Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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The victim doesn't have to report it for an adult to be off the hook for not reporting it. So if manager Joe Bob knows that a 5 year old child ( or any minor regardless of age) molested at his store by another adult and Joe Bob can prove it; then Joe Bob is mandated by the state to report it or he's in serious trouble. And whatever store he represents is also liable. The idea is most minors do not report sexual assault, in fact only about 10% of victims seek help. So the states/courts want to protect the victims as much as possible knowing that most victims do not tell anyone. So if Joe Bob knows, and can identify, that an adult sexually molested a minor then Joe Bob better report that. The victim reporting it has absolutely nothing to do with the adults responsibility of reporting.

Okay not to make light of this type of situation but how is that stat gathered
The victim doesn't have to report it for an adult to be off the hook for not reporting it. So if manager Joe Bob knows that a 5 year old child ( or any minor regardless of age) molested at his store by another adult and Joe Bob can prove it; then Joe Bob is mandated by the state to report it or he's in serious trouble. And whatever store he represents is also liable. The idea is most minors do not report sexual assault, in fact only about 10% of victims seek help. So the states/courts want to protect the victims as much as possible knowing that most victims do not tell anyone. So if Joe Bob knows, and can identify, that an adult sexually molested a minor then Joe Bob better report that. The victim reporting it has absolutely nothing to do with the adults responsibility of reporting.

I get that but if Joe Bob is complicit in the cover up the main office has no knowledge of the video it will be hard to prove liability even though the corporate offices may settle to avoid the PR of a trial. If no police are involved and corporate is not notified they have now ay of knowing there is or is not footage.
maybe he did a search for his name and he saw you posting something negative about him. you've always hated dez.
Not true.

Love the guy's game and how he has developed....I think. We'll see what's up tomorrow, if anything.

But I always deal with what is, not what I want to be what is. Won't apologize for that. He had a rough start, but came around nicely. Again, I think.
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Okay not to make light of this type of situation but how is that stat gathered

That's more of a guess cuz it's hard to measure how many victims come forward when there's so many that don't come forward. In my observable experiences it is roughly 10%. Some have done official studies to see how many seek help and how many don't. But even those you take with a grain of salt just cuz of the amount of victims that don't come forward. So overall it's hard to nail down a concrete percentage of how many come forward but it's pretty staggering how many victims don't come forward. That's why it's so important for adults to do what they can to protect minors.
[q uote="jrumann59, post: 5989526, member: 6055"]I get that but if Joe Bob is complicit in the cover up the main office has no knowledge of the video it will be hard to prove liability even though the corporate offices may settle to avoid the PR of a trial. If no police are involved and corporate is not notified they have now ay of knowing there is or is not footage.[/quote]

Ok i get what your saying. Sorry i totally misunderstood your question. If Joe Bob has proof and is hiding it and the victim never says anything and the offender is never prosecuted then Joe Bob will get away with it. I wouldn't recommend that cuz if the offender ever gets caught with any other offenses then Joe Bob is at risk or if someone were to stumble upon that tape then Joe Bob is screwed. But if no victim comes forward, no offender is prosecuted and no other incidents happen then Joe Bob would be ok, it would be hard to hold him accountable with no triggering event to get the law involved. But if for some reason the law does get involved Walmart would be scrutinized pretty heavily for an assault happening on their premises and a person of authority hiding it. For example, i recently worked a case that a underage drinking party resulted in a teenage girl getting raped while she was drunk. The parents ( of the male) who owned the home and were asleep when it happened were prosecuted for obstruction and reckless endangerment because they knew minors were around alcohol. courts don't play around with minors getting hurt by adults.
Honestly guys, a sex offense with a child in a Walmart is probably not it.

While that certainly would fit the "5x" multiplier, it's more likely that "5x" is little bit of an overestimation on the source's part.

Also, for anyone who needs to get their pedo fix there are most certainly places that offer a hell of a lot more anonymity than behind the bike rack at Walmart.

Never say never, but this situation would have to be about as close to never as it gets, don't ya think?

I won't put it past Dez to make some bad decisions, but being a pedophile? And not just a pedophile, but a pedophile who literally cannot control himself and would molest a child in public?

Not even really worth discussing, IMO, but stranger things have happened.
Man Dez is my second favorite player of all time- only behind Romo. I pray this is not true.

Reading around the web though i am about 95 percet sure it is. Major outlets are reporting it- Colin Cowherd talked about it.

I read a rumor ( i dont know if its posted in here) that its Dez playing the knockout game in a Walmart parking lot.
taken from cowboys reddit from a user named fir3drill

show recap ---

Calling himself Joey on the show.

Terez claiming he doesn't know the content of the video, but he has a source that hasn't led him wrong before.

Terez is apparently the same guy who broke the Jerry Jones bathroom photos.

Claims he has been sued about Dez photos before.

Source is apparently not a media person.

Terez says that he'll come back on air to apologize if a video doesn't come out.

If this turns out to be BS, I wish there was some way that Cowboy's fans could file a class action lawsuit against this POS.
If this turns out to be BS, I wish there was some way that Cowboy's fans could file a class action lawsuit against this POS.

They absolutely can sue if they wanted to. It would put a stop to these rumor sites that say anything, even if it hurts someone else.
i wouldn't be surprised if its jerry himself releasing the video because he's scared of signing Dez long term(with a ton of guaranteed). Just thinking like a business man. Say its petty ? he's not suspended but there is something leaked but its not enough for Dez to get suspended. Who does that favor ?

the timing just seems suspicious .

I read the content before I looked over and saw your name.'re on to something...........that's the ticket!!!:facepalm:
Seems to me that showing a tape of something Dez did years ago, as has been noted, might not have too much bearing on the person Dez has become in the here and now. People make adjustments, some of them quite meaningful, at various stages of their life. Showing a tape of something that happened long ago appears somewhat shaky at best as any manner of a truly valid condemnation. This may well be nothing more than a money-grabbing venture, regardless of the harm it could potentially cause. I'm fairly skeptical but we'll see.
If this turns out to be BS, I wish there was some way that Cowboy's fans could file a class action lawsuit against this POS.

Dez can certainly sue, and for huge dollars, all he has to say is that it hurt him in negotiations and bang, he's a few million richer.
I don't care what Dez did years ago, it's about who he is TODAY. We all have a past.
Has to be reported right away. Then Cops and Feds will come asking all parties involved, including the man who sat on the tape. "So you knew about this? Held child porn? Ok, put your hands behind your back for me"

IF it is something like this, i may be wrong here but wouldnt the Statute of Limitations already passed and the law cant even do anything?
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