Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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So where is this video that was promised to be out by noon?

Today or tomorrow. Maybe. But probably tomorrow. Unless it isn't.

Now Florio has backtracked like crazy. A bunch of "may or may not exist" and "I haven't actually seen it" and it "may or may not even be Dez Bryant in the video."
Ravid32 7 points an hour ago

Take it for what its worth but I have buddy who was working at a Walmart outside of Houston in 2011 to pay for college and said he heard from other employee that Dez got into a altercation with a pregnant women in the parking lot. They saw him stomping on her head while she was on the ground and threatened to kill her if she called the cops.
footage was from a phone, not walmart video

Yeah ok......


This I really don't believe. You really think Dez's camp would pay for some crap like this? If so they need to go down as well. I hope Dez and all of them never see the light of day if true, which i seriously doubt. Nobody called the cops? OK :lmao2:
Hey, I'm with everyone else that hopes like heck that this is not true. I'm no psychiatrist, but I think a lot of the joking in this thread and a lot of the people that are trying to break down why this could not possibly be true are all just trying to deflect the possibility that a very incriminating video does exist.

or that it's gotten so ridiculous and STILL nothing is out on it, so we're sitting here waiting for some real news and having fun in the process.

your theory is amazing tho.
i joined today because I'm a dez fan. Not a cowboys fan, live in Canada. Have no interest in the Cowboys or lying. Simply posting what i see on Reddit and reddit has broken many stories in the past

I've been on reddit and the Cowboys sub for quite some time. The Cowboys sub has literally broken no major stories I can think of in recent (see: since the Wade era) memory.

Stop it.
people on reddit have also made up 10000000000x more stories than they "broke."
reddit doesn't break anything, random people on the internet, using reddit, do.

Reddit is a better source than a guy with 1000 followers. Again a poster broke the Derrick Rose injury 10 hours before it was reported yesterday
look I'm just trying to find the answers. Ill stop posting them though just thought i would share as I'm sure many are interested other than me but i guess i was wrong. Take care, ill stick to merely commenting.
Damn I thought all the contract and tagging discussion for Dez and Demarco was old I can't wait for this to blow over so we can get back to that discussion!
Reddit is a better source than a guy with 1000 followers. Again a poster broke the Derrick Rose injury 10 hours before it was reported yesterday

"reddit" is not a source. PEOPLE on reddit can be a "source."
what the hell does derek rose have to do with this? is it supposed to mean a random person on reddit is reliable?
don't answer those questions, they're rhetorical.
you said you're not a cowboys fan but your username is literally "cowboys fan."
I've been on reddit and the Cowboys sub for quite some time. The Cowboys sub has literally broken no major stories I can think of in recent (see: since the Wade era) memory.

Stop it.

"reddit" is not a source. PEOPLE on reddit can be a "source."
what the hell does derek rose have to do with this? is it supposed to mean a random person on reddit is reliable?
don't answer those questions, they're rhetorical.
you said you're not a cowboys fan but your username is literally "cowboys fan."

i won't post anymore reddit rumors. Not a cowboys fan, just picked a random username first thing that came to mind. Sorry
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