arguing that coaching matters, or that there have been some really awful in game calls, especially last year, but Dak has been at fault just as much. So has a lot of the D players, same for Zeke. None of them are without blame. Which is why it is called a team game. No one does anything alone. But if Dak gets the credit for 42-27- he gets the blame for his pathetic record against good times as of late. The sword cuts both ways.
Dak's involvement is tiny compared to coaching. Bad drafts? You lost credibility with that remark as their drafting has been very good of late.


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It concerns me that the team has been trending down lately. Bad coaching will cause that.

Dak Stats Rookie Season

13-3 record 311 of 459 Comp % 67.8% 3,667 Yards 8.0 YPA 23 TD's 4 INT's TD % 5.0 INT % 0.9

Dak Stats 2017-2020

29-24 record 1,203 of 1,834 Comp % 65.6% 13,967 Yards 7.62 YPA 83 TD's 36 INT's TD % 4.45 INT % 1.95

So statistically speaking since his successful rookie season Dak's record (down 26.6%) Comp % (down 2.2%), YPA (down .38 YPA), and TD % (down .5%) have been decreasing while his INT % (up 1.05%) has increased.

As many have said including myself, Dak passing more is not the answer to a winning formula but resorting back to the approach of the 2016 wherein Zeke and the running game were the focus with Dak supplying a complimentary role is a far better approach....but obviously not possible now after the contract extension and over commitment to the passing game.


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You don't have to get all defensive and stuff, just work on your content, you'll get a respectable post to like ratio one day. Don't give up!
Or I could just be like you and work really, really, REALLY hard at it by trolling and getting the trolls on this site to like all my comments. Nah....I'm good lol.


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Again, I post stats to try and support my position and if stats 'riles up' people then they are not being objective but rather emotional.
That's not what you do....For instance, you use stats from 2017-2020 to try and make your point that he's somehow gotten "worse" even though we all know who pay attention that he got hurt last year and 2017 was his worst year of his career. You picking certain stats to tell a narrative that isn't correct.


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Just like the stat 47-27 riles you up. Now que the bizarre hater rationalization.
I'm a Cowboys fan, Rockport. Why would that stat rile me up?

The only thing I find troublesome about that particular stat is that when you look at it with context you can see how the longer Dak is playing the closer that record is getting to .500.

I would prefer the opposite effect, but that's just my opinion.


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The problem is for some members any reply to them or Rock even with stats is seen as trolling so the whole hater/troll comments are nothing more than a butthurt response by those who feel slighted by any Dak criticism.
the problem is for some members any reply to them or MC even with stats is seen as being a dak supporter so the whole dak-lover comments are nothing more than a butthurt response by those who have an agenda by dak-bashing.

see how it works...the knife cuts both ways


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For Pappy it's easy. He was on the old board and he was upset Dak was the QB instead of Romo in 2016. Every week he would profess it would be the end of Dak and every week he was proven wrong. He's just kept up his nonsense over here after that board was closed.
in other words, he was a romo-sexxual and he felt its you know if he still has a poster of shirtless romo on the ceiling in his bedroom?


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False stats dont count
I don't really care if you accept stats or not. You're the one that will look emotional in a debate because you chose to call any stats you don't like "false". It's pretty embarrassing if I'm being honest.


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Dak's involvement is tiny compared to coaching. Bad drafts? You lost credibility with that remark as their drafting has been very good of late.

How are you defining "very good of late". - way to early to make any determinations for 2020 and 2021 draft classes, both look promising but way to early. After that, it is really not all that stellar IMO.
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