LAT: NFL warns Texas ‘bathroom bill’ could jeopardize its chances to host future Super Bowls

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I can see that the movies "Boys Don't Cry" and "The Crying Game" are huge hits with some around here. .:p
The level that some here identify with this makes it seem that either they are TG or someone they love is.
No sweat off my back either way.

or does it mean that those who are vehemently opposed to it are compensating?
Yeah I guess video taping young girls is not a problem for you...lets give men MORE access for a made up issue..... the burden is on the 1/2 of 1% to adjust not the other way around

yeah, that is exactly what I wrote #strawmenRus

Fact is, you have probably already been in a bathroom with a tranny, hell maybe you checked him/her out.

You cannot deny someone his/her/zer rights because you think the right is weird. I don't understand transgenderism given I am not one. I do know from what I have read, no one chooses it, it happens. No one chooses to be transgendered due to the discrimination those who are face every day.

At the end of the day, you can take a stand, lose business and money, or you can adapt.
yeah, that is exactly what I wrote #strawmenRus

Fact is, you have probably already been in a bathroom with a tranny, hell maybe you checked him/her out.

You cannot deny someone his/her/zer rights because you think the right is weird. I don't understand transgenderism given I am not one. I do know from what I have read, no one chooses it, it happens. No one chooses to be transgendered due to the discrimination those who are face every day.

At the end of the day, you can take a stand, lose business and money, or you can adapt.
or you can
Saw an article "Because in Texas, a bill was filed requiring people to “use bathrooms that correspond to the sex on their birth certificate.”

League spokesman Brian McCarthy made a statement issuing the threat to Texas in response to an email. “If a proposal that is discriminatory or inconsistent with our values were to become law there,” he wrote, “that would certainly be a factor considered when thinking about awarding future events.”

Good news for us, if Jerry can't host a super bowl then maybe he'll care more about winning a super then playing along with the elites and fight against the NFL on certain hit for signing players in an un capped year...Suspensions and investigations that don't seem to be doled out evenly, etc...
I have no idea why this issue is so divisive. I dont see it as a LGBT issue at all but rather a safety issue. No one wants a perv following their daughters into the women's bathroom and the law protecting the creeper who claims he wants to be a woman today. Seems like an easy solution since most places already have family bathrooms available. The fact that the NBA and now NFL feel they have to bully states to conform seems pretty uncool.
I have no idea why this issue is so divisive. I dont see it as a LGBT issue at all but rather a safety issue. No one wants a perv following their daughters into the women's bathroom and the law protecting the creeper who claims he wants to be a woman today. Seems like an easy solution since most places already have family bathrooms available. The fact that the NBA and now NFL feel they have to bully states to conform seems pretty uncool.

that perv is already going to the can with your son...
What happened in the 80s and 90s? Did post-op "females" go into the women's room and nobody noticed or cared? So why is this an issue today? Somebody had to have cried about it. And if you're gonna cry about "her" being in the bathroom with your little girl, then don't also cry about your tax dollars going toward an "Other" bathroom. Can't have it both ways. Personally I'd rather my tax dollars not go toward silly issues. Bad enough we need two bathrooms.

strange question - is this crime dependent upon this law? what can we do with the laws to prevent someone from trying to pass off as a female and go into a restroom to assault someone? far as i know that's already illegal.

this just seems "side noise" because someone doing this already doesn't care about the law that says not to. i doubt there's a fringe element looking for some form element of surprise that is this law si changed, they will suddenly start assaulting people cause they can now dress up and enter the ladies room as others have already done regardless of the law.
so screw it, let them go to the little girls room too....let's just give up and give in to the predators
not at all - just tell me how a law to stop them from doing what there are already laws to stop them from doing with greater penalties will stop them?

ie - dress as a female, go into restroom, assault someone. major crime, major penalties. lots of time in jail likely playing hard to get at the prison dances.

change law. must use proper bathroom. penalty if you do not? we tell you again to use the proper restroom.

now - how will the penalties of law 2 help stop them from committing a crime they're already doing despite law 1 given the much greater penalty for their actions?

i'll wait.
You and your friends are talking about right to access certain bathrooms of 1.4 million American citizens. If that's not a political question I don't know what it is.

Would love to see the data supporting your "strait in line e with rational thinking"

Being a rationalist and all.

I expect to get sidelined. But I'll go down fighting for my fellow Americans while you do ... whatever it is you do.

LOL your fellow Americans?

Transgendered Americans make up a very small minority of this country, very small. Yet, we have people like you who want to force this issue down the throats of the vast majority of Americans that do not agree with the notion of allowing biological men to enter and use a bathroom with a biological woman.

I live in North Carolina and have about had it with this issue. LOL how is it rational to impose the opinions of the few over the vast majority?

Like Gay marriage in this state. Like in others, the voters struck down gay marriage here overwhelmingly, but then we have people like you who decide that you know better than the actual people.

So don't give me this crap about your fellow Americans. The will of the people has been trampled on by the likes of you and it makes me sick.
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not at all - just tell me how a law to stop them from doing what there are already laws to stop them from doing with greater penalties will stop them?

ie - dress as a female, go into restroom, assault someone. major crime, major penalties. lots of time in jail likely playing hard to get at the prison dances.

change law. must use proper bathroom. penalty if you do not? we tell you again to use the proper restroom.

now - how will the penalties of law 2 help stop them from committing a crime they're already doing despite law 1 given the much greater penalty for their actions?

i'll wait.
It gives men a legitimate reason to be in the Ladies Room.....without this nonsense a man should never be in a locker room or bathroom of the opposite sex unless they are cleaning it with the door open

This law means a man cannot be forced to leave UNTIL he commits a crime...... that is moronic

Using your logic there should be no murder laws or drunk driving laws because people just do it anyways

You never make laws to cater to less than 1% of the population, especially under great push-back and extortion threats
again - you outlaw it, will it stop them?

all i'm asking. you can lob drunk drivers at me if you like, but how would this actually stop someone from doing it if this were their goal to begin with.

just 1 person - how would it stop them?
again - you outlaw it, will it stop them?

all i'm asking. you can lob drunk drivers at me if you like, but how would this actually stop someone from doing it if this were their goal to begin with.

just 1 person - how would it stop them?
nice does allowing it prevent crimes against transvestites?????
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