Latest Forbes Teams Valuations - Cowboys Still On Top By A Lot


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Cue the ... Jerry only cares about $$$ ... crowd

One of the biggest fan myths ever. :laugh:
Jerry is a businessman, not a football player.
Most Valuable Sports Franchise in the World is his Super Bowl,

Courtesy of ChatGPT:
Here's a table of the most valuable sports franchise in the world over the past 10 years. The values are in billions of US dollars.

YearFranchiseValue (in billions)
2023Dallas Cowboys$8.0
2022Dallas Cowboys$7.6
2021Dallas Cowboys$5.7
2020Dallas Cowboys$5.5
2019Dallas Cowboys$5.0
2018Dallas Cowboys$4.8
2017Dallas Cowboys$4.2
2016Dallas Cowboys$4.0
2015Real Madrid$3.26
2014Real Madrid$3.44


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Hundreds of professional sports teams exist on every continent except Antarctica. None of them are charities. And there would be some at the bottom of the world if someone could make a buck off of team sports played there.

There is one thing separating Jerry Jones and everyone else on the business side of professional sports teams. He makes more profit than all the rest.

One thing separates Jones from the top tier of professional sports teams worldwide. He is an average sports operations management executive.

Jones has tried-and-succeeded at making his franchise the most profitable in the world. He has trial-and-errored at sports management for decades, although not from lack of purposeful effort. The latter is simply something he has been unable to package as a championship contending or winning formula during his post-Jimmy Johnson years.

Effort equals desire or want for something. Jones wants to win. His way. Unfortunately, he refuses to accept, season after season, decade after decade, that his way sucks.

Jones considers himself the captain of his football team's destiny. It is too bad for him that he annually grounds his ship onto Gilligan's Island.


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Cue the ... Jerry only cares about $$$ ... crowd

One of the biggest fan myths ever. :laugh:
Find me somebody that says Jerry only cares about $$$$? He certainly would love to win a Super Bowl but first and foremost it's about the $$$, which you can see over the last 30 years. If his main directive was to win a Ring then he would step down and Jr. would be banished....this is all we as "fans" need to know and see


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I guess you forgot why Parcells was hired back in 2003. In case you don't remember, it wasn't because Jerry was trying to bring in a big name HC to win games and compete for championships.

The #4 fan club is much worse.

Stop with the #4 fan club, it has notting to do with this.


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I guess you forgot why Parcells was hired back in 2003. In case you don't remember, it wasn't because Jerry was trying to bring in a big name HC to win games and compete for championships.

The #4 fan club is much worse.
Hahaah how ironic this post is. You literally pulled the worst example possible to defend this position. I’ll let somebody school you with facts. You are dead wrong here and Jerry is on record proving it.


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Cue the ... Jerry only cares about $$$ ... crowd

One of the biggest fan myths ever. :laugh:
Jimmy Johnson quoted Jones as saying , " I wake up thinking how I can make money and go to sleep thinking how I can make money". It's in his bio.

It's his #1 priority in life and he owns up to it.

His words......not mine.

The only myth I see is that he's a qualified GM.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Jimmy Johnson quoted Jones as saying , " I wake up thinking how I can make money and go to sleep thinking how I can make money". It's in his bio.

It's his #1 priority in life and he owns up to it.

His words......not mine.

The only myth I see is that he's a qualified GM.
One can make money and still want to get a championship. Oh, that is what ALL OWNERS AND TEAMS want.

I wake up thinking about how can I make money in my stocks today.
I go to bed thinking about what I did and what I will do tomorrow to make money In my stocks.

But I too still want Dallas to win a SB. :muttley:


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One can make money and still want to get a championship. Oh, that is what ALL OWNERS AND TEAMS want.

I wake up thinking about how can I make money in my stocks today.
I go to bed thinking about what I did and what I will do tomorrow to make money In my stocks.

But I too still want Dallas to win a SB. :muttley:
I never put money as my #1 priority and don't wake up or go to sleep thinking about it....but that's just me.

If he want to be successful at winning a Championship....just hire a real damn GM!!

True businessmen, delegate.....and not to their zero experience kids


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If he steps aside and the team wins another SB, that will just cast in stone that Jerry wouldn't have won the 3 SBs without Jimmy.

And he couldn't handle that. So he'll never step down....
We're going to make sure it is carved on his tombstone one way or another.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
He doesn’t only care about money. Just first and foremost. I’m sure he believes winning a championship would be nice too at some point.

He has certainly proven he’s not willing to do “whatever it takes” to win a championship or he would have long ago stepped aside.
We've had one of the best rosters the last 3 many ints has he thrown? How many passes has he dropped or how many stupid defensive gameplans has he put in? Sometimes silence is golden.
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Pats are running strong only due to Brady’s heroics mover the past two decades. As u said, their fall back to earth is right around the corner.
BB had more to do with that then Brady


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Absolute joke of a post from that guy. Embarrassing to say the least
I've liked him as a poster for the most part, but it's pretty disappointing to list examples and get such a weak reply. There's no point in parroting your opinion over and over and not attempting to back it up.


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The Cowboys spend as much money as they can within the rules.

The idea that they won't sacrifice money for wins is silly.
The notion that they don't know how to properly allocate the money to best accumulate that argument has some merit.


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The Cowboys spend as much money as they can within the rules.

The idea that they won't sacrifice money for wins is silly.
The notion that they don't know how to properly allocate the money to best accumulate that argument has some merit.
You are clearly unfamiliar with cash spending. Probably unfamiliar with its value and importance. They’re near the bottom of the league routinely in it. Also you aren’t familiar with how much they spend on their head coach - also near the bottom of the league. So please stop.