LAT: NFL warns Texas ‘bathroom bill’ could jeopardize its chances to host future Super Bowls

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i mean what do you honestly believe she gonna snatch up your daughter underneath your nose? like what do you think is going to happen?

its just people who want to come to the wonderful united states. they wont do anything wrong...
Good, who cares? They local vendors may have done ok but the actual City of Houston lost money.
i mean what do you honestly believe she gonna snatch up your daughter underneath your nose? like what do you think is going to happen?
You missed my point. But this is not a topic that feel strongly about....whereas it seems to be one very dear to your heart.
I'll politely withdrawl from this thread. Not worth it.
I've got a wife and three daughters. Anyone who poses as a woman to get into the girls bathroom and harm them will pay the price.

Good news here is that the overwhelming majority of people don't go to the bathroom to harm others. Those who do are so few in number I'm not even sure they can be called a minority, just isolated incidents.

If you live in an area with a decent population, you might find a little comfort in the fact that someone in your family has likely already been in a bathroom with a transgendered person and they came away unharmed. With estimates of 6 in 1,000 identifying as transgendered, it's likely that your entire family has been in the bathroom at the same time a transgendered person was. Nobody was harmed, and I'd wager none of you was even aware of it.

Think of it this way. At any given Cowboys game there are (statistically) 600 transgendered people spread across the spectrum of transitioning from one sex to the other. At some point in time these people went to the bathroom and you can rest assured that at some point there were penises in the women's room and vaginas in the men's room. Nobody knew.
The world in general has lost its mind...............I'm so glad that I grew up in the era that I did instead of this crazy world we live in now.

Our priorities in this country we have now are not the ones that built this country into what we wished it still was.

It really makes me sad
Good news here is that the overwhelming majority of people don't go to the bathroom to harm others. Those who do are so few in number I'm not even sure they can be called a minority, just isolated incidents.

If you live in an area with a decent population, you might find a little comfort in the fact that someone in your family has likely already been in a bathroom with a transgendered person and they came away unharmed. With estimates of 6 in 1,000 identifying as transgendered, it's likely that your entire family has been in the bathroom at the same time a transgendered person was. Nobody was harmed, and I'd wager none of you was even aware of it.

Think of it this way. At any given Cowboys game there are (statistically) 600 transgendered people spread across the spectrum of transitioning from one sex to the other. At some point in time these people went to the bathroom and you can rest assured that at some point there were penises in the women's room and vaginas in the men's room. Nobody knew.
On the flip side of that coin, why spend billions on less than 1% of the population that is doing just fine as things are right now, in your own words
On the flip side of that coin, why spend billions on less than 1% of the population that is doing just fine as things are right now, in your own words

I agree. I don't know who made it an issue in the first place. People have been using public bathrooms for a long time without it being a big deal. Should've never made it a political issue.
The most surprising aspect of this whole topic is that it has managed to make it entire weekend without getting locked
So you're fine with pre-op transgendered folks using the men's bathroom and post-op using the women's? How is that a principled position?

a pre op trans woman in the mens room would actually be far more confusing to a young male, or a pre op trans man would be just as confusing to a young girl. As far as "danger" goes, provide some statistics to quantify this danger. the amount of assaults on cis gendered individuals by trans genders is statistically negligible as opposed to the amount of assaults on trans gendered inviduals by cis gendered individuals.
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